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Can Findom and a Committed Relationship Coexist?

Can Findom and a Committed Relationship Coexist?

can Findom and a committed relationship coexist?

Over the past 16 years, my journey in financial domination has taught me countless lessons—not just about findom itself, but about relationships, balance, and what it means to live authentically. One question I’ve often seen asked, and one I’ve grappled with myself, is this: Can you enjoy findom while being in a committed relationship?

Now, to be clear, I’m not talking about relationships where findom is openly discussed, accepted, or even part of the dynamic. Those are rare in my experience and not something I would personally pursue. I’m talking about someone like me—a sub deeply drawn to findom who also happens to be in a long-term romantic relationship or marriage, where findom is entirely off the radar for their partner.

Is it wrong? Is it cheating? Should you choose between findom and your partner? And if you want to keep both, how can you do so without causing harm to your loved ones? These are heavy questions, and while I don’t claim to have all the answers, I hope sharing my experiences and thoughts can help others navigate this delicate balance.

The Inspiration for This Post

Before diving in, I want to acknowledge something: part of what inspired me to write this post was the discussions I’ve seen in the paypigsupportgroup subreddit. This space has been a source of reflection and new perspectives for me, and I thought it was time to share my story in the hopes it might help others.

Is Findom Cheating?

Let’s address the first—and often most debated—question: is findom cheating?

If we stick to the textbook definition of “cheating” as acting dishonestly or unfairly for personal gain, then yes, findom qualifies. Engaging in findom often provides a kind of sexual or psychological gratification, and doing so without your partner’s knowledge could be considered a betrayal of trust.

But—and this is a big but—not all forms of “cheating” are equal. There’s emotional cheating, physical infidelity, and then there are fetishes like findom that occupy a different space altogether. For me, it’s not just about the dictionary definition; it’s about the impact my actions have on my partner and family.

Addiction or Part of My Sexuality?

This is a question I’ve wrestled with for years. I’ve often found myself torn between the guilt of engaging in findom and the undeniable need I feel to include it in my life.

I’ve tried quitting findom multiple times, sometimes for months at a stretch. But every time I stopped, I noticed the same pattern: I wasn’t happy. I became irritable, disconnected, and less present for my loved ones. It wasn’t just about missing findom—it felt like I was denying a part of myself.

Some might say this is evidence of addiction, and I won’t dismiss that entirely. But I’ve come to see findom as an integral part of my sexuality. It’s not something I can simply “turn off.” Instead, I’ve learned that I need to balance it with the other aspects of my life—work, family, and love—to feel whole.

Love Comes First—Always

No matter how much I enjoy findom, my partner and family will always be my top priority. Their happiness and well-being come first, and I ensure they never feel neglected or second to anything in my life.

This means being present, attentive, and fully committed to their needs. It also means maintaining trust—a trust that has been built over years of consistent love and care. If my family trusts me completely, they’re less likely to question my actions, which makes balancing findom and family life a bit easier.

Money and Trust: The Foundation of Balance

Findom isn’t cheap, and keeping it separate from your family finances requires discipline and effort. To make this work, I’ve taken on three jobs, working 11+ hours a day to ensure I can indulge in findom without taking anything away from my family.

Weekends are strictly for family time, and whatever money and time remain after fulfilling all other obligations are what I dedicate to findom. This approach ensures that findom never interferes with my responsibilities.

But money isn’t the only requirement. Trust is just as crucial. Your loved ones need to feel secure in your relationship and know they can rely on you completely. Building and maintaining this trust takes effort, but it’s essential for keeping findom in your life without causing harm.

The Lisbon Experience: A Hard Lesson

Even with years of experience, mistakes can and do happen. One of the most challenging moments in my journey was the infamous Lisbon experience, where I ended up spending €20,000 during a real-life session with Goddess Ishtar.

The session itself was unforgettable, but the aftermath was a harsh wake-up call. Scrambling to cover my tracks and ensure my partner wouldn’t discover what had happened was both stressful and complicated. The trust I’ve built with my loved ones over the years made it slightly easier to navigate the situation, but it was still a chaotic mess to manage.

I share this because it underscores the risks inherent in findom. It’s not without consequences, and experiences like this serve as powerful reminders of the need for careful planning, self-awareness, and unwavering financial discipline to avoid jeopardizing the trust you’ve worked so hard to build.

So, Can It Work?

For me, the answer is yes—but only with the right balance and priorities. Over the last 16 years, I’ve found a way to incorporate findom into my life while ensuring my loved ones never suffer for it.

That said, it hasn’t always been smooth sailing. There have been ups and downs, moments of clarity, and times when I felt like I was failing. But through it all, I’ve learned how to navigate this complex dynamic in a way that works for me.

Would my partner be hurt if they found out? Of course. But the goal here isn’t to justify deception—it’s to share how I’ve managed to reconcile this part of myself while prioritizing the people I love.

What About You?

This is my story, but I’m curious to hear yours. Have you found a way to balance findom and a committed relationship? Do you think it’s possible, or is it a line that shouldn’t be crossed? Let’s discuss.

Exploring the Nature of Findom Sessions: Pleasure or Punishment?

Exploring the Nature of Findom Sessions: Pleasure or Punishment?

During a recent conversation with a fellow paypig, I came to realize the diverse ways in which individuals approach Financial Domination sessions. Personally, I view findom as a treat, while others perceive it as a means of escape or relief from life’s pressures. Let’s delve into these two distinct approaches and their implications.

Approach 1: Financial Domination as a Reward

In my case, I engage in findom sessions as a form of self-reward when things are going well in my personal and professional life. It’s akin to congratulating myself for achievements or simply enjoying the fruits of success. Think of it as saying, “Well done, now treat yourself!” For me, embarking on a Financial Domination session is contingent upon being in a positive mental state. If I’m feeling down or unhappy, the idea of a session wouldn’t even cross my mind. It would only be a waste of time and money. However, when I’m in a good mood, a session can be the perfect cherry on top of an already delightful situation. In rare instances, I might resort to findom when I’m angry, seeking solace from the source of my anger. Nevertheless, I avoid engaging in findom when I’m sad, disappointed, or worried.

Approach 2: Financial Domination as an Escape

Alternatively, some individuals turn to findom as a temporary escape from life’s challenges, seeking relief from situations that undermine their self-confidence. This approach is akin to other addictive behaviors, where individuals, amidst their lowest points, seek refuge in Financial Domination, only to find themselves feeling even worse once the session concludes.

Can One Choose Their Approach?

Personally, I believe that the choice of approach is not a conscious decision. It is our instinct that guides us towards findom when we feel the need for it. Instinct alone determines which approach resonates with us. While I acknowledge that my approach is not the only one, I consider it to be less perilous. When we are in a positive state of mind, our brain tends to function better, reducing feelings of desperation and self-harm.

What Are Your Thoughts? Please comment below and let me know your perspective!

10 New Year’s Resolutions for the Devoted Paypig: A Lighthearted Look at Life as a Financial Submissive

10 New Year’s Resolutions for the Devoted Paypig: A Lighthearted Look at Life as a Financial Submissive

As we enter a new year, many people are thinking about their resolutions and what they want to accomplish in the coming months. But have you ever considered the resolutions of a paypig?

I doubt anyone reading this would need an explanation of what a paypig is, but for the sake of this article…here it is.

A paypig, for those who may not be familiar, is a submissive individual who derives pleasure from financially supporting a dominant partner, often in exchange for attention, affection, or other forms of psychological gratification.

So, without further ado, here are the top 10 new year’s resolutions for a paypig:

  1. “I resolve to send even more money to my Goddess because nothing brings me greater joy than making her life a little easier.”
  2. “I resolve to learn more about the financial interests of my Goddess so that I can better cater to her needs and desires.”
  3. “I resolve to be more attentive to the requests and commands of my Goddess because her pleasure is my top priority.”
  4. “I resolve to save up for that special gift that my Goddess has been hinting at because making her happy is worth any financial sacrifice.”
  5. “I resolve to be more proactive in finding new ways to serve and support my Goddess because nothing brings me greater satisfaction.”
  6. “I resolve to work harder and earn more money so that I can offer even greater financial support to my Goddess.”
  7. “I resolve to be more creative in my financial tribute because my Goddess deserves the best and most unique gifts.”
  8. “I resolve to be more patient and understanding when my Goddess tests my limits because I know it’s all part of the dynamic we share.”
  9. “I resolve to communicate more openly and honestly with my Goddess about my financial limits and boundaries because honesty and transparency are key to any healthy relationship.”
  10. “I resolve to embrace my role as a paypig and embrace the joy and fulfillment it brings me because there’s no better way to start the new year than by embracing who you truly are.”

So there you have it, the top 10 new year’s resolutions of a paypig. Whether you’re a paypig yourself (and if you are, you should click here and start acting on this list) or a Goddess reading this post, I hope you enjoyed this little bit of lighthearted fun.

When a slave spoils himself

When a slave spoils himself

We, as paypigs, have one and only one duty: to spoil our Goddess. It’s an honor we gladly take, and it’s the only reason why we are on this planet.
We spoil Her however She pleases, without asking questions, without being able to resist for even one second. It’s the beauty of Financial Domination, isn’t it?

A different perspective

Now, how about we look at this from a different perspective? Are we really sure that, when we spoil a Goddess, we are spoiling just her? I’ll tell you what: we are not.
The thing is, in my opinion, that when we spoil a Goddess, we are also spoiling ourselves big time. Spoiling Her is what brings us the greatest pleasure, it’s what gives us joy, satisfaction. We are here to do just that, we crave for it, we crave for Her to take whatever she wants from our bank account. And when we achieve that, the pleasure is also ours. So, in a way, we are actually spoiling ourselves. Don’t you think?

You deserve it

So the next time you lose your brain and start sending money to your Goddess, don’t feel guilty, don’t have any regrets: you deserved it, you worked hard for it…so it was just about time you got spoiled a bit! You are bringing the greatest pleasure to yourself, no reason to feel bad about it. Embrace this moment, enjoy spoiling yourself, don’t hold back!

Every PayPig’s biggest problem: the rush

Every PayPig’s biggest problem: the rush

One of the things that always upset me more about my Financial Domination “life” is the amount of money that I end up wasting: lately, I think I identified where the main problem is, but before getting into that, let me explain what I really mean about wasting money in Financial Domination.

Here’s what wasting money on Financial Domination really means

First of all: if I thought that Financial Domination is just a waste of money, I would have stopped years ago. That is NOT what I think. Financial Domination is part of who I am, of my sexuality, and spending money on this makes me feel sexually satisfied. BUT. Not all money spent on Financial Domination is spent wisely. 

I had countless bad sessions, I’ve sent countless tributes to goddesses I end up spoiling just 2 or 3 times in 12 years, countless sessions that left me just angry with myself for days after they happened. 

Wasting money for me means paying for a session that ends up being totally unsatisfying. It means finishing the session and, for many days following it, keep thinking “damn If only I had spent that money with one of the best Goddesses out there…“. That is precisely the whole point. My wasted money is the one spent for a session I really don’t enjoy, especially if, rationally, I could have easily spotted it was going to be a bad session…but I decided to do it anyway. And the main upsetting thing is the thought that that money could have gone to a way more worth Goddess, if only…

The biggest problem: the rush

Picture this. It’s late at night, you are home alone, and you feel the urge to have a session. You start browsing the internet looking for one of the best Goddesses you know, hoping one of them will be online to drain you as good as you feel you need. But no one of them is around. No one. 

The rush of having a session is still there (or, better said, you are still excited as f**k), so you start looking around camsites or Twitter, searching for some Goddesses you never served before that, judging from what you can quickly see, could still give you what you want. 

That’s it. This is what will most probably make you waste money. 

No good decision ever arrives from being in a rush. Even more, if you are in a rush AND excited. If you are running from one site to another, in a desperate attempt to find a great Goddess, most of the time you will end up settling down with a girl that “more or less” can have potential…and she will not. Believe me. You WILL waste your money.

The solution: use your brain (the one inside your head)

I know very well how we all feel in these moments, and which brain we are actually using (hint: not the one inside your head). We could easily solve the problem and don’t waste money, but we fail because we just can’t think straight. Again, we are not using the brain inside our heads. 

What would the solution be? Easy: when that kind of situation arrives, get off those sites and just wank! Wank on your own, cum, and forget about that feeling. Then, when you are NOT excited or in a rush, browse the internet looking for new “potential” Goddesses. Follow them, see what they post, what they do, how they do things. In time you will get a pretty good feeling of those that could potentially be a good “fit” for you, and if you are lucky enough one of them will be online the next time you are in this situation.

It’s true that, in the end, we are all just a bunch of wankers. But what we are looking for is more specific than others and, often, more difficult to find. We usually need a connection with the Goddess, we need Her to behave, talk and act exactly as we dream her to do. There are many great Goddesses out there, but finding them takes time and dedication. It’s never a good idea to jump into a session with someone you’ve never seen before. 

Stop the rush, calm down (yeah, wank to do that), relax and use that brain. You will have other chances with the Goddesses you crave for, no one ever died for not having a financial domination session. Just calm the f**k down in those moments, and don’t waste money.