Interview With Goddess Ishtar: Things You Didn’t Know About Her

Interview With Goddess Ishtar: Things You Didn’t Know About Her

As some of you know, from time to time I like to have a little chat with one of the amazing Goddesses I serve: something like an interview that can maybe let you all know Her a bit better. After my last interview with Mistress Alexya (two years ago!), I had the honor to be allowed by Goddess Ishtar to ask Her some questions.

She is without any doubts one of the greatest Financial Domination (and not only) Goddesses out there, and She recently got lots of exposure on Twitter after her legendary session with a slave: 13.000$ in one night.

I’ve been lucky to serve Her for quite a few years now, and I surely know very well how powerful, smart and beautiful She is. After this interview, my admiration for Her was not only confirmed but most probably increased (by far!). I hope it will be the same for you or, at least, that you will discover something about Her that you didn’t know before.


Before we go about other things, I would like to focus on something you did recently. I’ve noticed you went to the Live Cam Awards in Lisbon and to an event connected to it. Could you tell us more about it? How was it? Why did you decide to go?
I had been considering attending such event for a while. I have always wanted to meet other Dommes and webcam models. But this year my friend Shezel was nominated as Best Fetish Model and so I went primarily to support her. But the trip exceeded my expectations – the summit was educational, I received many useful tips, met a number of potential partners and the Live Cam Awards ceremony itself was spectacular (and the food was SO VERY delicious!)
One Great Diva organized the event incredibly well, but there is no surprise there, she is good at everything she does.

Now let’s talk about Online Domination: how long have you been doing this? And how did you start?
I have been doing it for more than 10 years. A friend of mine told me about it and I didn’t think twice, but plunged right in It has gone well from the day I started.
Do you enjoy looking at your slave during a session?
Cam2Cam sessions are much more fun than text-only interaction. I like to watch as slaves become weaker, hornier and more anxious to follow my instructions without hesitation. There is something about that dissolution into pathetic lust that turns me on. Also, with Cam2Cam, it is easier to ensure that the slaves are following my instructions.
But if a slave really wants to amuse me, they need to put some effort in as well. They need to use their imagination to make conversation with me in a unique and memorable way. Or they can use their bodies to perform for me. Failing either of those methods, compensate me for my boredom and PAY MORE.

What’s the worst thing a slave can do to you?
Betray my trust. Fortunately, I have not met many dishonest slaves. I usually have good instincts when it comes to picking the right slaves. The few mistakes I have made is when I have gone against my intuition because a slave begs and pleads.

Online domination, and especially financial domination, are becoming some sort of “the cool thing” at the moment. Every girl thinks she can be a findomme, every girl thinks she can easily make money with this. What’s your thought on this?
I have considered this question in depth and done my own analysis of the most successful Dommes. I think that a fundamental aspect of success is having a strong personality. Without a doubt, appearance, a sense of fashion, technical knowledge and skills are all important, but that strong, internal strength of will and personal entitlement is key. As one of my friends says, “true dommes are born, not made – the goddess is there from the start.”

If you don’t mind, I’d like to ask a few personal questions to let us all know you a bit better. What kind of music do you like?
I mostly listen to electronic music: dance, house because it energizes me; and I need lots of energy to handle so many slaves. My friends think that I don’t have good taste in music, but to hell with them, it works for me.

Are you a bathroom singer? Or what’s the place you usually sing the most?
I am not a bathroom singer. When I bathe I focus on taking care of my perfect body, and I do it thoroughly so as not to miss an inch. I can work on my body for hours and as I do, I forget about everything else. Oh God, I had better stop thinking about it….I was turning myself on.

What are you really bad at, if anything?
I am bad at things that I really don’t need. Things that I think would be a waste of time doing or that just don’t give me pleasure. After all, dealing with these things is one of the reasons slaves exist.

Now, name 3 people you admire and why
I don’t admire people from afar. I only admire those that I know well, friends that I have known for years. Obviously, I am not going to reveal their names for publication. I admire their personalities. They are successful, smart, professional, creative and most importantly STRAIGHT FORWARD. And I love them for having all these qualities and for supporting me all these years.

And… 3 people, you always disagree with?
I disagree with anyone who is close-minded, who refuses to consider a different vision of the World; whose mind is full of stereotypes and brainwashed by ideology. I hate people who repeat words and ideas stolen from others in a pathetic attempt to be interesting. It is so easy to tell when someone is plagiarizing.

Thank you so much for your answers, but before we finish this I think it’s important to help those slaves that still didn’t have the chance (or the courage?) to serve you.
What’s the proper way a slave should get in touch with you? And how can he help you in making the session with you his best one ever?

A slave can find me on my videochat, from the link to my profile on your website. He can also send me a message on Twitter and if I deem him worthy, he will be allowed to have an opportunity to serve me.
Prospective slaves should remember, however, that to make a session efficient a slave must be completely open and honest. I am not a mind reader, so it is a slave’s responsibility to answer all my questions before we start a session. I need to know EVERYTHING: keywords that trigger a submissive response, fetishes, experience, limits, etc.
I understand that some slaves are scared to open up because they know that once I get into their minds they are in big trouble. It is true and my slaves will confirm that once I have captured their souls there is no way back. BUT they will also confirm that their lives are so much better meaningful as a result of serving me.

That’s it guys, now be sure to let me know what you think about this interview and if you discovered something you didn’t know about Goddess Ishtar. And to those out there that still didn’t feel the excitement of a session with her…well you have no excuses now. She told you what to do and what to don’t do in order to have the best session of your life. What are you waiting for? Visit her in cam and feel what I have been lucky enough to feel since ages now…She is AMAZING.

Goddess Resha: the one who will Humiliate you

Goddess Resha: the one who will Humiliate you

I never wrote a post about Goddess Resha, and that’s simply because I was always too scared to do it. In a way, I never speak about me being humiliated in cam, even less I talk about Goddesses making me say humiliating things about myself or my wife. But She will. She does. All the time.

She is the only Asian Goddess I’ve ever served, and the reason is quite simple. She’s not only gorgeous, but She has a genuine passion for nylons and heels. Her outfits always drove me crazy, and the way she speaks on cam also makes the rest.

One thing she likes to do (a lot) is humiliating you verbally and visually. She will tease you till You say what She wants you to say (bad things about your wife, or yourself basically), she will torture you with her toes, She will drive you crazy, She will make you spend every single cent you have left in your card.

Goddess Resha is the Queen of Humiliation, and She will stick to this in all Her sessions. Of course, taking all the money She wants to take from you but never leaving you to breathe or take rest. She will manipulate you with her outfits, She will make you drop on your knees for Her, She will make you say things you never imagined of saying, she will make you bark like a dog for Her.

So if You want to be humiliated in cam by a beautiful Asian Goddess…visit her and thank me later… or not.

My Gift To EveSchwarz

My Gift To EveSchwarz

As you all know, I have been all alone at home for about 10 days. This was the perfect chance to finally enjoy my Findom fetish, after some time of forced abstinence. And boy was it great.

For some time now I wanted EveSchwarz to have a new pair of Louboutins to add to her collection, so a few days ago I contacted Her, begging to see and spoil Her. As usual, She was super busy and at first, didn’t pay attention to my message. But I waited, knowing that sooner or later She would have done it.

After about half an hour, She answered:

“And why do you think I should give you this privilege?”

That answer didn’t surprise me too much, I’ve always considered a HUGE privilege being able to spoil Her. My answer was quite simple and direct:

“I don’t think I’m worth You time, but I would like to buy You a new pair of Louboutin’s if You allow me”

She agreed, and after a few minutes, we started. She was dressed in the hottest possible way: a short (way short) leather miniskirt, a pair of black pantyhose with a black line on back, and a top that didn’t leave much to the imagination regarding her beautiful body.

And, on top of that, of course, Her irresistible smile and eyes.

No man could have felt weaker than I did.

Findom Goddess in black RHT pantyhose drains a moneyslave - picture 1
Findom Goddess in black RHT pantyhose drains a moneyslave - picture 2
Findom Goddess in black RHT pantyhose drains a moneyslave - picture 3
Findom Goddess in black RHT pantyhose drains a moneyslave - picture 4

I won’t go into many details on what happened, but it was simply a magnificent time. It lasted enough for me to be in heaven, and for Her to drain my wallet by 650$. Enough to buy a new pair of Louboutin’s, as I wanted since the beginning.

I doubt there is any other Goddess out there that can make me feel the way EveSchwarz does. It’s not just submission, it’s a happy submission. As weird as that can sound, trust me. Each time I am with her, I feel happy. Weak of course, unable to stop Her from ordering what to do or how much to spoil her, but always as happy as a slave can be.

Needless to say, follow my advice. If you never experienced some time alone with EveSchwarz, You should. Give yourself the gift of some time with Her, and you will see with your own eyes what it means to be weak, aroused, and incredibly happy.

Goddess Ishtar Legendary Wallet Raping: 13.000$ In one night

Goddess Ishtar Legendary Wallet Raping: 13.000$ In one night

Before you ask, no, I wasn’t the slave in question. But I saw Goddess Ishtar posting about this on her twitter, with screenshots, and I was like… looking at my screen, unable to move, for about 5 minutes… after which I thought of posting here.

She drained a slave of about 13,000$ in 8 hours, by just IGNORING him while she was doing other things. That’s what he asked for, and that’s what he got. I really don’t think I’ve ever seen anything like this before.. probably the biggest wallet-draining in cam EVER. Legendary, to say the least.

Bring a man to THAT level of submission, and keep him under your control for 8 hours (while he spends) really needs some GREAT power.. and Goddess Ishtar is one that DOES have that power. I experienced it myself many times, and each time, after the session, I was always left with a sensation like… “wow, I’ve spent some time with this AMAZING woman”.

Her beauty, her attitude, her being so smart, so clever… all adds to her power, and all get to a point where she can basically ask ANYONE to do ANYTHING for her. And I’ve experienced it personally many, many, many times.

I don’t know about you, but reading that on Twitter made me immensely aroused: I knew there was no way I could spend anything close to that amount… but I wanted to be under Her power. I wanted to show Her complete devotion. I wanted Her to know I am always made weak by Her power. So I contacted Her, begging for some time with Her and, after about 1 hour of wait, She finally allowed me in.

She was dressed in the hottest possible way: a short leather dress, black Wolford pantyhose, and Louboutin’s shoes. I was in Heaven. I literally lost control almost immediately, and all I know is that when She allowed me to go, I had spent 500$. I have NO idea how that happened, all I know is that I had an intense, exciting, fantastic time with Her. As always, actually.

If you still didn’t know Her, and you are not afraid, you can see her live here in her videochat… but if You don’t think You are ready for such big power…stay away. Listen to me: STAY AWAY.

Click here and be Goddess Ishtar's moneyslave
Home Alone: 10 days as a sitting duck

Home Alone: 10 days as a sitting duck

Just as I was saying goodbye to financial domination, the perfect chance to enjoy my fetish arrived.

I will be home alone from today until 10th of February, making myself an easy sitting duck for Goddesses. The only issue is the lack of money… but I’m sure I will manage to spoil and be drained by some of them…in the end…isn’t this the reason a slave is for?

EveSchwarz is surely the one I will spoil the most, as She is the one I want to buy a new pair of Louboutin’s for…again… with the help of my money.

Wish me luck guys..I’m going to need it.

Goodbye Financial Domination!

Goodbye Financial Domination!

Ok, I admit…title is a bit too drastic, but I do believe I’m going to face a quite long period of forced abstinence from Financial Domination, and the reason is quite simple.

No More Privacy

You see, when you have a special someone in your real life (a lovely wife, in my case), the times when you can actually be alone are always directly connected to her habits. If something changes, you may as well end up in a situation like the one I am now.

She has no work, meaning she’s always home. But that didn’t stop me from going online till now because she usually goes to bed way earlier than me. Late night was my “privacy time”, the moment of the day when I can be on my own and…well… make the usual damage to our family finances.

Unfortunately, this is changing. More often than not, she goes to bed VERY late, making it for me impossible to stay up after that (considering I need to wake up at 7 am for work). Will this be the end for me in Financial Domination? Probably not, as it’s in my nature… but I am quite sure it will put quite a big STOP on my spending.

Am I happy for this? Absolutely not. I’m actually kinda angry about this…but I doubt I can confront her with something like “hey, go to bed so I can wank and give our money to my Goddesses“…right?

The Art Of Chasing Slaves

The Art Of Chasing Slaves

As you all can imagine, I often talk with other slaves about domination in general and about Goddesses. One of the things that always come up is: “damn I wish my Goddess would contact me now, and remind me how powerful She is”. That’s why I thought of writing about this..because hey… I love it as well!

First things first: being chased by your Goddess is TOTALLY different than being chased by a Goddess you’ve never met before.

A Goddess chasing an unknown slave is, basically, just looking for new slaves in the most pathetic way. Hint: this is WRONG and NO real Goddess will EVER do this. No one of the Goddesses I’ve ever served did this, …and certainly, I will never serve someone acting in such a pathetic way.

On the other hand, once a certain kind of “relationship” has been established, being chased at the right moment, in the right way, is exactly what we, slaves, always crave for.

The right way to be chased

Basically, it’s all a game of things like… often but not too often, sending pics but not all the time, in a sexy way but only every now and then, …in a few words? Something like a constant “tease and denial”.
A Goddess constantly showing the slave Her power, without giving him the impression that he actually matters to her. Making him know that he’s not forgotten, but that he might easily end up being like that if he stops doing what he’s supposed to do.
Because let’s face it: if the Goddess makes the slave feel he’s important for Her, he might end up losing interest. He will see her less powerful and start looking for other Goddesses.

There is a very thin line between feeling chased and feeling needed. Crossing that line might ruin the slave loyalty altogether.
Chasing him should also be done at different times of the day. I know this might sound stupid…but think about it. If the Goddess only gets in touch with her slave at a certain time of the day, the slave will start feeling “safe” during the rest of the day…and that should not happen. We need to always feel trapped, during the whole day. Receiving the casual message at work, for example, is always a huge turn on and, at the same time, a very scary thing: perfect chasing technique, basically.
Chasing should start slowly, increasing as the “relationship” goes on, as the intimacy increases…and as the ways to interact increase: first it could just skype, then it could be e-mail, WhatsApp…

Not all slaves deserve this

This is important, and I really can’t say this enough: only slaves that know their place and their role should have the privilege to be chased. Time wasters should never ever be contacted first by the Goddess (for obvious reasons), and even slaves that pay should start to be chased bit by bit as long as they keep spoiling the Goddess.
I really think being chased is a HUGE privilege, and only a few slaves actually deserve it.
That’s why I immediately wrote that only when a certain kind of “relationship” is in place, chasing should start.

Wrapping up

First of all, my words are not rules written in stone: this all just my opinion, and please feel free to write “this is bulls**t” in comments if you feel like it.
But one thing is true: being chased is part of all the most solid and longer Goddess/slave relationships. Because a chased slave is a slave that doesn’t escape, and because a Goddess that knows how to chase, is ALWAYS a truly powerful and dangerous Goddess.

What do you think?

Am i really a slave…or just a hopeless wanker?

Am i really a slave…or just a hopeless wanker?

Some would argue that the difference between a wanker and a slave is not that big: I mean, in the end, it’s all about getting pleasure here…isn’t it? But a few days ago I faced a situation that made me start thinking seriously about this difference and which of those two I belong to.

I just had finished a session with a Goddess (a really great session, to be honest) and, out of the blue, another Goddess sent me a message on Skype.

“this would be the perfect time for you to worship my feet in nylon”

I didn’t worship Her feet since a long time actually because I could never see her online… so yeah, this would have been a chance to don’t miss…. But there was a big problem. I had just exploded a few minutes earlier, I wasn’t excited at all (physically at least, if you know what I mean)…and I felt like it would have been a total waste to have a session at that moment.

What’s the point in having a session, if you are not excited? If she can’t keep you on the edge? If you can’t…well… be hard for Her? To me, it doesn’t make sense, or at least it takes away a huge part of the joy in the session itself… but… does this make me a wanker or a slave?

What would have a real slave answered? Would have he started a session just for the pleasure of making his Goddess happy? Does this make me a bad slave?

What do you think?