Interview with Mistress Alexya: a closer look into Her world

Interview with Mistress Alexya: a closer look into Her world


Among those i had the privilege to serve, Mistress Alexya surely is the one that had the most amazing year in 2016, at least from what i can judge following her online. This year only (and it’s not even ended yet!) she won the award as Best Fetish Camgirl (atLiveCamAwards), worked as a model in Italy for an important fetish website (, got an interview with Marie Claire magazine and started building her own house! All this in only the first half of this year…truly impressive!
That’s one of the reasons why i decided to ask for permission to interview her and, to my total happiness, not only she accepted, but also gave some truly amazing answers. So here how it came out, hope you enjoy it as much as i did ?
mistress-alexya-elegantFirst of all, thank you SO much for accepting this: means a lot to me and to all those slaves dreaming about you that, i’m sure, would like to know you better than what they can do online.
I saw you are building your own house: an absolutely great achievement, something many people can’t even dream to do ever in their lifetime. How does it feel? And when do you think you’ll be able to live there?

Yes I bought a land in 2015 an started the building in april 2016, I selected a project with exactly what i need. I’ve built a house with a big living room, kitchen, 3 bathrooms and 3 stunning impressive bedrooms. I hope sharing my plans will be an inspiration to those whom have the money to do the same and build their dream house. The construction is over now and i hope everything will be finished and ready for going to live there by summer next year.

And speaking about projects, are you working on something special at the moment? Something that perhaps you’ve never done before?

For the moment I’m taking a bit of relax, this year 2016 has been an ambitious, daring, tough year both on personal and business level. It has been by far the best one since i started with fetish cams, which is surely both my work and passion. The main thing is that i’m happy, fulfilled and ready for new challenges. My plans are now to keep being professional and work harder in promoting my personal website.

Now, if i may, please allow me to ask a bit of things that could make people know you a bit more, we are all eager to get to know our Goddesses a bit better.
What is your favorite movie?

My favorite movie…i don’t think i have one particularly since i don’t really have time to watch movies. But when i ever do, i love the good comedies that make me laugh a lot. If i want to put my brain a bit more at work while watching TV, then i choose a documentary.

Who is your celebrity crush, if any?

I love Sharon Stone, i love that woman, as well as Julia Roberts. All my boys know that i like women as well. But those two are more than women, are strong artists that are still dominating cinematography after long time. Two women that inspire me.

What are you really bad at?

Sex shows lol!!! I’m really bad, i can’t fake, i don’t feel any pleasure in masturbating on cam, i don’t like fake people, im allergic to all this hahaha! This is why i am dominant and love it because it lets me be myself, no role necessary. Feels so good to do what you love and even being paid for that.
I’m also really bad at being an ass kisser, i can’t do that, it’s a torture for me. I always say what i think about people in their face.

You’ve been an online Mistress for quite a while now, but what’s the thing you did when you started, and that you then understood was wrong or not for you?

When i first started let’s say that a good friend of mine said: “you need to smile, be nice, sweet”. To me that sounded a bit weird for the kind of person i am, but as i wanted to see how it feels making money with this and learn my own limits, i decided to try it like that.
I started as a test, but in a very short time i realized it was not for me, i didn’t enjoy talking to all guys asking for strip, sex shows etc. I didn’t fit in there so i changed into being a rude bad girl. Then i discovered i love to humiliate men, i felt so happy, so relieved that i had found my own way, and this is how my domination trip started: by  searching inside myself and find a strong character unable to submit to men’s desire.
I wanted to dominate men, have them at my feet, beg and pay for my attention, keep them dreaming about one impossible thing: to see me as a porn doll. I’m more than a regular woman, I’m special and unique! And i advice all women that want to start as a camgirl…just be yourself

When you go on cam, how do you decide what you are going to wear at first?

I think the first thing that comes to my mind is not to wear the same thing i did the night before. I have lots, lots of outfits so sometimes it’s hard to decide, but i always dress to feel comfortable. The style i choose mostly depends on my mood…and that often comes with the weather!!
Even so, i obviously keep in mind I’m dominant and my slaves expect to see some fetish outfits and not a t-shirt with a pair of jeans or a boring pajama. If they want some regular outfit like this, they obviously need a private session with outfit change. On cam I’m always the supreme woman, not the girl you can often see on street, not the one you meet in a bar or at a party. It has to be “Me, My style”.

Moneyslaves are not idiots, they don’t pay to any girl. They feel her attitude, they see her lifestyle, her achievements, her slaves talk.

What’s the worst thing a slave can do to you?

Lie! If he lies to me, he is fucked up. This is all about chemistry and trust. It’s how it works for me. Break my trust and you are fucked.

Online domination, and especially findom, is becoming some sort of “the cool thing” at the moment. Even a mainstream movie will be done about this (“Ruin Me”, which i wrote about here). So now every girl thinks she can be a findomme, every girl thinks she can easily make money with this. What’s your advice for them?

Hahaha, so true! Lately i see all girls play as findom, even if they have no idea what this really means. But it’s something they all try just because they think it’s easy: you command a slave to pay and he pays, you call yourself a findomme and he believes so. Done.
The thing is that even become a true mistress is hard work: years of reading, learning, testing, exploring fetishes, testing your own limits and exploring the fetish world.
And when it comes to findom, i think you have to be born to do it and also prove yourself as a spoilt woman in every aspect of your life.
You can’t call yourself a findomme while you pay rent to a small flat or being a studio girl and having nothing to wear, to eat or having no money to go out to a fancy party.
I know i’m being mean but these girls should wake up!
Moneyslaves are not idiots, they don’t pay to any girl. They feel her attitude, they see her lifestyle, her achievements, her slaves talk. Experience is what this is all about, not hours online, not trained by some studio trainer that tells you findom is just draining wallets. Findom is a lifestyle not a role a camgirl can choose to play.

One last question, i think very important for any slave out there that’s dreaming to serve you. What’s the proper way to approach you online? How can a slave help you in making his session as perfect as he dreams that to be?

Best thing a slave can do is read about me, look at my reviews, see my profiles online, my personal website, my videos. That way he can have an idea if he fits or not to my demands: no point in wasting time coming in my chatroom asking my age, location, and other dumb questions.
First of all make sure as a slave you can afford to serve me, then make sure you’re really submissive since i don’t switch, i don’t play roles. If you are poor, better stay away as i’ll ignore you as soon as you come in no matter how submissive you are. You must be a rich sub to be allowed to serve me.
Even so, i have lots of men in my chatroom, men that are not slaves, but that at least have so many interesting things to say and entertain me. Respectful and normal men… let’s say i’m also a therapist as well as dominant.
Findom is my favorite fetish, and i know so many real moneyslaves search for a beautiful strong dominant spoiled women who’s like that naturally and she’s not playing it as a role.
I’m all that and i’m always ready to drain new wallets, can’t get enough and don’t think i’ll stop anytime soon. I’m addicted to help them spend it right: on Me.

So guys…you’ve been warned. Mistress Alexya surely is one of the top dommes out there: if you feel you are good enough for Her, go and serve Her…but remember…She is the one to decide if you are good enough.

Alone for 2 weeks: freedom or sitting duck?

Alone for 2 weeks: freedom or sitting duck?


As it often happens, my family just went away for a couple of weeks while i had to stay here because of work. Just an excuse really, it’s just that i find terribly relaxing being able to have the whole house for myself. That silence and total freedom is priceless.

But…is this really a freedom period or…is it just full of high risks as only a sitting duckfaces?

When i’m not alone, the moments when i have the right privacy to go online and do whatever i want are limited, instead till 19th of august i will ALWAYS have total privacy as soon as go home.

How will i be able to resist any sort of temptation? What will happen if one of my goddesses will come and order me to server Her? Maybe more often than usual?

I think i already know the answer….but then again….i’m getting excited even by the thought of this…

Why “Ruin Me” is NOT a good thing for Findom

Why “Ruin Me” is NOT a good thing for Findom


Judging from the KickStarter page where the project is getting funds from, it seems that it’s gonna happen. “Ruin Me“, a real, mainstream movie about Financial Dominationwill actually be made and distributed in cinemas (i guess, or at least on TVs). It looks like to be of an high quality level as well, featuring Ceara Lynch (probably the world most famous findomme) and with award winning director Julian Shaw.

Is this a good thing for the whole findom community? NO, no, no and again NO.

Don’t get me wrong, i’m sure it will be an awesome movie and i am absolutely looking forward to see it (because i think Ceara Lynch is naturally amazing on screen, so she will be great)…but for us, moneyslaves and findommes, this won’t be ANY good.

The reason is kinda easy: once more and more people will know about financial domination, what will happen is that there will be even more “goddesses wannabe” and A LOT of “slaves wannabe”.

Hundreds of decent looking girls will think “hey, if she can do that, why can’t i? All i need is talk shit to a guy and ask him money!”. In no time they will jump on Twitter, search for “moneyslave” (ops…guess my name will come up) and contact us with the same, stupid, classic messages. Things like “hey, do you wanna be my slave?”, or “i’m beautiful, serve me”…AS IF WE DIDN’T HAVE ENOUGH OF THEM ALREADY!

And what about all those guys that will surely be teased by the whole idea, jump on the moneyslave wagon, start ACTING as a slave (those pathetic ones, with the same usual things to say and do), and be in touch with all goddesses looking for FREE ways to get a bit of this?

In a few words? Big time wasted for us, real slaves, and for Them, real Goddesses.

Oh and let’s don’t forget the dozens of people (famous and not) that will come and try to give us help, to take us away from this psychological problem (surely they will identify where it comes from), to tell us this is wrong, dangerous, pathetic and bla bla. Maybe some talk shows about this “new fetish ruining lives”? And some bloggers writing about “how to get rich if you are a nice looking girl“?

Do we really need all this? No, we don’t. But i’m afraid there is nothing that can be done about it: that movie will most probably be made…and i am pretty sure it will be a huge success.

Take a look at this trailer, i think you’ll agree with me that it surely looks awesome enough to be a star.

This is a repost of an old article. In September 2016 i had a server crash and all site content got lost, since then i’ve been trying to repost some of the old articles

Creating the perfect Goddess

Creating the perfect Goddess

There was a movie when I was a kid that always fascinated me (probably because I’m a nerd, and everything about computers gets me going).
It was called Weird Science and, basically, it was about two guys creating the woman of their dreams (Kelly LeBrock, nice choice by the way) with a computer.
Let’s say it was kinda a modern version of  Frankenstein…and boy I loved it!

Now…what if I could create the Goddess of my dreams? What ingredients would I put, if I could take something from each Goddess I had the privilege to serve? Let’s play…and I hope none of these Goddesses will get offended by my’s just a game and believe me…I consider all of You amazing and powerful ?
Let’s go from head to toes, shall we?

I’ve never seen anyone with hair as long and beautiful as Goddess Ishtar. I don’t have a “thing” for long hair, but hers always fascinated me totally.

Click here and be Goddess Ishtar's moneyslave

All of the Goddesses I’ve ever served are smart, don’t get me wrong here…but if I could choose one, then I would surely choose OneGreatDiva. Her achievements in life speak for this, and my experience with her evil side completes the picture. Smart and evil at its best. Oh, and did I mention she can also be fun when she wants? Amazing.

Goddess Kmy has a wonderful face, almost like a doll. She doesn’t show her face to everyone, but if you will be loyal and worthy enough you will be rewarded by the privilege to admire her incredible, beautiful, fantastic blue eyes.

In my opinion, it’s rare to find a woman with bad looking lips (i have a colleague that has almost nonexistent lips: that’s what I call ugly…but it’s rare!)…and it’s also very rare to look at Goddess’s lips and being unable to move away. And if She uses them at her own advantage…you are doomed.
So who has the best and most powerful lips ever? OneGreatDiva. No doubts about it…see them to believe it.

First of all: I didn’t have the luck to listen to every one of the Goddesses I’ve served. But among those I’ve had a chance to listen, I think OneGreatDiva is the one that, when she speaks, always puts you in your place (at her feet, basically). Beautiful and perfect English, clear and sexy voice.

Well… Jessy Princess Bernini surely has been the one impressing me the most on this matter. Beautiful and big…huge I would say. In a word: amazing.

Many of the Goddesses I’ve served have a fantastic ass, but if I could choose the very best one I would go for Mistress Alexya. She has an incredibly perfect body, and her ass just reaches perfection.

Long, perfect, slender legs. Goddess Lana‘s fantastic legs are meant to make anyone weak as soon as she crosses them. That matches her love for short dresses and pantyhose…a killer combination for me.

I’ve always said it and I will never stop doing so: MsClassy has the most beautiful arched feet I’ve ever seen in my whole life. And believe me, being a foot fetishist I’ve seen a lot of them (virtually). Ever since I saw her the first time I was shocked by the arch of her feet, and today I still am each time I see Her.

This kinda hurts me a bit, because she’s not a domme anymore. Goddess Adriana always had a different outfit, and each time it was elegant, sexy, and with awesome pantyhose or stockings. The way she moved was just awesome, like a cat I would say. Each step she took was meant to be admired and worshipped. Her shoes drove me crazy each time I saw a new pair. It was like a dream coming true finding a Goddess with a style identical to what I consider the perfect style any woman should have. And it hurts to think I won’t be able to worship her anymore.

Wow….now that I’ve finished…i’m starting to imagine this creature…and i guess She could easily rule the whole world…don’t you think?

A word with MsClassy: beautiful and elegant Findomme

A word with MsClassy: beautiful and elegant Findomme

It’s easy to say that when you are serving your Goddess for quite a long time, you surely end up knowing Her as a bit more than just as a Goddess. The relationship often gets a bit more intimate (always respecting roles of course), and maybe you end up knowing more about your Goddess as a Woman, a bit more of her personal side.

But what if you just read about Her online, dream on Her pictures, and maybe visit Her just once? What if you want to know more about Her? That’s why I thought it could have been a good idea to interview some of them, starting of course from those I’m closer with, those I’m serving for the longest time.
I first saw MsClassy online in 2008: I was just starting exploring my slave side, didn’t even know I was a moneyslave..and I remember what first got me, what didn’t make me sleep for days, was the view of her perfect feet. Today I still consider Her feet the best I’ve ever seen but, of course, since then I also became her slave, falling more and more under Her power, spoiling her more and more.


So the other day I asked her if She would have been interested in answering a few questions…and here it is what came out of our short conversation.

First of all, thank you so much for taking a bit of your precious time in answering these questions… I will surely find a way to properly thank you for this… anyway, I’ve noticed that recently you’ve been having lots of group sessions on cam. Can you tell me more about this? Does every guy know about the other one? Do they like it?

Oh, group sessions are my new favorite! What could be better than draining several subs at the same time?! Of course, they know about each other, moreover, many subs contact me asking to let them know when I have such a session so they could join it. I think they love the idea of me making good money per minute, paying the raise the rate game or sending me multiple PayPal transfers during the session! They feel happy spoiling me that big, and the more I take, the more it excites them. Extreme draining. Perfect.

And since we are talking about sessions, do you like to see your slaves in an online session?

Yes I do. I prefer cam2cam sessions where I can really control what’s going on on my sub’s side. I so much enjoy seeing their humiliated faces, watching them getting weaker as I’m teasing. And when I have someone who’s into sissy/ass play/cbt, most of times seeing them is a must. I don’t like role plays and I don’t like pretending. It’s like when they just describe doing this or that but not really doing it. Come on, I’m doing all this stuff not only for money! I’m so damn into this and I Love seeing my puppies in action, controlling them for real, not only on words. Though if there is a paypig in my session, I don’t really need to see them. There is no action during these sessions and there is nothing for me to look at. And I also know that most of well paying subs prefer to hide their personal info (and face). I respect my sub’s privacy as long as they don’t ask me for blackmail.

Considering the time we live in, what’s your thought on blasphemy sessions?

No, I’m not into that. Wouldn’t ever do that.

Going on a more personal kind of question, on what do you spend the most? Shoes, Lingerie, hi-tech, or else?

I don’t spend my own money on lingerie and shoes. Seriously, it’s my sub’s job. I choose what I like and they pay for it. I have several shopping pigs and they satisfy all my material needs whenever I want it. So, as you can guess, I have a lot of money to save, and in May I’ve bought another house (in a better place) for myself and going to start working on interiors soon. 

What kind of music do you like?

Deep House is my favorite now. Perfect as a background music.

Can you name 3 people you admire and tell me why you do?

Me, myself and I. I don’t have any idols and never did.

How did you start in financial domination? When did you understand your power over slaves?


I believe it was 2006
. The fact is I’ve always felt I can easily dominate and use men, even when I was a little girl I knew that! I got bored in the Girl Home Alone category really soon and then I tried Dungeon, started learning all about BDSM and fetish, and then I found out it was really my thing and I decided to make it my lifestyle. I didn’t even know about financial Domination then, I just enjoyed making men submit and do crazy things to please and entertain me.

Online domination, and especially findom, is becoming some sort of “the cool thing” at the moment. Every girl thinks she can be a findomme, every girl thinks she can easily make money with this. What’s your advice for them?

That’s really funny and I always laugh hard when I open Twitter… I have no idea what are they hoping for, but it’s not going to work for 99,9% of those girls cause they don’t know what is FemDom about. They think that posting some sexy (ugh..) pics and asking (haha!) for 10-20-50$ would work out?! Seriously? I won’t give you any advice. They will just give up themselves after some time cause even a newbie sub can see whether it’s a Goddess or just a fake looking for easy money. If the girl really feels her power and wants to become a pro-Domme, she will never make such mistakes. Subs should search for us and beg to serve, not the other way.

I’m sure many slaves, reading this interview or just looking at your pics, are there wanting to serve you but…what’s the proper way a slave should get in touch with you? How can he help you in making the session with you his best ever?


If you feel like you have something to please me with, that you can serve me in any way, tell me a little about yourself first. I’m not a mind reader and I honestly don’t like subs wannabe who doesn’t know what they need from our session. Even being that experienced, every time I meet a new sub, my first question for him is: what are you into?

Again, thank you so much for all these answers, Goddess. And for guys reading it, remember that you can find (and spoil) MsClassy in Her videochat by clicking here. This is the best way to show Her you are serious about serving. But do it at your own risk…you’ll surely have the best moneyslave experience ever…but your bank account won’t be as happy as yourself.

I just had the most intense Teamviewer session ever

I just had the most intense Teamviewer session ever

I always played a bit around Teamviewer sessions. Always thought of how it would have been…I actually gave my details only once to a Goddess that I knew wasn’t dangerous at all, just playing around a bit. Always thought how it would have been with a really dangerous Goddess.

And I always KNEW the most dangerous Goddess would have been Heartless Queenn

Many guys described how it would have been with her, and I knew already that she enjoys it A LOT. She knows how to use Teamviewer and how to use it to get more and more money. The idea excited me a lot…but I was always too scared to try. Till now.

Today I gave Her my Teamviewer ID and Password.

She was in cam, dangling her red heels in the sexiest way, as she always does. Without stockings. I came into Her room and she just asked me: “Home alone?”

I wasn’t. My wife was sleeping in the next room…but I wanted to do it. I wanted to give her access to my computer. I didn’t tell her what I wanted to do, why I was in her room. But..she started putting her tan stockings on and, as if she could read my mind, said:

“Teamviewer ID and password”

And I did as she asked me.

At that point, she made a mischievous smile. She knew after so long, I finally did what she always wanted me to do. And she was totally enjoying it.

She switched on my cam, started a private show in her room, sent her votes and credits. Then…started to make a payment to add more credits. My card didn’t have she kept looking for ways to do it. She was still smiling…enjoying all this so much. And I was getting harder and harder, without even taking my cock out of my trousers.

Then she selected Paypal as a payment option. And, to my surprise, I saw my login details already filled in. She was ONE CLICK away from sending herself 200 Euros.

I exploded. Literally exploded in my pants. I don’t remember the last time I had come that much without being able to control myself. I wet my pants, made a total mess…and closed my laptop.

I was in shock. It was probably one of the most intense sessions I’ve ever had…and it was quick. Quick and intense.

Before my wife woke up I managed to clean up everything, telling her I took a coffee and it accidentally fell onto my trousers. A lie…a huge lie of course. But she believed that.

I honestly don’t know if I will have the strength to try this again…but I know that in case I will look for a Teamviewer session… I will surely go to the worst (best) one: Heartless Queenn.

When she perfectly speaks english: a huge turn on

When she perfectly speaks english: a huge turn on

There are many things that can turn me on when i’m on cam with a Goddess, and one of those things is if she speaks a great english (even better if with a British accent, but that’s just me).

Turning mic on is tricky during a cam session: if she speaks a great english, i’m turned on even more. If she doesn’t… i’m totally turned off. That’s why i usually don’t ask to hear her voice…i know that, for me, if she doesn’t speak well i will be totally turned off.

Last night it was the opposite. A goddess i’ve been serving every now and then opened her microphone for the very first time… and i started listening to a fantastic englishfrom Her, even if i know that’s not her main language.

Believe me, i was totally turned on even just by the sound of her voice. It made it all look SO more real, made me feel SO closer to her…it was fantastic. It doesn’t happen often and, again, i usually don’t ask Goddesses for their microphone…but when it does like this time…it is one of the best sessions ever.

Spoiling Goddess Ishtar from Office

Spoiling Goddess Ishtar from Office

This happened just today…it was brief..but intense.

I was in the office, at the end of my day and, as it doesn’t really happen often, I was alone. Everybody left a bit earlier today, so basically, I had the chance to be alone for about 30 minutes before it was time to leave for home

Goddess Ishtar was online. I was looking at her icon… thinking if it would have been appropriate to approach Her or not…when…

I want you to spoil me, I don’t care if you are in the office

Just like if She knew I was alone. I don’t know how she could but… I was immediately on her videochat. She had a leather dress on, with vintage stockings and some gorgeous heels. I couldn’t stay long…so it all lasted like 10 minutes…but it was SO intense…like a rush to spoil Her as much as I could in those few minutes.

I admit, I probably don’t visit Her chatroom as much as I should…but she never stops surprising me. Never stops getting more and more beautiful and dangerous.

Click here and be Goddess Ishtar's moneyslave