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Category: Guest Posts

Pantyhose, High Heels, and Financial Domination: Inside My Session with Massi

Pantyhose, High Heels, and Financial Domination: Inside My Session with Massi

I am more than honored to say that this is a guest post by UltimateGoddess, who sent me this a few days ago. Needless to say, the fact that She decided to write an article about how She enslaved me, made me excited, happy and…willing to serve Her soon. To serve her, jump to the end of this post for the links.

Massi was no stranger to the world of financial domination when he stepped into my room for our first session. I’d already checked out his blog and knew exactly who he was—a seasoned money slave with a secret kink that I was just itching to explore. You see, Massi had this thing for ladies dressed up in pantyhose and high heels, their legs and feet being the ultimate turn-on for him.

When we finally sat down to chat, everything seemed so casual. We laughed and joked like old friends, but beneath that friendly surface, I was laying the groundwork to tap into his deepest desires. My plan was to gently coax him towards his fetish, using my soft-spoken charm to make him feel comfortable while also craving more.

UltimateGoddess findom hypnotic eyes

A few months later, we met again, and boy, had Massi been thinking about me non-stop! He even told me he’d barely logged onto his findom accounts during our break—talk about dedication! I knew then that my influence over him was as strong as ever, and it was just a matter of time before he’d be back for more.

When the day came, I decided it was time to really push his buttons. We started with some light talk, but this time around, I was on a mission to dive deep into his hidden desires. Massi wasn’t too bright when it came to hiding what he didn’t like—it was almost as if he wanted me to discover his kink for myself.

And discover it, I did. I started teasing him with hints of his fetish, and before long, he was squirming in his seat, trying to resist the pull towards what he claimed to hate. But resistance was futile because, let’s face it, Massi had a serious weakness for pantyhose-clad legs and high heels—and I knew just how to use that against him.

UltimateGoddess perfect findom legs in pantyhose and heels

I played with his mind, offering him glimpses of his obsession, making him crave the very things he said he didn’t like. And as the session reached its peak, Massi was putty in my hands. He couldn’t deny it anymore—I am a true Goddess, and I had turned his weakness into an intense pleasure that he couldn’t escape from.

After our session ended, Massi wrote all about his experience on his blog. His words were full of gratitude but also showed a deep obsession with me and my power to manipulate his desires. He was hooked, and I had transformed him from just another money slave into someone who would do anything for the chance to submit to my will—all because of his secret love for legs in pantyhose and high heels.

Erotic Fiction: How Amanda became a Findom Goddess

Erotic Fiction: How Amanda became a Findom Goddess

There was a woman named Amanda who was conscious of the allure of her legs and feet. Knowing full well that wearing pricey pantyhose or stockings and high heels enhanced the attractiveness of her legs, she delighted to do so. She also liked how her heels could be used to dangle from the tips of her toes, grabbing the gaze of any male who saw her.

On a train one day, Amanda met a man named Jack who was traveling for work. Jack was focused on his task and carrying a sizable amount of money. Amanda decided to take advantage of the circumstance because she saw an opportunity to use her attractive abilities to get Jack to do anything she wanted.

Amanda started by wearing a pair of high heels and crossing her legs, allowing Jack to get a glimpse of her silky pantyhosed legs. Jack was completely captivated, and Amanda could sense the attraction he had towards her legs. She then took things to the next level by slowly dangling her heels from the tip of her toes, making Jack even more captivated by her.

Amanda was aware that she had Jack exactly where she wanted him, since he was entirely under her spell. She asked him to massage her feet, and Jack gave into her charms and did what she asked. Amanda was pleased with the result and decided to take things even further.

While others were observing, Amanda and Jack were doing footsies under the lunch table when Amanda ordered Jack to kneel in front of her. Still in her trance, Jack complied with her demands. With complete control over the situation, Amanda was having a blast.

Amanda then stated her most important request. To her surprise, Jack gave her every single penny when she asked for all of his money. Her attraction was too strong for Jack to resist, and he was totally under her spell. Amanda was satisfied with the outcome and stepped off the train with a big sum of cash.

Since then, Amanda has vowed to use her seductive abilities to manipulate any man into giving her what she wants. She first realized the actual power of her legs and feet on that particular day. Now that she was in charge, no man could resist her charm.

Author: Sonny

Financial Domination: hated, loved, studied… and here to stay.

Financial Domination: hated, loved, studied… and here to stay.

Guest post by Sonny

A few years ago we could have said that Financial Domination was the newest trend in the BDSM scene, but today things are radically different. Financial Domination is now a quite popular part of BDSM, even though many professional dommes still don’t consider it to be “proper” BDSM and, actually, insist to say it’s all just a big scam. But did Financial Domination change the BDSM scene? And how? Let’s find out.

A brief history of Financial Domination

What started as a few wealthy men hiring “submissive” women to give them cash gifts is now a multi-billion dollar industry, with thousands of women around the world doing this as a full-time job. As we have seen, the exact moment when Financial Domination started to be a thing is hard to identify. The late 1990s and early 2000s saw an increase in this phenomenon, with websites like My Path to Financial Domination gaining a large following. Around the 2010s, the scene had already changed noticeably. Forums like Fetlife were buzzing with discussions about Financial Domination and the number of women doing this as a profession was increasing. This is when it became clear that the phenomenon was here to stay.

How popular is Financial Domination today?

It’s still hard to say how long Financial Domination will last since it’s a fairly new trend in the BDSM scene. The most significant thing about BDSM is that it thrives on constant change and evolution, with people constantly trying to outdo themselves and come up with something new. But even though Financial Domination is still something new, it’s been around for long enough to change the face of BDSM. It has become a very popular part of the scene, with many submissive men making this their primary source of income. This is a clear sign that Financial Domination is here to stay and that it has become a significant part of the BDSM world. It has even become such a popular choice that some people have even called it the “new normal” of BDSM. It’s interesting to note that this is also the title of a book about Financial Domination and BDSM written by professional dominatrix and sex educator Princess Paris.

Why Financial Domination is so hated in the BDSM scene

As we have seen, BDSM is a pretty wild and controversial scene, with many people condemning it because they don’t understand it. But even so, it’s surprising that the Financial Domination part of BDSM is so hated. Because BDSM, in general, is supposed to be all about consent, communication, and mutual pleasure, abuse and exploitation are not supposed to be part of the scene. Things are especially tough for women dominating men financially, as, unfortunately, the world is full of men with toxic masculinity who are quick to say that being exploited by a woman is not BDSM at all. But why is it that men being exploited and abused by women are the only ones unable to see the beautiful BDSM relationship that is implied in all of this? Why are they the only ones who are unable to appreciate a woman’s desire to dominate them and to make them feel happy and satisfied as part of a consensual game? The answer is simple: toxic masculinity.

How BDSM changed because of Financial Domination

New trends are emerging all the time, and this keeps the scene interesting and exciting. But every now and then there’s a paradigm shift, and we find ourselves in a new world. And this is exactly what happened when Financial Domination became a significant part of BDSM. This wasn’t a mere trend or fad – it changed the very rules and principles of the BDSM scene. The number of women doing this as a profession grew so much that many men who used to get their pleasure by being submissive and serving their female dominants started receiving their pleasure and satisfaction from having their female paypigs give them money. And as we have seen, many people condemned this, claiming it to be a scam. But as all things in life, BDSM is dynamic and highly changeable. Even if there are a few scammers, most people are doing this as a part of their relationship, in which both partners get off on the act of domination and submission. And this is how the BDSM scene changes and evolves: with new trends, new fetishes, and new ways of enjoying sex and intimacy.

The future of Financial Domination

Many people condemn BDSM because they don’t understand it. We’ve already seen that it’s a pretty wild and controversial scene. But even so, it’s surprising that the Financial Domination part of BDSM is so hated. But as we’ve also seen, BDSM is dynamic and ever-changing, with new trends, fetishes, and ways of enjoying sex and intimacy emerging all the time. And as such, it’s unlikely that Financial Domination will ever go away completely. BDSM will always be there, and it will continue to evolve and change the face of society. And as long as two consenting adults are getting their pleasure from it, there is no reason to condemn BDSM and its many manifestations.

About the author
Sonny is a BDSM enthusiast who has been experiencing many different kinds of BDSM practices in his over 20 years of experience. He loves to go deeper into the understanding of fetishes, and from time to time enjoys writing about his passion. After he discovered, he offered to write some guests posts every now and then