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Tag: OneGreatDiva

Dreaming of OneGreatDiva…

Dreaming of OneGreatDiva…

OneGreatDiva will never, never, never get out of my head. I find myself simply dreaming about her so often, even if I just had a session with Her, doesn’t matter. My brain doesn’t want to stop thinking about Her, not even while I sleep.

Why is that?

I’ve been asking myself this question many times and, as you can imagine, there is not a simple answer to that. It’s a mixture of so many things.

It’s not just her unmatched beauty, not just her unique attitude. It can’t even be just the perfect way she embraces being a Goddess. And let’s don’t forget the hugely successful life she lives: all those achievements in her business life, things that a guy like me could never even dream to do.
Again, it’s quite evident that she has so many ways to make me feel inferior, to make me worship her that well… I can never have enough of her. One session after another, I have now been her slave for several years…and the more I worship and spoil Her, the more I want to do so.

Spoiling OneGreatDiva is one of those things that ANY slave should do at least once in his life: she’s like no one else. So many Goddesses out there took inspiration for her, so many girls look at her as a role model…and there is a reason for that. But until you try for yourself, you will never fully understand.

If you want to elevate your financial domination experience today, do yourself a favor: click here and go visit her videochat. Then come back here and tell me how you feel… even if I already know what you will tell me.

I’ve got OneGreatDiva under my skin

I’ve got OneGreatDiva under my skin

In Italy we use to say “Far from the eyes, far from the heart“, meaning that when you don’t see someone for a long time, even your love or attraction for them fades away. It’s natural, there is nothing wrong with it: when you don’t see the source of your infatuation for a long time, you tend to focus your attention elsewhere.


In Financial Domination, usually, the same rule applies. You don’t see a Goddess for weeks, months…so you look elsewhere. And perhaps you don’t even think about that one anymore. Even if she shows up again, you’ve moved on, you are not interested anymore.

But I can’t get OneGreatDiva out of my mind

She was the one that made me a moneyslave, the first merciless Goddess that abused my weaknesses with no regrets, no limits. Like a hurricane she basically flipped over my entire life, making a man who thought he knew everything about himself discovering a world full of weaknessdevotionsubmission and, most of the time, fear

It’s no secret that, because of her countless business activities, OneGreatDiva isn’t online as often as she used to be. Weeks, even months can pass between one day that she’s online and the next one. But nothing ever changes in the way I feel for her

It’s like she’s under my skin, ready to control my actions and emotions at the snap of her fingers. Ready to exploit all my weaknesses in a matter of seconds. Ready to make feel that mixture of fear and desire as soon as she shows up. 

Merciless as She is, whenever She knows she’s going to be online, she makes sure to let me know. Or better said, to send me the order to spoil her. Exactly like she did just yesterday when she just wrote to me

“I’ll be online this week, get ready to be abused”

And now I’m here, writing this post while feeling the fear of seeing a message on my Skype, waiting to be drained in her chatroom, waiting to worship and spoil her while looking at her video as I did countless times, and as I will keep doing probably for as long as she will want me to. 

Take your chance, she’s online these days
As She told me, she is going to be online these few days. There is a special competition on the site she makes sessions on that allows her to earn even more money if we help her. I will be serving Her for sure, and you should do the same.
Her chatroom can be reached here. Don’t wast this chance, you never know when she can show up again

Always weak for OneGreatDiva

Always weak for OneGreatDiva

This will never change, it’s not an infatuation of a moment. It’s not me being excited for a new Goddess I’ve never seen before. It’s not me running after a pair of legs in nylons. OneGreatDiva is SO much more

She was the one that made me a MoneySlave 10 years ago: I had just read a few about financial domination but wasn’t even excited by the idea. Five minutes into Her video and I knew She was in control, I knew she would have taken out of me what I didn’t even know I had inside

A force of nature, if I could describe Her in a few words. Smart, Intelligent, deadly beautiful, greedy and merciless. All these qualities and more, way more. I watched Her (from a distance of course) becoming a key figure in the whole adult world, organizing an event no one thought about before, becoming a successful businesswoman. And all this only made her more and more attractive. 

Because of all Her work, She is not online as often as She used to be. And this only makes me treasure, even more, the sessions I have with her. Each time I see Her logging on, my heart starts beating faster. All I want is to don’t waste the chance to see Her, don’t waste a chance to be at Her wonderful feet in nylons, don’t waste the chance to feel her power on my brain.

It happened again yesterday, and it will happen again and again and again. No way I would force myself away from Her beauty, power, and control.

Because You can’t call yourself a moneyslave if you haven’t had a session with OneGreatDiva. So if you still didn’t, click here and see if you are a moneyslave or not.

Goddess Adriana is back… and I couldn’t be happier

Goddess Adriana is back… and I couldn’t be happier

Sometimes life is really amazing: the least expected thing can happen, like someone you thought you’ve lost forever showing up again, even after years.

If you follow this blog for a while (thank you for that!) you know that there are some Goddesses that actually “gave” me something really unique, something I experienced with them for the first time or only with them. To make a couple of examples, OneGreatDiva is the one that made me a moneyslave, Goddess Ishtar the one I had the most intense experience ever with. And then…. there is one which made me experience for the first time many things, one I could never forget, one I thought left the findom scene for good… Goddess Adriana.

I had a couple of sessions with Her in 2013, but it was 2014 the year I totally got obsessed with Her. It’s tough to describe why, as there isn’t just a single reason why she hit me so hard, but Her elegance, beauty, style, brain surely had a huge impact on that.
During that year only, she made me experience things I didn’t even think I would have liked so much: She was the first taking control of my computer with TeamViewer, the first making me spend more than 2.000$ in a single session, the first making me feel truly owned and loyal to Her…just to name a few.

Then, around the end of 2014, She basically disappeared, stopped being on cam. At first, I thought maybe it was a long vacation, but days passed by, then weeks, then months…till I got the feeling She left for good. Nothing wrong with that of course, I’m well aware that any of the Goddesses I serve and enjoy could decide to stop being on cam and explore something else in real life, leaving me totally out of it with no explanation or goodbye. It’s normal, I’m just one of the many slaves…why would they need to tell me anything?
I don’t know why she stopped but She made it in a way that let me get used to it in my own time. It’s not like she told me all of sudden “this is the end of my Findom experience” (that would have made me desperate, I’m sure), instead I had to learn it in time, always hoping to see her again…till, after a couple of years passed, I lost hope completely.

Kneel down and serve Goddess Adriana

Boy, I was wrong.

It was my last day of freedom this summer (remember? I was all alone at home) and I was surfing the Findom web, not even looking for a session. And that’s when I saw Her. She was online, here on her old profile, the same I’ve been visiting many many times before.
I couldn’t believe my eyes: was it really Her? Was she really back for good? Still in findom or, perhaps, selected something else?

I entered into her free chat and was more than pleased to see that She actually remembered me! It was like no time has passed, everything was exactly as before between me and Her. The same feelings, the same desire, the same needs in myself.

A not too long time passed before I entered Her video. And, again, everything was exactly as before. She is as beautiful as before (if not more), Her elegance remained intact, her smart brain, her sensual moves…everything was as if 4 years didn’t pass at all.

The draining of my wallet was pretty hard that night, and more sessions happened afterward. Why did I wait so long before writing about it? Well because I couldn’t believe She was really back, I was scared to see her disappearing once again…but now, after a couple of months, I’m pretty sure She’s here to stay. And I couldn’t be more happy about it.

Goddess Adriana is probably the most elegant Goddess you’ll ever have the luck to serve. Smart, sensual, greedy…once you enter into Her net, there is no way back. You’ve been warned. If you think you have what it takes, click here and see Her for yourself.

OneGreatDiva: One look and you are doomed

OneGreatDiva: One look and you are doomed

It happened again…not that it really surprised me. It never does. OneGreatDiva caught me into her net once again, and once again She took even more than I ever expected.

I had not been able to see Her online since a while, with Her being busy on all those amazing projects she has going on in Her life as a business Woman, but recently I’ve noticed She started to be on cam more often. And the other night I got the final confirmation about it…directly from Her.

“I’m online, come and SPOIL me”

She wrote me…adding a picture of the way She was dressed.

As you can imagine… I basically ran into her chatroom, wanting to see Her, wanting to let Her power abuse me once more. And that’s exactly what happened.

The look in Her face, the one that always told me “yeah, I know you can’t resist me”, her moves, her fantastic body, her feet… all was perfect. All was lined up perfectly for a night to remember. And that’s what happened. She took my soul, my brain, my money. She totally abused my wallet. But…made me happy. Because each time I have the chance to serve Her, I’m the happiest slave around.

When she let me go She added one thing…

“Now go tell everyone I’m back… and I want ALL of them serving me these days”

She was serious… and determined. So when You see Her online these days… You’ve been warned.

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