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The PayPig Chronicles – Episode 2: “Back after 8 years”

The PayPig Chronicles – Episode 2: “Back after 8 years”


I started this series of posts talking about a session I didn’t enjoy much, this time it will be different. It will be about a session that brought me back in time, making me remember how gorgeous She was, and making appreciate once more the beautiful Woman she is. [click here to read the other episodes]

Episode 2 – Back after 8 years

One of the consequences of these online-only relationships we have with Goddesses is that, of course, they can end from one day to another, without any form of warning. Since we usually know only the “online version” of our Goddesses, ignoring everything connected to their private life, as soon as they decide to stop pursuing this career, they disappear from our lives. Forever. Sad perhaps, but that’s how it is. And there is nothing wrong with it.

That is exactly what I thought happened to one particular Goddess, a gorgeous, elegant, blonde with a quite evident passion for nylons and pantyhose. I used to visit Her quite often for a few years, mesmerized by her elegance, her dangling of those heels, her sweet but evil smile, her small but erotic moves. I always ended up having a great time with Her, dropping my jaw more or less every time I saw her. 

She was a rare gem: always dressed in an elegant way, more or less each time dressed in a different way, always in nylons. Perhaps the three most exciting things a Goddess can have in my opinion.

Then, from one day to another, she disappeared. She didn’t log anymore into her account, leaving me with no option other than moving on.

But a few weeks ago, the unexpected happened.

I was browsing the online models, as I often do, looking for a “fix” when…I saw she was online. It has been 8 years since the last time I had a session with her: I couldn’t believe my eyes.

I looked at her photos and recognized her in a matter of seconds. Sure she looked a bit different (we all change in 8 years!), but her beauty, her style, and her elegance, were all still there. Exactly as I remembered.

Little problem: I now had a different nickname on that site. What to do? I wouldn’t dare to be as bold as pretend she remembers me: in the end, I’m pretty sure I was just one of the many slaves she had…and so many years passed by…

So I decided to get in, don’t say who I was, and pretend it was my first session with Her. 

The session was amazing. Her beauty and elegance got me in trouble in a matter of minutes, her attitude was as I remember. She was calm, relaxed, even nice at times…but with a quite specific goal in mind: make me submit to Her. Which of course happened. It was a great session, and that night I went to bed quite happy: she was back.

And if that wasn’t enough, an even bigger surprise was coming…

A few days later, I went back to her hoping for a session. I entered her free chat, and asked if she was available. I didn’t get an answer so, after a few minutes, I left. Probably she was busy or something, it happens. 

A few minutes passed, and I got a message on Whatsapp:

Hi, do you still have this number? You messaged me a few minutes ago

Boy, I was shocked (in a very positive way)! Not only did she remember who I was, but she also recognized me even under a different nickname! A big smile came up to my face, while I told her how incredible all this was.

She told me she recognized my style during our first session but pretended she didn’t. So we basically played the same “game” during that session…how amazing that is!? She also added that, from time to time, she kept reading my blog during all this time.

Of course, I didn’t ask her why she wasn’t online for so long (and never will ask): that’s none of my business. That night we of course had another session, and more in the next days and weeks… She is back, and I couldn’t be happier.

So, who is this Goddess?

I promised myself to don’t say names or put links in this series of articles, but since I am speaking nothing else but positively of Her, I guess it won’t harm to tell you who is she: click here and see her online. As usual, be know the danger…

Spoiling Goddess Ishtar in 2022

Spoiling Goddess Ishtar in 2022

I have been a PayPig for more than 12 years now, and if there is one Goddess out there that has been a constant, prominent presence in my Financial Domination journey, that for sure is Goddess Ishtar.

The way I spoiled Her online more or less remained the same till a few months ago when I noticed She opened her new fan page

As soon as I saw that page, I was fascinated by the great variety of ways I could now spoil, serve and worship Her: I was not only limited to paying to see her on cam or to send her tributes!

To better explain what I’m talking about, I will try to describe the “process” that usually leads me to a draining session with Her, from the very moment when it all begins, a moment when I am usually not even excited, horny, or have any intention to send tributes.

Photos and videos to lure You in

Her page is like a magnet to me, and I’m pretty sure She uses it for that purpose. I visit it daily to watch her new content. I can’t resist the temptation to look at Her beauty, to drool on those pictures and videos, even when I don’t plan to have a session or send tributes, I still visit Her page and drool. And I think that’s exactly what makes her page so dangerous. Of course, I joined it so I can see all the content, but the monthly cost is nothing compared to the danger that page brings. I don’t even feel like that is a monthly tribute or anything, it’s just what allows me to watch her content, to drool on it, and to crave Her power.

Sending tips: when your desire starts to grow

I won’t deny that I always try to resist the temptation to be financially drained: it comes naturally, as a form of “self-defense”, let’s say. And besides, where is the excitement if I don’t even try to resist? It’s part of the process for me, it’s part of my way of living financial domination…it has always been there. And this is exactly why the ability to send tips to Goddess Ishtar, anytime and from anywhere, looks like the perfect way to give in a bit, but not too much. At first, it feels like the perfect way to stay in control of the situation. You think you are just sending a small tip, feeding your desire to spoil, but can still keep it under control in this way. But that’s not really what’s happening in your brain. Tipping Her is the perfect way for your brain to get used to spending, to open your wallet a bit…ready for it to be drained big time later.

The thing is that… I look at one picture I like and want to express my gratitude to Her. Just pressing the “like” button doesn’t feel enough. That’s how the little green button “tip” on the bottom of the picture starts to demand to be clicked. It looks like the only way to satisfy a bit of my need of serving Her, but what it really does is open up my brain for the soon to come real draining. At this stage, what usually happens is that I end up sending a tip on each of the new photos or videos She posts. It feels good to do that, it feels natural, it feels like the thing to do.

The wait after the tips

The next “phase” I always go through is the “wait” after the tips. And the funny thing is that, although I always go through this phase, it always goes the same way: I wait for something that never happens.

Each time I, as a slave, send a tribute to a Goddess (even a small tip), deep inside I always have the huge desire for her to acknowledge that tribute…you know, the classic “good boy” message, at the very minimum. But there is NO chance for this to happen after just a few tips, surely not with Goddess Ishtar. She is one of the most desiredbusy Goddesses out there. A slave needs to do way more than just a few tips for her to even notice him. And it doesn’t matter that I’ve been spoiling Her for ages…actually, that makes it even less likely. She knows what I can tribute, and I’m pretty sure she will always ignore me (or pretend to) if I am only sending a few tips. 

What this “phase” does to me though, is that it makes my desire to serve Her grow even more. Every minute I get more and more eager to be really in contact with Her, to see Her reaction to my tributes, to feel Her power on my skin, to feel Her beauty get inside my brain and do a carnage in there…

The big drain

So, to summarize a bit, my excitement and need to spoil Her started growing by looking at her pictures and videos, which lead to sending her tips…and this only made me start opening my wallet a bit…while my excitement kept growing.
What do you think happens as soon as She comes online? Picture this: I’m on her page, looking at those pictures, sending tips, and adding comments, my excitement is growing and I see she becomes available.
That’s the moment when it all ends as it always did in all these years: a big, satisfying, exciting, draining session like only Her can give to me. The difference between before she had this page and now is that, in a way, now the session starts when she is not even online. The big drain in the real session is like the inevitable conclusion of this process, where I, the slave, have so many more ways to fall deeper and deeper into her trap. 


We could say that her page is, in a way, a big, elegant, exciting, huge trap for us, slaves. But it’s the kind of trap we all want to fall in, the kind of trap we crave to be caught by, the kind of trap that gives us so many more ways to spoil Her, serve Her, get excited and weak for Her. If you haven’t done it yet, don’t waste more time: click here and enjoy her new page…you will thank me later.

Click here and be Goddess Ishtar's moneyslave
7 reasons why there is a new site I am spending lots of money on

7 reasons why there is a new site I am spending lots of money on

April 13th, 2022 update: Added the feedbacks at the end
April 23rd, 2022 update: Added more Goddesses to the list of those present on this site
May 10th, 2022 update: Added even more Goddesses to the list of those present on this site

May 9th, 2024 update: Fixed the list of Goddesses present on this site

I have been a moneyslave (or a paypig? No idea what’s the best way to call us these days) since 2009, and one of the things that come with it is the frequent need to adapt to changes.

Many things have changed in 12 years, especially on the internet: to give you an example, 12 years ago Facebook had 300 million users, now they are nearly 3 billion. Our lives changed, our habits changed…and online Financial Domination changed as well.

Changing my mind about cam sites

I wrote an article a while ago where I’ve listed the reasons why I thought a specific cam site was the best out there for a slave: at that time I was 100% convinced of it. 

Well, I have changed my mind this year. And I didn’t just change the cam site I spend my money on, I actually didn’t spend most of my money on a cam site!

The thing is that, as I said above, time changes, everything evolves, people want different things…and slaves too, since we are people, right? 

If you follow me enough, you know how much I love cam sessions, and I still believe a cam session is the maximum expression of online Financial Domination: nothing can be better than the feeling of losing control while the Goddess uses all your weaknesses right in front of you, giving orders you can immediately follow. But why should our Financial Domination experience be limited to just the duration of a cam session?

A site that makes the whole Financial Domination experience possible

I want to be able to send a message to the Goddess whenever I am thinking of Her, at the same time being sure that I am not wasting her time doing so. I want to tribute Her anytime I feel the need to. I want to be more in touch with Her and, if She wants, perhaps spend money to see some special content from Her. A cam site simply isn’t enough anymore. 

That’s why I decided to write here what made me change my mind, what made me spend the most on this one instead of on cam sites this year: here are the 7 reasons why that happened.

1. You never waste your Goddess’s time

This, to me, is the most important one. I have the highest respect for the Goddesses’ time, and the least I want to do is waste even one second of it. If She gives me a tiny bit of attention, she deserves to be compensated if she wants to. That’s the beauty of this site. She can decide to get paid for text messages or set them free. She can post content to be unlocked with a fee or not. She has complete control of what she wants us to pay or not pay, and this makes me feel sure that I will never be wasting her time

2. It is not mandatory to subscribe to the Goddess page

I hate sites like OnlyFans on which, basically, you need to pay a subscription to every model you want to interact with. I want to be able to have a cam session with a Goddess without having to subscribe to a page first, I want the freedom of sending messages or tributes to anyone. And besides, as you know, I am not the loyal type so… it may happen that, sometimes, I just want to have a cam session with a Goddess I’ve never visited before. Being forced to follow her page in order to do so, makes the whole thing less appealing.

3. It helps you find new Goddesses

This is another “plus” to other sites similar to this one. You can easily browse through models present on the site and it gets super easy to look around and get intrigued by Goddesses you didn’t know before. They display models in various ways, including the classic “who is available for cam” one, which makes it super easy to find a Goddess to have a cam session with. 

4. You can easily call your Goddess

This is not just one of the many fan sites out there, which are basically just a way to buy pictures or videos from your Goddess. She can even have a page only to offer cam sessions if she wants to, and calling her is just the click of a button. The quality of the call? No need to worry about it, I have never had a single issue with it. It works flawlessly each and every time. I would actually be interested to hear other people’s feedback on this, just to see if I have just been lucky or…it just works.

5. You get the full experience

As I said above, our Financial Domination experience doesn’t have to be limited to the duration of a cam session: and this is exactly what happens here. Anytime you want to be in touch with your Goddess, you simply open the site and, even if she is not online, you can browse through the content she posted, send tributes, send a text message. More than once I’ve sent a text message to a Goddess that was offline on the site, and she answered right away, while she was either shopping or doing whatever other thing in her life. It’s more or less like having her WhatsApp contact: anytime you want to send a message you can, and most of the time you’ll get an answer at times when she usually isn’t available. This makes my Financial Domination experience way longer than a cam session…it can basically last the whole day if I need it to.

6. It’s super easy to use

This might be a minor thing at first since we more or less adapt to anything, but when using a site feels fast and easy, you end up using it more and more. And that’s what happened to me. Everything comes easy and fast, and the whole look of it is nice (in my opinion at least).

7. Lots of payment options

We get back to the thing I was talking about at the beginning of this article: if 12 years ago it would have been ok to only have Visa or Mastercard as payment options, that’s not the case anymore these days. We need to be able to use credit cards, Paysafe cards, PayPal, direct banking, and so on… and this site offers all these options (some with a bit of a cost though). 

So, is this site perfect?

Not at all, and I don’t pretend to have every one of you get so enthusiastic about it as I did. But this is how I am, I tend to get over-excited about products and sites when I think they bring something new and smart to the table, I guess it’s related to the fact that I’m a technology enthusiast, I don’t know. 

This site has of course many rooms for improvement, one for sure is the lack of ability to search models based on interests, and I’m sure you can easily find other reasons for this site not to be perfect. But the whole meaning of this post was that, for me, the time for a cam-session-only Financial Domination experience is over: it’s time to evolve, it’s time to add something more to it, it’s time for feeling closer to the Goddesses I spoil. 

Goddesses you can already find there

If I said I’m spending the most on this site, it obviously means that many Goddesses already have an account there. To save you some time, I’m listing them all here.

Needless to say…visit them at your own risk. As you well know, they are the best of the best…

Some feedback I received

If you don’t want to trust my words on this… take a look at the feedback I received from a couple of goddesses who tried this site:

When a slave spoils himself

When a slave spoils himself

We, as paypigs, have one and only one duty: to spoil our Goddess. It’s an honor we gladly take, and it’s the only reason why we are on this planet.
We spoil Her however She pleases, without asking questions, without being able to resist for even one second. It’s the beauty of Financial Domination, isn’t it?

A different perspective

Now, how about we look at this from a different perspective? Are we really sure that, when we spoil a Goddess, we are spoiling just her? I’ll tell you what: we are not.
The thing is, in my opinion, that when we spoil a Goddess, we are also spoiling ourselves big time. Spoiling Her is what brings us the greatest pleasure, it’s what gives us joy, satisfaction. We are here to do just that, we crave for it, we crave for Her to take whatever she wants from our bank account. And when we achieve that, the pleasure is also ours. So, in a way, we are actually spoiling ourselves. Don’t you think?

You deserve it

So the next time you lose your brain and start sending money to your Goddess, don’t feel guilty, don’t have any regrets: you deserved it, you worked hard for it…so it was just about time you got spoiled a bit! You are bringing the greatest pleasure to yourself, no reason to feel bad about it. Embrace this moment, enjoy spoiling yourself, don’t hold back!

Every PayPig’s biggest problem: the rush

Every PayPig’s biggest problem: the rush

One of the things that always upset me more about my Financial Domination “life” is the amount of money that I end up wasting: lately, I think I identified where the main problem is, but before getting into that, let me explain what I really mean about wasting money in Financial Domination.

Here’s what wasting money on Financial Domination really means

First of all: if I thought that Financial Domination is just a waste of money, I would have stopped years ago. That is NOT what I think. Financial Domination is part of who I am, of my sexuality, and spending money on this makes me feel sexually satisfied. BUT. Not all money spent on Financial Domination is spent wisely. 

I had countless bad sessions, I’ve sent countless tributes to goddesses I end up spoiling just 2 or 3 times in 12 years, countless sessions that left me just angry with myself for days after they happened. 

Wasting money for me means paying for a session that ends up being totally unsatisfying. It means finishing the session and, for many days following it, keep thinking “damn If only I had spent that money with one of the best Goddesses out there…“. That is precisely the whole point. My wasted money is the one spent for a session I really don’t enjoy, especially if, rationally, I could have easily spotted it was going to be a bad session…but I decided to do it anyway. And the main upsetting thing is the thought that that money could have gone to a way more worth Goddess, if only…

The biggest problem: the rush

Picture this. It’s late at night, you are home alone, and you feel the urge to have a session. You start browsing the internet looking for one of the best Goddesses you know, hoping one of them will be online to drain you as good as you feel you need. But no one of them is around. No one. 

The rush of having a session is still there (or, better said, you are still excited as f**k), so you start looking around camsites or Twitter, searching for some Goddesses you never served before that, judging from what you can quickly see, could still give you what you want. 

That’s it. This is what will most probably make you waste money. 

No good decision ever arrives from being in a rush. Even more, if you are in a rush AND excited. If you are running from one site to another, in a desperate attempt to find a great Goddess, most of the time you will end up settling down with a girl that “more or less” can have potential…and she will not. Believe me. You WILL waste your money.

The solution: use your brain (the one inside your head)

I know very well how we all feel in these moments, and which brain we are actually using (hint: not the one inside your head). We could easily solve the problem and don’t waste money, but we fail because we just can’t think straight. Again, we are not using the brain inside our heads. 

What would the solution be? Easy: when that kind of situation arrives, get off those sites and just wank! Wank on your own, cum, and forget about that feeling. Then, when you are NOT excited or in a rush, browse the internet looking for new “potential” Goddesses. Follow them, see what they post, what they do, how they do things. In time you will get a pretty good feeling of those that could potentially be a good “fit” for you, and if you are lucky enough one of them will be online the next time you are in this situation.

It’s true that, in the end, we are all just a bunch of wankers. But what we are looking for is more specific than others and, often, more difficult to find. We usually need a connection with the Goddess, we need Her to behave, talk and act exactly as we dream her to do. There are many great Goddesses out there, but finding them takes time and dedication. It’s never a good idea to jump into a session with someone you’ve never seen before. 

Stop the rush, calm down (yeah, wank to do that), relax and use that brain. You will have other chances with the Goddesses you crave for, no one ever died for not having a financial domination session. Just calm the f**k down in those moments, and don’t waste money.

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