The temptation to be drained was too high

The temptation to be drained was too high

I screwd it up big this time, i really did something that went in the total opposite direction of the my never ending dream “i’m gonna quit from moneyslavery”

Around 10 am in the morning, I got an instant message from MsClassy saying:

“Gonna drain you tonight, so get ready.”

Try to imagine… me working hard in office on a quite complicated software i’m developing…and out of the blue getting a message like that. I stared the screen unable to talk…while i was getting hard. Yes, i was. She didn’t say anything else, but i thought about it the whole day.


When I got back home… that’s when I screwed it up. I didn’t wait to see if I would have had a chance to be alone or not, instead, I faked to be too tired from work so that my wife would have agreed on a quiet early night. All I wanted, was to go to MsClassy videochat as soon as possible

We went to bed… I waited for her to fall asleep…then… I woke up and went immediately to the computer, almost as a zombie. I waited for MsClassy to be free…and then I let her drain me at 6$ a minute, while she was wearing superb tan stockings and high heel shoes.

It all lasted about 20 minutes…then i heard my wife gettig up and i had to run. How did i feel at that moment? Disappointed…quite angry with my wife.

Yes, this time i screwed it up big. And i’m not quite sure i am ever going to stop my financial slavery fetish.

A video to make me even more addicted…

A video to make me even more addicted…

As you all probably know, i’m a member of Diva Foot Fetish more or less since the site opened… and today i saw why this was a big, huge mistake. One Great Diva in person sent me a small preview of a video that will soon be online…and… my reaction was just… to go and see her live…because i couldn’t wait a few days for that video…

Got the worst Christmas email ever…

Got the worst Christmas email ever…

Well somehow… this morning i woke up and saw i had an e-mail… and it was from One Great Diva. For a moment i though it was a nice gesture, maybe a way to make things easier for me…then i opened it… there was one pic attached and all the e-mail said was:

“Spoil me. Today.”


It’s going to be a really expensive Christmas… i don’t think i’m the only one thinking that this pic is just… too much. I’ll be in her videochat soon… i actually can’t wait to be there.

She pushed me back into the nightmare

She pushed me back into the nightmare

(Article originally posted on December 12th, 2012)

Life is unfair. Recently i noticed some improvements in my financial domination addiction, i thought i was keeping it under control: didn’t get the same excitement, didn’t get the same “need” to serve Goddesses… so yes, i was quite satisfied about it (even if still not happy, that’s a different story).

Then, today, One Great Diva showed up and pushed me back into the worst period of this nightmare. She didn’t show any sort of mercy, didn’t even care if i had troubles or whatever.

She contacted me on messenger, sent me this picture and just said:

“I’m online, move your ass”


How could i resist? How could ANYBODY resist? I didn’t. I went in, spent a fortune in cam, bought her a pair of shoes as She ordered, looked at her laughing about my weakness, stared at her incredible beauty, went offline when She said She was bored of me.

End of story. I spent a fortune and i am actually here getting excited while i write this. My nightmare starts again. Today.

Pictures can easily make a moneyslave weak

Pictures can easily make a moneyslave weak

That’s an obvious thing maybe, or maybe not. But everytime it happens to me, i do realise that, no matter what’s my mood or how things are going in my life, certain photos will ALWAYS make me weak and give me the need to visit the one that took them…

Yes it’s her, Sheena, that asked me to don’t post anything with her on this blog…but i suppose if i cover her face, it’s ok…

Friends with benefits…. really?

Friends with benefits…. really?

Seems like i’m a total failure even in finding the “friends with benefits” thing and, to be honest, that’s depressing.
There’s this hot coworker i know since 8 years now: we are really close friends but of course, i also always wanted more. In the last couple of years i’ve increased the “tips” about that subject, always commenting on her outfits, always “Playing” about sexual things and so on…
And well, she also did play well on that. We are at the point that, often, she puts on outfits she knows i like and then asks me for an opinion on them. I’ve always thought that when a woman dresses thinking about you, well perhaps she wouldn’t mind something “more”.

We talked about the fact that she always wears stockings… at times i also had a chance to see them under the table, and made sure she knew it. She always answers with smiles, laughs, even plays along with that… so yes, i keep thinking that…perhaps… if i try, she will agree on something more.

But she’s not the kind that likes to talk about things, she does’t “share”, she doesn’t even have any social network account… she prefer to DO things. And for someone like me, a lot shy till a few years ago, it takes time to do that step… so only recently i really thought i want to do that…but i’m waiting for the right moment, a moment when me and her can be alone.
And that moment seems not to come. Of course being married and living 1 hour away from office doesn’t help at all…

But what really really put me down recently is that i’m starting to think she has a strong interest for another coworker, also married, that started playing the same way with her… but who’s less of a friend to her. It’s tough to describe why i feel it…but a few signals she’s sending lately don’t look good. Seems to me she wants to keep me as a friend and maybe have fun with him… needless to say, this would seriously make me sad (if not worst)… she’s asking me what do i think about him, if i trust him and so on… i can’t act like an ass and ignore the question, of course because we are friends, so i’m keeping a balance on that… but… yesterday i was in the same office with her and him (usually we don’t work in the same room)…and she was silent with me in chat but playing with him (i knew because i could see their faces)…of course i can’t know about what, i can’t be sure…and at the same time, she keeps always doing things so that i can compliment her or tell her how sexy she looks…but… well considering the period i’m in…this is just another reason to feel depressed.

I think when the moment we’ll be alone will finally come (if it won’t be too late), i’ll probably be clear and maybe a bit too “an ass” with her…but i need to have a clear answer on this. So even a slap on my face would make me feel better than what i feel now.

I don’t even know if all i wrote makes sense…but i just had to put it out…

About sex and my fetish

About sex and my fetish

It’s all going down the toilet. Lately i’m having less and less sex with my wife…and the weird thing is that the reason is NOT this financial domination fetish. In fact lately i’m finding less and less satisfaction even in this, which is good in a way.

But what’s going on? To be honest, everything BUT sex is going great with my wife…i could say that it’s because i’m working way too much, but this has always been there, at least in the last couple of years… the only reason i can find is that girl in office.

We are close friends since ages, i always thought she’s sexy and we always played (by words) on this, without ever going too far. But lately i’ve been thinking more and more to go further, and i saw little signals from her that could suggest that, maybe, if i try she will agree to have some fun… could that be the reason i’m having less sex with my wife?

Would be crazy… would mean i’m having less sex with my wife because i’m hoping to have sex with another woman? Stupid, plain stupid that would be…especially because that might not even happen.

The thing is that i’m feeling depressed about this…it hurts a lot to see that my wife is obviously disappointed…but at the same time i just can’t find the right energy to do that..the right desire to do it… does she tease me? No, almost never. She surely never do anything sexy to try to get it from me…she says “it should be the man that looks for the woman”…yeah but… she could help me a bit…

I don’t even know why i’m writing all this here…perhaps because this is the only place where i write about my deepest and darkest secrets…don’t know…but… tonight, i really feel down.

My Financial Domination fetish isn’t slowing down

My Financial Domination fetish isn’t slowing down

Seems like one month passed since I last wrote something here about my usual and, probably, never-ending Financial Domination fetish…so why not putting down an update, more to remember myself how things are going than to anyone else.

My goddess asked me (ordered me) to remove all her videos I’ve ever shared online, and so I did it. I’ve actually found it kinda weird, as She was the one telling me at first that She was more than happy about them…but well, I suppose a slave can’t really judge a Goddess order, and surely I can’t if it comes from Her. Needless to say, I’ve been spending a LOT with her in October. Each time I see her, She looks more gorgeous and sexy to me… I don’t know why….but I’m sure if you ever visited Her, you’ll probably agree with me.

I’ve spent A LOT of time with One Great Diva too…actually, She is the one I’ve spent most of my time (and money) with. The reason is her new website: I’m a member of it and I can assure anyone reading this word that, if you join that site, you’ll be more and more addicted to her. In fact, I’ve been sending her lots of tributes lately…something I rarely did in the past…

Then…the best thing happening to me: my dark angel is still around, and we’ve been spending some truly quality time together lately. Lots of talks, lots of laughs, a few teasing…and once she did the sweetest thing I can imagine.
One night I was feeling really, really, really depressed because of some problems with my wife… went into her chat just to say hello and tell her I wouldn’t have been around for long…and I left. A few seconds after she contacted me on messenger, asking what was wrong… And from there we had a nice and kinda long chat where she helped me A LOT in getting back in a really good mood…and she also sent me two pictures that really really helped my mood a lot. The sweet thing is that she did all of this as any friend would do. That’s what I really like about her: she’s herself, all the time. She doesn’t let me “cross the line” and be too close to her (i know nothing about her private life, for example) but still…she acts in a friendly and great way that makes it all so natural and great… of course, that fact that she’s one of the most beautiful and sexy girls I’ve ever seen helps a lot too…

In the end…October was a huge spending month for me…as I’ve spent about 2.500$ This isn’t getting any better, and the page where I keep track of the money I spend is starting to look like a serious problem…