Financial Domination Educational

Financial Domination Educational

I started my financial domination journey back in 2009, so I think that, without sounding too bold or vain, I can define myself as a quite experienced moneyslave (at least for the online domination). More often than not I get contacted by people interested in this fetish, wanting to know more or to start making the first steps into it. Both slaves and dommes get in touch, asking advice on how to start, what to do, if one thing is wrong or right, and so on.

I wrote dozens and dozens of posts in this blog, never really thinking of “teaching” to anyone, but looking back at some of them, I think they could come of use to those who are inexperienced in this world and want to start enjoying Financial Domination.

So what I did was simply divide into different categories my posts, and I will keep doing that as time goes by, hoping they will be of some help to those reading them.

👺FinDom sessions: The slave dos and don’ts

If you are a slave and either is having trouble living with your financial domination, you are taking your first steps or you want to know more about this, check out the articles in this section

👺FinDom sessions: The Domme dos and don’ts

Many of the posts in this section are aimed at any domme, of any experience level. I don’t pretend to teach anything to Goddesses, other than maybe the point of view of a slave. Sometimes, either on purpose or not, some of a Goddess’s actions could easily keep slaves away instead of attracting them…you better check out these posts to know more. Note: if you are a domme, don’t forget to take a look at the Resources for Models page, where you will find more links to useful sites.

👺FinDom sites & software

As I said above, I consider myself a quite experienced slave when it comes to online financial domination. This experience, of course, involves sites and software that we all use to enjoy our fetish. Take a look into this category to find some useful tips and tricks about sites and software that can be used for FinDom.

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