MsClassy: when beauty speaks to your soul

MsClassy: when beauty speaks to your soul


One pic. One pic is enough to speak directly to my soul, to let my slave instincts awake, to let me visualize each and every session I had with Her in all this time. And that’s exactly what’s happening right now, as I’m looking at this pic from MsClassy.

Her feet into those fantastic sandals, her fantastic curves that made me dream so many times, her face so intense, so sure of Her beauty and power, so sure we will all fall to Her feet at a snap of Her fingers.

She is just the perfect image of a spoiled Goddess…She is, of course. You look at this pic and all you can think is “I need to spoil Her, it’s my duty in life“. You can’t just see this pic and look away, you come back and look at it again and again, trying to understand why and how a single picture can inspire all these feelings in You. But you can’t. Because we can’t explain why we are slaves and why we feel the need to spoil a Goddess as Her. But we do.


Impossible to be calm and relaxed, impossible to control our actions, impossible to stop ourselves from spoiling her…and I surely know that, as soon as she will snap Her fingers, I will fall to Her feet with no chance to escape.

And i will be happy. The happiest slave on earth.

The most dangerous words

The most dangerous words


It’s late at night, i’m horny as usual but no one is around (plus, i can’t really spend in this period) so i ended up browsing the web with no particular path and then… i started thinking.. what’s the most powerful thing She could tell me? What’s THE thing She could say that would lead me to do anything for Her?

I imagine the scene…She’s right there in front of me, dressed in an elegant way, with a black pair of pantyhose and high heel shoes. Her left shoe dangling from the top her toes. Our session has been going for a good time now, but somehow i’m still able to control myself. Then…

What if She orders me to do something and then adds to it…

Do it or i will NEVER allow you to see me again

How could ANY of us be strong there? How could we not end up doing anything She asks? If She’s the one, if She’s the one you end up thinking a lot during the day…could you live without being able to see Her ever again? Could you even think of Her ignoring you FOREVER?

The problem of not being loyal

The problem of not being loyal


I’ve always said i am not (and never will be) a loyal slave: i act out of instinct, always trying to control myself only to running to spoil a Goddess as soon as something “ticks” inside my head. Of course i don’t serve ANY Goddess, and i consider myself capable of spoiling only those that are really worth it (at least in my brain)…but still.

Each time i spoil one of them, i end up feeling guilty with all the others. Of course i could never spoil them all (even if i wish i could), and i know that…but i do feel guilty.

It’s like the other night: after a long period of abstinence because of personal reasons, i suddenly got weak again and couldn’t stop myself. I HAD to spoil Her, it felt right, it felt good, it felt like the only possible thing.

But after that… the regret. Why Her, and why not others? What will they think about me? Will they be mad at me? How can i explain them that it was just a one time, and that i still won’t be able to spoil them for a long time?

I don’t know if i’m making any sense here…but that’s the way i feel today…

Tonight i will fall. Again.

Tonight i will fall. Again.


Recently i wrote about my financial problems, and that i would have not have any session or spending for some months.

But i’m too weak.

And that’s why i know tonight i’m going to fall again and spoil Her. Recently i was finding more and more difficult to stay away but, luckily, no Goddess ever contacted me ordering to serve Her or anything (at least none of those Goddesses i already fall for, “my” Goddesses). That till this morning when i got this message:

It’s time to crawl back to me
Tonight you will spoil me
I accept only yes as an answer…

And all i could think of was… “i can’t wait to be there tonight”. I will do anything to be free and available to spoil Her. It’s my duty… and it’s in my nature.

I f***ing need it.

Blackmail: 4 ways to escape from it

Blackmail: 4 ways to escape from it


Blackmail is one of the most exciting and controversial fetishes in my opinion, surely one of the closer ones to illegal activity: believe it or not, it’s illegal to blackmail someone, even if it’s a consensual “game”. If the victim goes to a judge saying he got convinced in doing it, most probably the judge will rule in his favor but…

How many of us could (and would want to) sue one of these Goddesses? I mean…first of all it would be stupid because we were the one that wanted it in first place and, secondarily, how can you run after someone you know almost nothing about or lives in a different country?

But yet i get from time to time messages from more or less desperate slaves, saying this or that Goddess keeps blackmailing them even if they don’t want to go on, that they risk all their life savings and so on…

How do you stop Her from blackmailing you?

In a few words: it’s complicated and it works only if she is smart enough to understand when it’s the right time to take a step back.
Good news: all the best Goddesses are of course intelligent and smart enough.

So the first rule is: never play blackmail with a newbie, with a Goddess who’s around since not so long or that no one ever heard of. Most probably she is too inexperienced to even play that game in first place.

Ignoring the fact that she can or cannot understand, there are indeed a few ways you can approach the problem.

1 – The Joke

Next time she contacts you, start acting funny. Act as she is just a friend. Tell her jokes, act as if this is all a total joke for you and laugh about it. Keep doing that, and if she doesn’t get the message, end the conversation (smiling) saying you gotta go. Leave her with the doubt: “Does he really care? Will i get anything from this?”

2 – The Change

In a calm, relaxed way tell her you don’t want to play this game anymore. Be sure to use the word “game” more than once, and to offer her alternatives. Things like “i love the time i spend with you, and i want to be your slave forever. But i’d like to play a different game, as blackmail really doesn’t give me any excitement at all anymore.”. Even tell her blackmailing is boring you, and that you want to spend your time with her doing something better. Never stop acting calm, and if she insists in the nasty way, leave her with a firm “ok, whatever. I’ll go visit someone else” and go. After this, never return to Her unless she is the one getting in touch with you. In that case, keep playing this part.

3 – The Silence

Stop contacting her or answering her messages. Ignore her completely (and i mean completely). Lead her to believe you don’t care anymore, or you are totally busy doing something else. If she has other slaves, she will leave you alone and move on. But warning: this works ONLY if she is smart enough to know that she shouldn’t really do anything “seriously”. If she is stupid, or inexperienced, this could easily lead her in using the info she has of you to contact your relatives or similar to get a reaction from you.

4 – The Threat

This is the worst way to end it, because doing this you won’t be able to visit Her anymore, not even for other kind of fun. She will HATE you after this, so be careful if this is not how you want things to end with Her.
Tell her you will report all this to the site she works with. Remember, for those sites a customer is the holy grail, and blackmail is illegal. If you tell the site that she blackmailed you without your consent, she will face big problems with the site, her account could be closed, her money could be kept. If she doesn’t work on a cam site, tell her you rill report her to the site you used to send money to her with (Paypal, Payoneer or whatever). Either way, be sure to tell her this is illegal and you won’t stop till she faces serious issues. Act as you are more dangerous than her. And leave the conversation in a sudden way, with one last bad sentence like “Ok, you’ll see!” and disappear. After that, don’t contact her for a long time. She won’t contact you as well and you’ll be free.

So will i be surely free after this?

No. These are all the methods that came to my mind the first time i faced an issue like this: it happened to me a few times already, and each time i used the method of these that i thought was more appropriate for the situation and the Goddess involved. But that doesn’t mean that i can be 100% sure these methods will work in your case! it can even be that She won’t stop…so be careful. Always.

Life sucks…please take my money

Life sucks…please take my money


At the moment all i would like is an intense, positive, exciting financial domination session with a gorgeous Goddess. That would probably be the only way to cheer me up: life sucks these days, it totally does.

I’m usually a positive person…but sometimes life slaps in your face and things take a direction that wasn’t predictable or desirable.

Today is one of those days. I’m feeling down, and all i want is a way to cheer me up. Probably having someone raping my wallet would actually make me feel better.

That’s all really. That’s all.

Mistress Alexya in pantyhose: simply too much to handle!

Mistress Alexya in pantyhose: simply too much to handle!


If there is one thing about me that i’m a bit proud of, is the fact that i am not on for quick sessions. I’m not one of those guys that enters into a chatroom already wanking and ready to cum. I like to take things slowly.

Or so i thought

The other night Mistress Alexya made me completely look like one of those guys. I went into Her chatroom and saw She was dressed in a superb way. A sexy top, a pair of magnificent tan pantyhose and high heels. Nothing else.

My breath was already starting to be heavy

It happened quickly, without too much control on my part. She started talking to me and, slowly, took a bit of a heel off. I kept spending. Then she got up, turned around…and did what made me immediately explode.

She removed her foot completely from the shoe, showed it on cam and then teased a bit with her fantastic and perfect ass in pantyhose.

She was simply too much to handle: i exploded like an idiot and left. I wasn’t ready for Her…and i better come back to Her only when i will be, or risk looking again like an idiot.

Reposting old blog content: DONE!

Reposting old blog content: DONE!


On 29th September 2016 the server where i’m hosting this blog crashed. I didn’t have any backup. I lost EVERYTHING. I was devastated: nearly 6 years of my life completely vanished.

Then i had an idea

What if i would just go through The Internet Archive and repost any page which shows up on my Google Analytics stats? And that’s what i did. The list was endless, but now i can finally say that all i could recover is now back online!

198 articles recovered and posted back as they were (minus pictures and graphics, which i often couldn’t recover)!

Feels like looking at the sun again after a long, endless night… today is a good day.