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Tag: paypig

Pantyhose, High Heels, and Financial Domination: Inside My Session with Massi

Pantyhose, High Heels, and Financial Domination: Inside My Session with Massi

I am more than honored to say that this is a guest post by UltimateGoddess, who sent me this a few days ago. Needless to say, the fact that She decided to write an article about how She enslaved me, made me excited, happy and…willing to serve Her soon. To serve her, jump to the end of this post for the links.

Massi was no stranger to the world of financial domination when he stepped into my room for our first session. I’d already checked out his blog and knew exactly who he was—a seasoned money slave with a secret kink that I was just itching to explore. You see, Massi had this thing for ladies dressed up in pantyhose and high heels, their legs and feet being the ultimate turn-on for him.

When we finally sat down to chat, everything seemed so casual. We laughed and joked like old friends, but beneath that friendly surface, I was laying the groundwork to tap into his deepest desires. My plan was to gently coax him towards his fetish, using my soft-spoken charm to make him feel comfortable while also craving more.

UltimateGoddess findom hypnotic eyes

A few months later, we met again, and boy, had Massi been thinking about me non-stop! He even told me he’d barely logged onto his findom accounts during our break—talk about dedication! I knew then that my influence over him was as strong as ever, and it was just a matter of time before he’d be back for more.

When the day came, I decided it was time to really push his buttons. We started with some light talk, but this time around, I was on a mission to dive deep into his hidden desires. Massi wasn’t too bright when it came to hiding what he didn’t like—it was almost as if he wanted me to discover his kink for myself.

And discover it, I did. I started teasing him with hints of his fetish, and before long, he was squirming in his seat, trying to resist the pull towards what he claimed to hate. But resistance was futile because, let’s face it, Massi had a serious weakness for pantyhose-clad legs and high heels—and I knew just how to use that against him.

UltimateGoddess perfect findom legs in pantyhose and heels

I played with his mind, offering him glimpses of his obsession, making him crave the very things he said he didn’t like. And as the session reached its peak, Massi was putty in my hands. He couldn’t deny it anymore—I am a true Goddess, and I had turned his weakness into an intense pleasure that he couldn’t escape from.

After our session ended, Massi wrote all about his experience on his blog. His words were full of gratitude but also showed a deep obsession with me and my power to manipulate his desires. He was hooked, and I had transformed him from just another money slave into someone who would do anything for the chance to submit to my will—all because of his secret love for legs in pantyhose and high heels.

Unveiling the Holy Grail: My Discovery of the Ultimate Financial Domination Manga

Unveiling the Holy Grail: My Discovery of the Ultimate Financial Domination Manga

From the moment I stumbled upon Manga comics, it was like finding a secret passage into a realm where every page whispered tales that resonated with my deepest fantasies. Manga, with its vibrant imagery and captivating narratives, offered an unparalleled excitement, an electrifying experience that set it apart from any other form of storytelling.

As I traversed the vast landscapes of the internet in search of Manga treasures, a persistent yearning emerged—a desire for a story that delved into the intricate dance of Financial Domination. This pursuit wasn’t just about finding any Manga; it was about unearthing a narrative that would capture the essence of how individuals like us, playfully dubbed paypigs, could be lured into surrendering our hard-earned money to an enticing woman. It’s the teasing, the sparkle in her eyes, the doubts lingering in our minds just before we hit that spend button, and the palpable desperation when we fear we’ve fallen short of her expectations.

Imagine my surprise when, just a few days ago, I stumbled upon what can only be described as the epitome of a Financial Domination Manga—a revelation that felt like destiny had orchestrated a perfect alignment of stars to fulfill my quest.

This Manga, this masterpiece, paints a narrative that transcends the boundaries of mere fantasy. Picture a cute girl, a virtuoso in the art of desire, skillfully teasing a guy into a whirlwind of spending. Witness his valiant attempts to resist the siren call of temptation, the ensuing shopping session that becomes a battleground of desires, and the crescendo of tension as he stands hesitating at the cashpoint, pulled by her teasing yet torn by an inner struggle.

It’s nothing short of a dream come true, a symphony of emotions and desires meticulously choreographed within the pages of “Hajimete no Mitsugi Maso-ka Choukyou – Misaki Route.” As you embark on this literary journey, prepare to be captivated, enthralled, and transported into a realm where Financial Domination and Manga intertwine seamlessly. Without further delay, I extend an invitation: lose yourself in the enchanting allure of this masterpiece, a tale that transcends the ordinary and plunges you into the extraordinary.

So, with bated breath and eager anticipation, step into the world of “Hajimete no Mitsugi Maso-ka Choukyou – Misaki Route” and allow yourself to be swept away by the magic it unfolds!

Exploring the Nature of Findom Sessions: Pleasure or Punishment?

Exploring the Nature of Findom Sessions: Pleasure or Punishment?

During a recent conversation with a fellow paypig, I came to realize the diverse ways in which individuals approach Financial Domination sessions. Personally, I view findom as a treat, while others perceive it as a means of escape or relief from life’s pressures. Let’s delve into these two distinct approaches and their implications.

Approach 1: Financial Domination as a Reward

In my case, I engage in findom sessions as a form of self-reward when things are going well in my personal and professional life. It’s akin to congratulating myself for achievements or simply enjoying the fruits of success. Think of it as saying, “Well done, now treat yourself!” For me, embarking on a Financial Domination session is contingent upon being in a positive mental state. If I’m feeling down or unhappy, the idea of a session wouldn’t even cross my mind. It would only be a waste of time and money. However, when I’m in a good mood, a session can be the perfect cherry on top of an already delightful situation. In rare instances, I might resort to findom when I’m angry, seeking solace from the source of my anger. Nevertheless, I avoid engaging in findom when I’m sad, disappointed, or worried.

Approach 2: Financial Domination as an Escape

Alternatively, some individuals turn to findom as a temporary escape from life’s challenges, seeking relief from situations that undermine their self-confidence. This approach is akin to other addictive behaviors, where individuals, amidst their lowest points, seek refuge in Financial Domination, only to find themselves feeling even worse once the session concludes.

Can One Choose Their Approach?

Personally, I believe that the choice of approach is not a conscious decision. It is our instinct that guides us towards findom when we feel the need for it. Instinct alone determines which approach resonates with us. While I acknowledge that my approach is not the only one, I consider it to be less perilous. When we are in a positive state of mind, our brain tends to function better, reducing feelings of desperation and self-harm.

What Are Your Thoughts? Please comment below and let me know your perspective!

10 New Year’s Resolutions for the Devoted Paypig: A Lighthearted Look at Life as a Financial Submissive

10 New Year’s Resolutions for the Devoted Paypig: A Lighthearted Look at Life as a Financial Submissive

As we enter a new year, many people are thinking about their resolutions and what they want to accomplish in the coming months. But have you ever considered the resolutions of a paypig?

I doubt anyone reading this would need an explanation of what a paypig is, but for the sake of this article…here it is.

A paypig, for those who may not be familiar, is a submissive individual who derives pleasure from financially supporting a dominant partner, often in exchange for attention, affection, or other forms of psychological gratification.

So, without further ado, here are the top 10 new year’s resolutions for a paypig:

  1. “I resolve to send even more money to my Goddess because nothing brings me greater joy than making her life a little easier.”
  2. “I resolve to learn more about the financial interests of my Goddess so that I can better cater to her needs and desires.”
  3. “I resolve to be more attentive to the requests and commands of my Goddess because her pleasure is my top priority.”
  4. “I resolve to save up for that special gift that my Goddess has been hinting at because making her happy is worth any financial sacrifice.”
  5. “I resolve to be more proactive in finding new ways to serve and support my Goddess because nothing brings me greater satisfaction.”
  6. “I resolve to work harder and earn more money so that I can offer even greater financial support to my Goddess.”
  7. “I resolve to be more creative in my financial tribute because my Goddess deserves the best and most unique gifts.”
  8. “I resolve to be more patient and understanding when my Goddess tests my limits because I know it’s all part of the dynamic we share.”
  9. “I resolve to communicate more openly and honestly with my Goddess about my financial limits and boundaries because honesty and transparency are key to any healthy relationship.”
  10. “I resolve to embrace my role as a paypig and embrace the joy and fulfillment it brings me because there’s no better way to start the new year than by embracing who you truly are.”

So there you have it, the top 10 new year’s resolutions of a paypig. Whether you’re a paypig yourself (and if you are, you should click here and start acting on this list) or a Goddess reading this post, I hope you enjoyed this little bit of lighthearted fun.

7 Goddess Ishtar photos to make you even more addicted to Her

7 Goddess Ishtar photos to make you even more addicted to Her

It’s no secret that there are some Goddesses out there to whom I am more weak and loyal and, without any doubt, Goddess Ishtar is the one I am most weak for.  

The reasons for that are many, and I could go talking about them for hours but, for the sake of this article, I will only focus on her incredible beauty

I will show you 7 pictures that completely define her breathtaking beauty and power: 7 dangerous pictures, 7 pictures that will make you want to serve Her as soon as you look at them.

If you are ready to face this risk, keep reading.

1 – Flawless body

I have been serving Goddess Ishtar for ages now, and I yet have to find another Goddess with a flawless body like hers. You cannot find an inch of Her body that is not worth serving, worshipping, and going into debt for. 

2 – Hypnotic Face 

I could keep looking at her face for hours, not even noticing that time goes by. Her eyes are magnetic, when she stares at you it’s like you can feel them all over your body, you can feel what it means to be hypnotized. Her lips are naturally perfect, without any artificial job on them. And her long and beautiful hair only makes her face look even more stunning and beautiful.

3 – Superiority and power

I’ve selected this picture because it’s a perfect representation of how you feel each time you find yourself in a session with her. She knows her immense superiority and power and is not afraid of using them for her own pleasure. You will find yourself feeling small, insignificant, weak, and powerless: but don’t worry, it’s what makes every session with Goddess Ishtar a moment to remember forever.

4 – Perfect in pantyhose

Needless to say, what caught me in Her net was also her pure passion for pantyhose and the perfect way she wears them. Her figure was born to enhance the beauty of pantyhose, and her legs and feet are made to be inside the world’s most expensive pantyhose. And every time she moves wearing them, no man stands a chance.

5 – Feet to be worshipped

Her perfectly shaped, arched feet will be in your dreams forever. The way she uses them, either to dangle an expensive pair of Louboutin shoes or to wiggle her toes, will take your breath away. Her feet are a dangerous weapon: one of the many she has at her disposal.

6 – Her ass: only for the brave

She obviously knows the value of our time with Her, and how privileged we all must feel when she allows us to be in her presence. Therefore it won’t happen often that you’ll be lucky enough to have a look at her perfect and beautiful ass. It will happen only if you are brave enough to face the path to this privilege: total obedience and proper draining are the keys. But once it happens, you will never want to live without this privilege. 

7 – Her breasts: a sight of Heaven

First of all, don’t even think for ONE second that Goddess Ishtar is one that will allow anyone to see her breasts. She won’t. For no reason and for no one. But you may be lucky enough that have a few glimpses at them when she is wearing some little more revealing lingerie like in this picture. At that moment, you will know what Heaven must be like. And, at the same time, know that you will never reach that kind of Heaven. 

Do you have what it takes?

So, after reading this post, do you have what it takes to serve Her?
If you think so, here are all the ways you can serve Goddess Ishtar:
🔗 Her OFFICIAL fan page (live cam, videos, private messages and more)
🔗 Live Cam
🔗 Skype

Click here and be Goddess Ishtar's moneyslave
When you need your “fix”

When you need your “fix”

Let’s face it: we, slaves, keep spending money on Goddesses because we need it, we crave it, we want it. Some call this a disease (a word that I hate) or, perhaps better said, an addiction. Maybe we can stay away for a while (usually just a few days), but then we always end up needing a session, needing to send a tribute, needing our “fix”.

According to the Oxford Dictionary, an addiction is “the fact or condition of being addicted to a particular substance or activity“. That kinda describes well what we are all going through…

And it even better fits when we look for the word addicted: “physically and mentally dependent on a particular substance”. Now, of course, we are not talking about a substance here, but for sure we keep doing this because it brings us pleasure, it gives meaning to our lives, and it makes us feel better.

So that’s why I think that a session (or a tribute) can actually be our “fix” for those moments when we start feeling down, even nostalgic about the last great session we had. We have all been through that: a few days passed since that fantastic session we had, and we start feeling in a bad mood, with a bit of sadness too. It’s like the world doesn’t smile at us anymore, it’s like nothing can make us feel better. That’s precisely when we need that medicine, the “fix” that can make us feel good and happy again with our lives. And a session with the right Goddess can greatly serve this purpose: She knows what we need, She knows what will make us feel better.

So there we are, in the end, we have one reason more to thank and appreciate what our Goddesses do: they really offer a social service in a way, for guys with this magnificent, unique, overwhelming illness that’s called Financial Domination.

Do you need your fix right now? Head over to the who’s live page, I can guarantee that ANY of the Goddesses listed there will take good care of your needs 😉

7 reasons why there is a new site I am spending lots of money on

7 reasons why there is a new site I am spending lots of money on

April 13th, 2022 update: Added the feedbacks at the end
April 23rd, 2022 update: Added more Goddesses to the list of those present on this site
May 10th, 2022 update: Added even more Goddesses to the list of those present on this site

May 9th, 2024 update: Fixed the list of Goddesses present on this site

I have been a moneyslave (or a paypig? No idea what’s the best way to call us these days) since 2009, and one of the things that come with it is the frequent need to adapt to changes.

Many things have changed in 12 years, especially on the internet: to give you an example, 12 years ago Facebook had 300 million users, now they are nearly 3 billion. Our lives changed, our habits changed…and online Financial Domination changed as well.

Changing my mind about cam sites

I wrote an article a while ago where I’ve listed the reasons why I thought a specific cam site was the best out there for a slave: at that time I was 100% convinced of it. 

Well, I have changed my mind this year. And I didn’t just change the cam site I spend my money on, I actually didn’t spend most of my money on a cam site!

The thing is that, as I said above, time changes, everything evolves, people want different things…and slaves too, since we are people, right? 

If you follow me enough, you know how much I love cam sessions, and I still believe a cam session is the maximum expression of online Financial Domination: nothing can be better than the feeling of losing control while the Goddess uses all your weaknesses right in front of you, giving orders you can immediately follow. But why should our Financial Domination experience be limited to just the duration of a cam session?

A site that makes the whole Financial Domination experience possible

I want to be able to send a message to the Goddess whenever I am thinking of Her, at the same time being sure that I am not wasting her time doing so. I want to tribute Her anytime I feel the need to. I want to be more in touch with Her and, if She wants, perhaps spend money to see some special content from Her. A cam site simply isn’t enough anymore. 

That’s why I decided to write here what made me change my mind, what made me spend the most on this one instead of on cam sites this year: here are the 7 reasons why that happened.

1. You never waste your Goddess’s time

This, to me, is the most important one. I have the highest respect for the Goddesses’ time, and the least I want to do is waste even one second of it. If She gives me a tiny bit of attention, she deserves to be compensated if she wants to. That’s the beauty of this site. She can decide to get paid for text messages or set them free. She can post content to be unlocked with a fee or not. She has complete control of what she wants us to pay or not pay, and this makes me feel sure that I will never be wasting her time

2. It is not mandatory to subscribe to the Goddess page

I hate sites like OnlyFans on which, basically, you need to pay a subscription to every model you want to interact with. I want to be able to have a cam session with a Goddess without having to subscribe to a page first, I want the freedom of sending messages or tributes to anyone. And besides, as you know, I am not the loyal type so… it may happen that, sometimes, I just want to have a cam session with a Goddess I’ve never visited before. Being forced to follow her page in order to do so, makes the whole thing less appealing.

3. It helps you find new Goddesses

This is another “plus” to other sites similar to this one. You can easily browse through models present on the site and it gets super easy to look around and get intrigued by Goddesses you didn’t know before. They display models in various ways, including the classic “who is available for cam” one, which makes it super easy to find a Goddess to have a cam session with. 

4. You can easily call your Goddess

This is not just one of the many fan sites out there, which are basically just a way to buy pictures or videos from your Goddess. She can even have a page only to offer cam sessions if she wants to, and calling her is just the click of a button. The quality of the call? No need to worry about it, I have never had a single issue with it. It works flawlessly each and every time. I would actually be interested to hear other people’s feedback on this, just to see if I have just been lucky or…it just works.

5. You get the full experience

As I said above, our Financial Domination experience doesn’t have to be limited to the duration of a cam session: and this is exactly what happens here. Anytime you want to be in touch with your Goddess, you simply open the site and, even if she is not online, you can browse through the content she posted, send tributes, send a text message. More than once I’ve sent a text message to a Goddess that was offline on the site, and she answered right away, while she was either shopping or doing whatever other thing in her life. It’s more or less like having her WhatsApp contact: anytime you want to send a message you can, and most of the time you’ll get an answer at times when she usually isn’t available. This makes my Financial Domination experience way longer than a cam session…it can basically last the whole day if I need it to.

6. It’s super easy to use

This might be a minor thing at first since we more or less adapt to anything, but when using a site feels fast and easy, you end up using it more and more. And that’s what happened to me. Everything comes easy and fast, and the whole look of it is nice (in my opinion at least).

7. Lots of payment options

We get back to the thing I was talking about at the beginning of this article: if 12 years ago it would have been ok to only have Visa or Mastercard as payment options, that’s not the case anymore these days. We need to be able to use credit cards, Paysafe cards, PayPal, direct banking, and so on… and this site offers all these options (some with a bit of a cost though). 

So, is this site perfect?

Not at all, and I don’t pretend to have every one of you get so enthusiastic about it as I did. But this is how I am, I tend to get over-excited about products and sites when I think they bring something new and smart to the table, I guess it’s related to the fact that I’m a technology enthusiast, I don’t know. 

This site has of course many rooms for improvement, one for sure is the lack of ability to search models based on interests, and I’m sure you can easily find other reasons for this site not to be perfect. But the whole meaning of this post was that, for me, the time for a cam-session-only Financial Domination experience is over: it’s time to evolve, it’s time to add something more to it, it’s time for feeling closer to the Goddesses I spoil. 

Goddesses you can already find there

If I said I’m spending the most on this site, it obviously means that many Goddesses already have an account there. To save you some time, I’m listing them all here.

Needless to say…visit them at your own risk. As you well know, they are the best of the best…

Some feedback I received

If you don’t want to trust my words on this… take a look at the feedback I received from a couple of goddesses who tried this site:

When a slave spoils himself

When a slave spoils himself

We, as paypigs, have one and only one duty: to spoil our Goddess. It’s an honor we gladly take, and it’s the only reason why we are on this planet.
We spoil Her however She pleases, without asking questions, without being able to resist for even one second. It’s the beauty of Financial Domination, isn’t it?

A different perspective

Now, how about we look at this from a different perspective? Are we really sure that, when we spoil a Goddess, we are spoiling just her? I’ll tell you what: we are not.
The thing is, in my opinion, that when we spoil a Goddess, we are also spoiling ourselves big time. Spoiling Her is what brings us the greatest pleasure, it’s what gives us joy, satisfaction. We are here to do just that, we crave for it, we crave for Her to take whatever she wants from our bank account. And when we achieve that, the pleasure is also ours. So, in a way, we are actually spoiling ourselves. Don’t you think?

You deserve it

So the next time you lose your brain and start sending money to your Goddess, don’t feel guilty, don’t have any regrets: you deserved it, you worked hard for it…so it was just about time you got spoiled a bit! You are bringing the greatest pleasure to yourself, no reason to feel bad about it. Embrace this moment, enjoy spoiling yourself, don’t hold back!