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Tag: financial domination

It’s time to slow down

It’s time to slow down

I’ve waited a bit to write this post because I first wanted to see if I was on the right path if I was able to keep my word. So far so good, some would say, so here I am telling you all about my good intentions.

Things were out of control

Ever since I sort of “made peace” with an old friend of mine (hint: I started using the best cam site for a paypig again), my spendings on financial domination sessions have been skyrocketing. You can see it yourself here, just take a look at the last three months of 2020 and January 2021. I have been spending the same in the past, but since 2016 I have never spent so much for so many months in a row. 

That site “exposed” me to an endless list of temptations, and I just started to taste all of them, ending up spending way too much.

I don’t regret it

Let me be clear: I am happy about those months. I had so many great sessions (and yes, also wasted some money on some really bad ones) and, on top of that, I was lucky enough to find my new obsession. The one I had my last session with, at the very beginning of February. The one I wrote about hereUltimateGoddess.

So, again, I really have no reason to regret those months: but you know what I’m like, I always want to stay inside my balance. I never want my spendings on financial domination to end up hurting the people I love most, never want my sins to be the cause of some troubles in real life. 

What I am planning to do

Here’s the tough part: writing down what my plans are and…try to stick to them. I have never been good at keeping the promises I make here on this blog, I have never managed to keep even one of them. I mean, this blog started with “I am writing here as I hope it will help me to stop“…and that was 11 years ago… so I don’t really look like being good in keeping my promises. But let me try once again.

My plan is to drastically reduce my financial domination spendings (meaning, no spendings at all) for at least two months. I am writing this after one month since my last session, so it seems I’m on the right path to this…but I still have to go a long way. As you all know, this is easier to be said than done, temptations are everywhere and, let’s face it, spending less doesn’t bring any sort of pleasure but… I’ll try my best. I need to slow down a bit, can’t really go on spending that much every month. I have to find a way to resist the temptation. I’ll keep myself busy perhaps, I’m not sure yet.

As you can tell, I am not sure if I will succeed, but rest assured that you will be the first to know on the pages of this blog.

Cover photo by Pixabay

She’s my new obsession: Smart, Beautiful, Greedy, and… always wearing nylons

She’s my new obsession: Smart, Beautiful, Greedy, and… always wearing nylons

She is m
y new financial domination obsession

I have visited countless Goddesses in the last 12 years, and only a few had a true effect on me. With some of them, I had more than a few sessions, a few became a very important part of my Financial Domination life. But there is only a handful of them that I am and will always be really obsessed with. You know who they are. Well, in December I had my first session with the one who quickly became part of that restricted group. 

The definition of the word obsession

What I consider an obsession

In my (pretty long) experience with online sessions, I can tell there are a few different reasons why I get back for a second, third, or more session. For sure the Goddess in question is exciting, probably knows the power of nylons on me, and most probably triggered my deepest fantasies. So I get back for more because I’m looking for that excitement I experienced the first time. 

But this is not an obsession for Her, it’s just me looking for more excitement, for another session as exciting as the previous ones. The only thing I have in my mind about sessions with this kind of Goddesses is how hot she looks and moves, most of the time. Nothing more. 

When I’m obsessed instead, there are way more reasons for me to crave more sessions:

  • She got inside my head 
  • She is not “just” beautiful
  • Her brain is even more powerful than her beauty
  • She made me experience things I didn’t expect to

Why she is an obsession

As you can imagine, the one I’m talking about also has so much more than just beauty. The first session I had with Her lasted 2 hours. And there are so many reasons why I enjoyed it. I won’t even talk about Her beauty, because it would be even too obvious: She is absolutely stunning, but there is way more!

In those two hours, we also laughed a few times, as she managed to be funny as well. We also talked about normal things like in a casual conversation (well, as casual as it can be talking while looking at such a beautiful Lady). She then made me try a couple of things I never tried before (won’t go into details, that’s personal), and that I didn’t even think could have excited me…but of course, they did. Big time. 

When the session ended, I didn’t feel just satisfied. I felt happy. Happy to have spent those two hours with such an exceptional Lady. Happy to have had the luck to discover such a Goddess. And I felt eager….eager to see Her again as soon as possible. Or, better said, as soon as my wallet would have been ready again for such a deep drain.

So who is she?

By now I’m quite sure you want to know her name, and how you can see her online. She calls herself UltimateGoddess and I don’t think any name has ever been more right. As always, a word of wisdom: if you are not ready to be completely drained by her, to be made her weak slave, to put yourself at Her mercy (which she doesn’t actually have, I’m afraid)…don’t read any further. 

If instead, you want to see Her online, then all you have to do is click here and visit her room, or go to this page to see if she is online. 

What now?

I am not planning to resist the temptation to serve Her, because it brings me happiness and joy, to be honest. But I need to find a balance between my desire to give everything to Her and my actual finances. As you know, I truly believe that the only way to enjoy Financial Domination is to keep a balance between what we desire and what our real-life allows us to do (and spend). It won’t be easy, and it will surely be my biggest challenge for the coming weeks and months. Rest assured that I will keep you all updated on this blog, as I usually do. 

Cover photo by Heiner

The 10 commandments of a moneyslave

The 10 commandments of a moneyslave

I have been a moneyslave for nearly 12 years now, and I think my experience can be useful to those just starting up into this. Through these years I made mistakes, lots of them. But I also spent some fantastic time with beautiful Goddesses. And I believe my success also comes from following some rules that, I believe, every slave should follow. So there they are and, please, you are more than welcome to comment on these.

1 – Don’t lie to a Goddess

If you lie to a Goddess, you will be the first one to suffer from that. Your session with Her won’t be as great as it could have been and, in time, she will find out about your lies and lose trust in you

2 – Don’t hide your true nature

This is very important especially during the first sessions you have with a Goddess. She can’t read your mind, She needs to know exactly what you are into so that she can give you the session you dream of

3 – Don’t settle for less

It’s always tempting to spend less money. You see two Goddesses that are somehow of interest to you (or look like it). One is clearly cheaper than the other one, but she is also less beautiful, has less style. You still like her, but not as much as the most expensive one. Well, don’t go with the cheaper one just because you want to save some money. You will end up spending with the cheaper AND spending with the most expensive one since you will crave for Her anyway. 

4 – Let go of your regrets

It’s difficult to avoid regrets. We all have them one time or another. But focusing on them, or letting them turn us away from our true nature is simply wrong. You are doing what makes you feel happy, you spent what you could spend at that moment. Don’t regret it.

5 – Never be a freeloader

If you really consider yourself a moneyslave, you will never, never, ever pretend ANYTHING for free from your Goddess. Always remember the value of Her time, the value of Her attention. And act as you acknowledge it.

6 – Think about your loved ones

It’s easy to lose control for us, but that never has to take your mind totally away from your family. If anything, take some precautions. Make it more difficult for yourself to spend more of the budget you thought. Your loved ones might be hurt by your actions: don’t let that happen.

7 – Respect the roles of the game

You are the slave, She is in charge. All the time. Never think for a moment that it can be anything different than this. She’s not your friend, She’s not any Woman: she’s your Goddess. And you always have to treat her as such.

8 – Don’t waste your time

The internet is full of girls (or even guys pretending to be girls) that think financial domination is easy money. They think all it gets is to ask for money from a slave, call him in some dirty ways, and he will just pay them. Don’t be THAT slave. If they think like this it’s because we’ve let them think like this, and we must work together to stop this nonsense. There are some of us who simply can’t distinguish a real Goddess from a fake one: this has to stop. Look around, document yourself, or simply compare those instadommes with the real Goddesses out there. Do they act the same? Do they do the same things, in the same way? Can’t you really see the differences? I know you can.

9 – Always thank Her

At the end of every session, or after she allows you to tribute her, you must always thank her. She just gave you what you wanted, she just spent some of her precious time with you, and she allowed you to spend some truly exciting time with her: the least you can do is be polite and thank Her for this.

10 – Write your own story

Each one of us is unique, there is no need for you to pretend to imitate someone else or to even compare yourself to others. You are who you are and, providing you will follow all these commandments, your experience as a moneyslave will be as valuable as the others. Other slaves can have different tastes, different amounts of time and money to dedicate to this, different things they like: but they are not you. Be yourself, enjoy financial domination as you think it’s best for you, and don’t compare yourself to others. If anything, look for ideas, suggestions, tips from other slaves: but never think their story can be exactly like yours. And also stop thinking because you have less money than them, you can’t be a good moneyslave. Financial Domination is about submission, total financial submission. The amount is not important, it’s how much it really means to you that is important.

Are you a paypig? Click here and spoil the Goddesses

The painful “Shut up and pay”

The painful “Shut up and pay”

I’m pretty sure you’ve heard this from Goddesses from time to time… you are in a session, you love what She is doing, how She looks, everything in Her. Words come out easily, but they are probably the kind of words she keeps hearing every single day (“you are gorgeous”, “I’m yours”, “oh my god You look stunning” and so on)…so…what does she say to you?

“Just shut up and pay”

Don’t get me wrong, this is nothing new or unusual. She has all the rights to give us orders (we are in the session for that reason!) and this can be one of them. But…it’s painful. At least for me.

You see…while in a session, I just can’t stop telling her how gorgeous She is and how She makes me feel. I feel like that way, perhaps, she can get a better feeling of what really “hits” me and what doesn’t, how she can more easily get to my brain, or just to express her my gratitude not just in tributes, but also in words.

It’s an important part of the whole session to me, and when She decides to take it away from me well…it’s one of the biggest forms of punishment for me.

I’m writing this because, as you can imagine, it recently happened to me. FeetGoddesss decided it was time for me to suffer, and the last session I had with Her was for a long part exactly like this.

She was there, as gorgeous and powerful as ever, and I wasn’t allowed to let Her know that. It was the first time she decided to order me that and, to be honest, I’m not sure I did anything wrong…most probably She just felt like being a bit more evil than usual…and trust me, it’s not like I didn’t enjoy the session.

Having her perfect feet in my face, waving like two snakes while she was wearing Wolford pantyhose was like Heaven…mixed up with a bit of Hell since I wasn’t allowed to tell her that. But I was allowed to tribute Her…and of course, I did that with much happiness.

It was different…it was puzzling… it was unique…and left me with the need to write this article.

How about you? Do you feel the same when that happens?

Dreaming of OneGreatDiva…

Dreaming of OneGreatDiva…

OneGreatDiva will never, never, never get out of my head. I find myself simply dreaming about her so often, even if I just had a session with Her, doesn’t matter. My brain doesn’t want to stop thinking about Her, not even while I sleep.

Why is that?

I’ve been asking myself this question many times and, as you can imagine, there is not a simple answer to that. It’s a mixture of so many things.

It’s not just her unmatched beauty, not just her unique attitude. It can’t even be just the perfect way she embraces being a Goddess. And let’s don’t forget the hugely successful life she lives: all those achievements in her business life, things that a guy like me could never even dream to do.
Again, it’s quite evident that she has so many ways to make me feel inferior, to make me worship her that well… I can never have enough of her. One session after another, I have now been her slave for several years…and the more I worship and spoil Her, the more I want to do so.

Spoiling OneGreatDiva is one of those things that ANY slave should do at least once in his life: she’s like no one else. So many Goddesses out there took inspiration for her, so many girls look at her as a role model…and there is a reason for that. But until you try for yourself, you will never fully understand.

If you want to elevate your financial domination experience today, do yourself a favor: click here and go visit her videochat. Then come back here and tell me how you feel… even if I already know what you will tell me.