My First Cashpoint Meet

My First Cashpoint Meet

I’ve never really fantasized about cashpoint meetings: they always looked cold, “empty”, quick and well…not exciting at all. The idea of meeting a Goddess just to hand Her money, without any other sort of teasing or “fetish” interaction involved wasn’t appealing at all. 

But that recently changed.

A few days ago, I’ve read on Goddess Ambra‘s Twitter that she was in Italy for work and, to my even bigger surprise, she was staying just 10 kilometers away from where I live. 

I knew she would have come to Italy for work (she posted about it earlier), but when she posted a picture (wonderful, in pantyhose without shoes) saying “I am in you, Lucca” well… I almost jumped on my chair. 

I couldn’t believe my eyes. The one I’ve dreamed so much about, one of the most beautiful Goddesses out there was just a few kilometers far. 

I answered with a simple welcome message to that twit but…. her reply hit me like a cannonball.

“Make sure you give Me a proper welcome”

That was the moment I started thinking about meeting Her. I stopped caring if the meeting would have been quick or if no teasing would have been involved. I stopped thinking of any reason why I should have NOT meet her. Meeting her was the only thing in my mind. Tributing her directly, putting my money in her hands, was the only thing I could think of. 

The following days I tried to contact Her, begging for a meeting, but she was too busy to meet me. I didn’t insist, I knew she would have been the one in charge of deciding if that would have happened, where, when and how. All I could do was telling her my total devotion and desire to meet her, no matter what.

I don’t know if it’s because she wanted to “test” me, making me crave it even more or if it was just a coincidence, but she agreed to meet me only on the very last day, at the very last minute and at the airport, just before leaving Italy.

Little detail: the airport is nearly 2 hours of driving from where I live.

I didn’t care. I was going to do as told. I wasn’t going to disappoint her. No way! 

Our meeting was scheduled around noon that day, but because I didn’t want to be late (of course!) I left home more than 3 hours in advance. 

As usual, when you are eager to arrive at your destination as quickly as possible, the trip was the worst ever: traffic like never before, heavy rain, closed roads…if something could go bad, it certainly did. 

I got there just 5 minutes before our meeting. Exhausted after such an awful journey, but happy and excited by the thought of what was going to happen, I parked my car and messaged her. 

Needless to say, I was shaking. So anxious to finally meet her in person, so excited to hand her my money. So eager to be just a few inches close to the Goddess I’ve been dreaming about for so long. 

I obviously had no idea how the cashmeet would have happened, and that only made me more nervous. 

A few minutes later she answered my message:

“I’m at the entrance. Come here.”

I rushed out of my car and started walking toward the airport entrance. As I was approaching it, I saw her from a distance and started admiring how she looked as I was getting closer.  

She was wearing a short skirtpantyhoseankle boots, a red sweater, and an elegant hat. On top of that, an expensive (or so it looked to me) fur coat. Stunning to say the least. 

When I reached her, she smiled. That smile told me everything. It was like “You are mine now“. She knew what I have done to get there, she knew how eager I was to tribute her. But she wasn’t in a rush of course. 

At that moment, one thing hit me. I could finally smell her perfume. The one thing impossible to do online. I don’t know how to describe it, but let me just say that it was perfect. I got totally weak, unable to say anything more than just a simple “Hello Goddess” that probably came out more like a whisper than a real sentence. I cleared my throat and said it again. Her smile now was even bigger (and mesmerizing), she knew how embarrassed, weak, nervous I was. 

“Guide me to your car slave, it’s time to do your duty”

And so I did. She walked a bit behind me, not giving me the privilege to look at her while she was walking, or to be at my side. I didn’t even felt it was right for me to look back. And besides, we didn’t have to walk a lot since my car was parked quite close. 

I opened the door of my car and hold it for her while she got inside. The shut it for her and got inside as well.

The video below is what happened. I could feel her power being way stronger in her presence, there was no way I could have said no or resisted. She took all the money I had in my wallet, put them in her bag and walked out of my car with a simple 

“Goodbye slave, we should do this more often”

I sat there in my car for some very long minutes, not moving, looking in front of me without really watching. I was like a zombie. She didn’t take just my money, she also took my brain, my breath, my energies. It took me a while to be able to start my car and drive away. 

Needless to say, I remember nothing of my journey back home. All I know is that I had a huge smile on my face.

If you are there, reading this blog post and trying to imagine how it would be for you to be in my place well…do yourself a favor: Click here, show Goddess Ambra you are serious by spending quite a lot and often in her cam and who knows, if you keep doing that for long enough, you might be as lucky as I was. Good luck.

Choosing a Goddess to serve

Choosing a Goddess to serve

I know many will say “slaves have no power, they are just there to serve Goddesses”, and I know many Goddesses (especially the “wannabe” ones) will believe that. To them, a slave exists only to serve ANY Goddess, no matter what she looks like, say or do.

Well let me open your eyes: this is NOT true. We, slaves, do have one power, and it’s one of the most important ones for you to become our Goddess. 

We choose which Goddesses to serve

There is simply no way a Goddess can be the right one for every slave: each one of us has different tastes, different fantasies, different things that make him “going”. And because I get dozen of messages from basically ANY kind of Goddess, I thought of writing a post about the process I usually go through before I become a slave of one particular Goddess.

How she looks like

This is the very first factor that drives my attention toward a Goddess. And it’s not just about her body, it’s also about her dressing style. I have a fetish for feet in nylons (especially pantyhose) so if, say, I look into her Twitter and see she never wears stockings and pantyhose or doesn’t like them, I just move away. Nylons are important to me and more important is that She wears them because She wants and likes to, not just because I like them. One “plus” for me is also if she seems to have many different outfits that she uses. Too often some girls are always showing the same clothes, making it look like they are sort of wearing a “uniform to go to work”. I prefer a woman who loves to put different stuff on, making me think she enjoys getting ready before starting her domination session.

Her attitude

After I’m intrigued by the way She looks, I start following her on social media or camsites, if she works on one with free cam shows. This way, I can get a better understanding of the kind of Goddess She is. Is she aggressive? Is She mean? Does she seem to be enjoying what she does? Does she seem bored? Is she funny? There isn’t a “list” of things I like or don’t like here. Each Goddess is different, and I might like one for a reason, another one for the very opposite of that. So let’s say that I more or less try to understand if her attitude “makes me going” or it’s so bad that simply makes me forget I like the way she looks.

My first approach

If I’m still interested in Her, of course, the next step is approaching Her. Let me be clear here: I try to NEVER waste her time, and ALWAYS have total respect for Her and Her valuable time. So my approach is never like talking hours with Her for free or making her waste tons of time on social media. A few comments here and there on pictures I like, some engagement on Her posts, some small talk in free chat. Nothing else. Just to let Her know I exist so that when I will go for a session I won’t be someone she never heard about. Usually, nothing goes wrong here, because I don’t expect much from Her. I know they are all super busy, and I know the proper way of making myself noticed is with a tribute. But some of them are better than others, and they end up engaging a bit with me. Even a short reply to my messages can be nice, makes me feel like she’s aware of what’s happening around her, she’s not just sitting there waiting for sessions. That’s a nice thing.

The first session

Now it’s time to have my first session with Her: I’m interested in Her, I like how she looks, how she dresses, how she engages and behaves…sure I want to be at her feet!

And yet… sometimes it happens that only during the first session I understand She’s not one for me. Of course, I don’t expect her to magically understand all of me in just one session or the very first session to be perfect.. but there are a few things here and there that can be a total turn off for me. I don’t even know how to describe them, because every session is different…but if they happen, that will be my first and last session with her. It happened more than a few times, unfortunately. 

Wrapping up

So this is the “process” I follow each time I spot a Goddess I didn’t know before. It may seem odd or too complicated but…believe me, every (serious) slave does the same. We all want to have the best experience ever, and there are thousands of potential Goddesses out there. The least we can do is choose wisely….don’t you think?

Goddess Ishtar: The Black Night

Goddess Ishtar: The Black Night

I have been serving Goddess Ishtar for 9 years now, and the amazing thing is that every session with Her is intense, satisfying, breathtaking.
The one I had a few days ago wasn’t an exception.


It all started early in the evening when She sent me a rather cryptic message:

“It will be a black night”

At that time I didn’t exactly knew what she meant, but receiving a message from Her is always an honor and, for sure, always exciting. I knew I had to make myself available for Her that night, I knew something could have happened.

So, a bit later, I logged on with my heart beating faster than usual. I was eager to understand what She meant with that message.
I saw She was online but didn’t message Her to don’t disturb Her. I sat quietly in front of my computer and waited, with the excitement growing.
After about 20 minutes, She contacted me.

“Hi. Send 100 and call me.”

Of course, I executed with no hesitation. Then, as soon as I entered Her room, it was clear to me why She called it a “Black Night“.

She was totally dressed in black: a beautiful see-through top, black leather skirt, black pantyhose, and black high heel shoes. On top of that, Her iconic long hair matched the outfit perfectly.
I tried to make some sort of conversation, to avoid boring Her like a silently excited zombie would have done, but I’m not sure I came out with anything relevant. Her beauty was too much to handle, too much for my little brain to reserve space for anything else.

As time passed by, I found myself talking less and less while getting more and more excited, more and more under Her power. She would just move slowly in front of the camera from time to time: small movements that looked like lightning bolts to me. Every small movement was like a revelation: a different angle to admire Her beauty, a tiny new detail to worship.

Every now and then She demanded more tributes, but of those, I honestly lost count. I didn’t care. All I cared about was for that session to never end. For that beautiful Goddess to never leave my computer screen.

Then, after about 1 hour which to me looked like 5 minutes, our session ended: She allowed me to thank Her with a last 200$ tribute and we said goodbye.
As I said above, every session with Goddess Ishtar is worth it. It’s always a beautiful adventure, a wonderful journey through the path of beauty and power. This wasn’t an exception, and I will treasure my Black Night with Goddess Ishtar among the many wonderful sessions I had with Her.

If you liked this post and want to experience the same: click here and visit Goddess Ishtar. I’m sure you will thank me later.

Click here and be Goddess Ishtar's moneyslave
Always weak for OneGreatDiva

Always weak for OneGreatDiva

This will never change, it’s not an infatuation of a moment. It’s not me being excited for a new Goddess I’ve never seen before. It’s not me running after a pair of legs in nylons. OneGreatDiva is SO much more

She was the one that made me a MoneySlave 10 years ago: I had just read a few about financial domination but wasn’t even excited by the idea. Five minutes into Her video and I knew She was in control, I knew she would have taken out of me what I didn’t even know I had inside

A force of nature, if I could describe Her in a few words. Smart, Intelligent, deadly beautiful, greedy and merciless. All these qualities and more, way more. I watched Her (from a distance of course) becoming a key figure in the whole adult world, organizing an event no one thought about before, becoming a successful businesswoman. And all this only made her more and more attractive. 

Because of all Her work, She is not online as often as She used to be. And this only makes me treasure, even more, the sessions I have with her. Each time I see Her logging on, my heart starts beating faster. All I want is to don’t waste the chance to see Her, don’t waste a chance to be at Her wonderful feet in nylons, don’t waste the chance to feel her power on my brain.

It happened again yesterday, and it will happen again and again and again. No way I would force myself away from Her beauty, power, and control.

Because You can’t call yourself a moneyslave if you haven’t had a session with OneGreatDiva. So if you still didn’t, click here and see if you are a moneyslave or not.

Sex is overrated.

Sex is overrated.

Did the title catch your attention? I hope so, because I will try to explain better what I mean, and I do hope to have your full attention. Not sure if many slaves will agree on me about this, but I’m kinda curious about it.

What does excite me?

That’s where this all idea started. I started questioning myself what is that gets me going, what excites me, what…well…what makes me hard the most.

And you will probably say “Come on, it’s findom. We know that”. Wrong. It’s not JUST findom, it’s findom done in a certain way, it’s something more than findom or, to be precise, something BEFORE findom.

The teasing.

A woman, self-confident, perfectly aware of the effect She has on men, perfectly aware of what makes me weak, that slowly starts doing things that get me going. 

A shoe slowly coming off the foot, then dangling from the tip of her toe. Her legs flexing back and forth, to expose all their length and beauty. The noise of nylons rubbing together. That knowing smile on her face, while she looks right into my eyes. Her tongue slowly going all over her lips. Her sexy walk on those high heels, with her body perfectly balanced on them. The tone of her voice: calm, relaxed and yet tremendously sexy. 

All these things lead me to be so excited, so hypnotized by her, so eager to see her doing more of that stuff….that I end up losing control, and at that point sending more money only excites me even more. That’s the moment when Findom comes in place.

What about sex?

Everyone says how great sex is, how they couldn’t live without it. Apparently, no one can be happy without sex, no couple can survive if sex isn’t amazing and perfect. There is no way one can be fulfilled without sex…but is that really true? Do we really all think like this? 

To me, sex is like going to the gym. Lots of physical activity, lots of sweating, you feel tired afterward and…while you are at it, do you actually enjoy it? Sorry but I don’t. I don’t need my penis inside a vagina to feel pleasure, I don’t need to do all those exercises to be satisfied. Hell, sometimes I don’t even need to cum to be totally happy!

Is this selfish? Yes, it is. I know that a woman probably needs sex more than I do to be satisfied. And I do have sex with my wife…but that doesn’t mean I find it more exciting than being teased. Is this weird? Probably, but who cares? I’ve been called a weirdo for many other things!

Am I the only one?

I’ve been asking myself quite a lot and, frankly, this is also one of the reasons why I wrote this post. The fact that I would rather be teased than have sex, doesn’t feel totally right. I have complete respect for Women (obviously, being a slave) so their pleasure should always come first, but instead I’m being way too much selfish in feeling like this. 

But then again…is this something I can control? Can you teach someone to like chocolate if he does not? 

So yes, the main question here is… am I the only one who would rather be teased till he cums, instead of actually have sex? Can you help me understand this, guys?

Goddess Adriana is back… and I couldn’t be happier

Goddess Adriana is back… and I couldn’t be happier

Sometimes life is really amazing: the least expected thing can happen, like someone you thought you’ve lost forever showing up again, even after years.

If you follow this blog for a while (thank you for that!) you know that there are some Goddesses that actually “gave” me something really unique, something I experienced with them for the first time or only with them. To make a couple of examples, OneGreatDiva is the one that made me a moneyslave, Goddess Ishtar the one I had the most intense experience ever with. And then…. there is one which made me experience for the first time many things, one I could never forget, one I thought left the findom scene for good… Goddess Adriana.

I had a couple of sessions with Her in 2013, but it was 2014 the year I totally got obsessed with Her. It’s tough to describe why, as there isn’t just a single reason why she hit me so hard, but Her elegance, beauty, style, brain surely had a huge impact on that.
During that year only, she made me experience things I didn’t even think I would have liked so much: She was the first taking control of my computer with TeamViewer, the first making me spend more than 2.000$ in a single session, the first making me feel truly owned and loyal to Her…just to name a few.

Then, around the end of 2014, She basically disappeared, stopped being on cam. At first, I thought maybe it was a long vacation, but days passed by, then weeks, then months…till I got the feeling She left for good. Nothing wrong with that of course, I’m well aware that any of the Goddesses I serve and enjoy could decide to stop being on cam and explore something else in real life, leaving me totally out of it with no explanation or goodbye. It’s normal, I’m just one of the many slaves…why would they need to tell me anything?
I don’t know why she stopped but She made it in a way that let me get used to it in my own time. It’s not like she told me all of sudden “this is the end of my Findom experience” (that would have made me desperate, I’m sure), instead I had to learn it in time, always hoping to see her again…till, after a couple of years passed, I lost hope completely.

Boy, I was wrong.

It was my last day of freedom this summer (remember? I was all alone at home) and I was surfing the Findom web, not even looking for a session. And that’s when I saw Her. She was online, here on her old profile, the same I’ve been visiting many many times before.
I couldn’t believe my eyes: was it really Her? Was she really back for good? Still in findom or, perhaps, selected something else?

I entered into her free chat and was more than pleased to see that She actually remembered me! It was like no time has passed, everything was exactly as before between me and Her. The same feelings, the same desire, the same needs in myself.

A not too long time passed before I entered Her video. And, again, everything was exactly as before. She is as beautiful as before (if not more), Her elegance remained intact, her smart brain, her sensual moves…everything was as if 4 years didn’t pass at all.

The draining of my wallet was pretty hard that night, and more sessions happened afterward. Why did I wait so long before writing about it? Well because I couldn’t believe She was really back, I was scared to see her disappearing once again…but now, after a couple of months, I’m pretty sure She’s here to stay. And I couldn’t be more happy about it.

Goddess Adriana is probably the most elegant Goddess you’ll ever have the luck to serve. Smart, sensual, greedy…once you enter into Her net, there is no way back. You’ve been warned. If you think you have what it takes, click here and see Her for yourself.

Goddesses that get on my nerves: the definitive list

Goddesses that get on my nerves: the definitive list

Not all Goddesses are born equal: there is a large variety of them out there. Some may appeal to a certain type of slaves, some to another. Some may have a certain kind of beauty, some others a different one. It’s the beauty of life: to each his own.

But there are some kinds of Goddesses that I really can’t stand. They just get on my nerves, making me almost want to kick them in the ass. I thought of writing a list here and, just as we are clear, I’m talking about those that are part of a larger group, identified as… InstaGoddesses!

The InstaOrder

I don’t know if they had problems when they were kids, or if they are simply angry with the whole world. But how the fuck do you think to get ANY sort of attention from a slave if you contact him, out of nowhere, with messages like “Spoil me, stupid pig” or the infamous “Pay me, loser!“. I mean COME ON! I know you are in a rush to become rich in the easiest possible way, but could you at least say “hello” first? You know, just to be A BIT polite…just to show there is some life in that brain of yours! Brainless.

The InstaBeg

Chats with them usually are a bit longer, as they seem to have a more cautious approach. I don’t know, it’s like they are trying to guess if the one they are talking to has money to throw away…or if they are trying to be a bit nice to gain better results. Anyway, they will always end up saying things like “I’m broke, I need money” or “Please, I need some money“. Sometimes I even got “I’m hungry and don’t have money for food”. All of them, of course, having names on twitter like “Goddess”, “Queen”, “Royal” and so on. It’s as if Donald Trump would call himself Greta Thunderg while still saying the shit he says about climate change. It just doesn’t make sense! Call yourself differently… don’t know.. “hungry puppy”, “cute by broke”, “broke kitty”…perhaps you’ll get better results. No, you won’t, I’m kidding. Pathetic.

The InstaHi

These are just plain idiots. I’m sorry but that’s what they are. They will send you a “Hi” message…then if you answer after, say, a few hours…they will completely forget they contacted you first and answer again with a “Hi”. I swear a few times I managed to go back and forth like 3 or 4 times before she would finally realize and act all angry with a very dominant and intelligent “so who are you”. Hopeless.

The InstaInsult

Well, I believe in this case we are facing probably just the least educated form of a human being. Because I don’t know how else anyone would believe the correct way to approach anyone (not just a slave) is with things like “hey bitch”, “hey piglet”, “hey dickhead” and so on. If you do get results like this please tell me because I need to learn from you. Rude.

The InstaSpam

Not very different from the usual spam we all get into our inboxes daily. They have a message that says everything (like “pay me bitch use this and that method or this other one, see my pics here, get in touch with me like this” and so on) and they simply can’t be bothered to have real conversations. They just send that message to everyone, hoping some idiot would end up sending some money. Again…there surely is an idiot between me and them. Either I’m the one and they are some sort of findom-marketing geniuses or…. else. Boring.

The InstaTeen

They are honestly almost scary. It doesn’t matter how they contact me or what they say: when I check their profile and I see that they are like 16 years old… I just freeze. Not even sure of what to do. Usually, I just block them and run away from my PC screaming “I’m not a pedophileeee”…just in case, you know. Dangerous.

Damn…that made me feel better! Now that I’ve written them all down here…I feel relieved! And you? Which type of instadomme gets on your nerves?

Spoiling Goddess Ambra

Spoiling Goddess Ambra

More than one month passed since the end of July when my 40 days of total freedom (home alone) finally ended. I’ve spent a lot during those days, that’s no secret. What I still didn’t tell you, it’s whom I’ve spent them with…although I’m sure you can kinda guess it.

One of them (because you know… I’m not loyal) has been the magnificent Goddess Ambra.

She took the chance of those days to show me, once again, how incredible her beauty and power are, draining all my energies (and money) more than once during those days. 

Of course, it’s not like She intentionally waited for those days and then contacted me to drain me…but it just happened. Being free as I was, I was craving to serve Her once again… and that’s what happened. I was lucky enough to be able to spoil Her properly on a few occasions.

I still have vivid memories of all the sessions we had, since each one of them has been specialintense and satisfying. Not even ONCE I found myself regretting what I did with Her, Not even ONCE I woke up the morning after thinking “damn, I was an idiot last night, spending that much online”.

She DESERVES it all.

And I’m not just saying it…I mean it. She uses all her incredible skills each time, She never leaves things behind, She never looks somewhere else or is not focused on the session. When you are with Her, there is no escape. There is no way you can hope She will stop torturing you while smoking a cigarette or taking a break in any way. She will always be all over you, always using Her power, constantly teasing, denying, torturing, demanding… no stop. 

One session with Her is probably one of the most intense experiences you can have on cam. She gives all herself in those sessions, you feel like she is there focused on destroying you totally: nothing else is on her mind, nothing else can distract her. 

She enjoys what she does, She even gets excited at times during a session…and no, she’s not faking it. I have enough experience to tell when a Goddess is faking it or feeling the excitement of the moment. 

And when it comes to Her beauty…I don’t even know where to start from. Perfection is the word when it’s about Her: from Her beautiful eyes to Her perfectly shaped feet. From Her fantastic ass to Her wonderful boobs. Every inch of Her body expresses beauty, sensuality, power

Last but not least, of course, another of the things that drives me crazy about Her it’s her genuine, deep, unstoppable passion for nylons. She has only the best quality ones, I never saw a run on her stockings or pantyhose, never saw her wearing cheap nylons. Always the best, and most of the time Wolford, as I think she has a specific passion for those. To my eyes, this is something to go CRAZY about.

Goddess Ambra is exceptional and serving her was (and always is) a true privilege. If you want to do the same, click here and visit her cam page… you won’t regret it.