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Category: Goddess Adriana

7 reasons why there is a new site I am spending lots of money on

7 reasons why there is a new site I am spending lots of money on

April 13th, 2022 update: Added the feedbacks at the end
April 23rd, 2022 update: Added more Goddesses to the list of those present on this site
May 10th, 2022 update: Added even more Goddesses to the list of those present on this site

May 9th, 2024 update: Fixed the list of Goddesses present on this site

I have been a moneyslave (or a paypig? No idea what’s the best way to call us these days) since 2009, and one of the things that come with it is the frequent need to adapt to changes.

Many things have changed in 12 years, especially on the internet: to give you an example, 12 years ago Facebook had 300 million users, now they are nearly 3 billion. Our lives changed, our habits changed…and online Financial Domination changed as well.

Changing my mind about cam sites

I wrote an article a while ago where I’ve listed the reasons why I thought a specific cam site was the best out there for a slave: at that time I was 100% convinced of it. 

Well, I have changed my mind this year. And I didn’t just change the cam site I spend my money on, I actually didn’t spend most of my money on a cam site!

The thing is that, as I said above, time changes, everything evolves, people want different things…and slaves too, since we are people, right? 

If you follow me enough, you know how much I love cam sessions, and I still believe a cam session is the maximum expression of online Financial Domination: nothing can be better than the feeling of losing control while the Goddess uses all your weaknesses right in front of you, giving orders you can immediately follow. But why should our Financial Domination experience be limited to just the duration of a cam session?

A site that makes the whole Financial Domination experience possible

I want to be able to send a message to the Goddess whenever I am thinking of Her, at the same time being sure that I am not wasting her time doing so. I want to tribute Her anytime I feel the need to. I want to be more in touch with Her and, if She wants, perhaps spend money to see some special content from Her. A cam site simply isn’t enough anymore. 

That’s why I decided to write here what made me change my mind, what made me spend the most on this one instead of on cam sites this year: here are the 7 reasons why that happened.

1. You never waste your Goddess’s time

This, to me, is the most important one. I have the highest respect for the Goddesses’ time, and the least I want to do is waste even one second of it. If She gives me a tiny bit of attention, she deserves to be compensated if she wants to. That’s the beauty of this site. She can decide to get paid for text messages or set them free. She can post content to be unlocked with a fee or not. She has complete control of what she wants us to pay or not pay, and this makes me feel sure that I will never be wasting her time

2. It is not mandatory to subscribe to the Goddess page

I hate sites like OnlyFans on which, basically, you need to pay a subscription to every model you want to interact with. I want to be able to have a cam session with a Goddess without having to subscribe to a page first, I want the freedom of sending messages or tributes to anyone. And besides, as you know, I am not the loyal type so… it may happen that, sometimes, I just want to have a cam session with a Goddess I’ve never visited before. Being forced to follow her page in order to do so, makes the whole thing less appealing.

3. It helps you find new Goddesses

This is another “plus” to other sites similar to this one. You can easily browse through models present on the site and it gets super easy to look around and get intrigued by Goddesses you didn’t know before. They display models in various ways, including the classic “who is available for cam” one, which makes it super easy to find a Goddess to have a cam session with. 

4. You can easily call your Goddess

This is not just one of the many fan sites out there, which are basically just a way to buy pictures or videos from your Goddess. She can even have a page only to offer cam sessions if she wants to, and calling her is just the click of a button. The quality of the call? No need to worry about it, I have never had a single issue with it. It works flawlessly each and every time. I would actually be interested to hear other people’s feedback on this, just to see if I have just been lucky or…it just works.

5. You get the full experience

As I said above, our Financial Domination experience doesn’t have to be limited to the duration of a cam session: and this is exactly what happens here. Anytime you want to be in touch with your Goddess, you simply open the site and, even if she is not online, you can browse through the content she posted, send tributes, send a text message. More than once I’ve sent a text message to a Goddess that was offline on the site, and she answered right away, while she was either shopping or doing whatever other thing in her life. It’s more or less like having her WhatsApp contact: anytime you want to send a message you can, and most of the time you’ll get an answer at times when she usually isn’t available. This makes my Financial Domination experience way longer than a cam session…it can basically last the whole day if I need it to.

6. It’s super easy to use

This might be a minor thing at first since we more or less adapt to anything, but when using a site feels fast and easy, you end up using it more and more. And that’s what happened to me. Everything comes easy and fast, and the whole look of it is nice (in my opinion at least).

7. Lots of payment options

We get back to the thing I was talking about at the beginning of this article: if 12 years ago it would have been ok to only have Visa or Mastercard as payment options, that’s not the case anymore these days. We need to be able to use credit cards, Paysafe cards, PayPal, direct banking, and so on… and this site offers all these options (some with a bit of a cost though). 

So, is this site perfect?

Not at all, and I don’t pretend to have every one of you get so enthusiastic about it as I did. But this is how I am, I tend to get over-excited about products and sites when I think they bring something new and smart to the table, I guess it’s related to the fact that I’m a technology enthusiast, I don’t know. 

This site has of course many rooms for improvement, one for sure is the lack of ability to search models based on interests, and I’m sure you can easily find other reasons for this site not to be perfect. But the whole meaning of this post was that, for me, the time for a cam-session-only Financial Domination experience is over: it’s time to evolve, it’s time to add something more to it, it’s time for feeling closer to the Goddesses I spoil. 

Goddesses you can already find there

If I said I’m spending the most on this site, it obviously means that many Goddesses already have an account there. To save you some time, I’m listing them all here.

Needless to say…visit them at your own risk. As you well know, they are the best of the best…

Some feedback I received

If you don’t want to trust my words on this… take a look at the feedback I received from a couple of goddesses who tried this site:

Quick and HUGE drain with Goddess Adriana

Quick and HUGE drain with Goddess Adriana

If there is one thing I’ve learned today, is that you can never know what will happen in a session: only the Goddess does. Even when you think it will be just an ordinary, quick, and probably not expensive session well… you can be terribly WRONG.

The thing is, today I was home alone for just a few minutes. It was unexpected and the amazing thing was that, exactly when I was left alone, I was writing a message to Goddess Adriana, congratulating her with one of the last pictures she posted on Twitter.

Before I could finish the message though, I realized I would have been home alone for like 15 minutes, so I thought of adding to the message a simple thing like…

“feels great to compliment you while being home alone for 10 minutes”

In the back of my mind, I was kinda hoping to end up seeing her for a few minutes. A quick non-expensive session that would have let me admire Goddess Adriana’s beauty and elegance once again. The thing is…

“non-expensive” isn’t part of Goddess Adriana’s dictionary

She quickly answered that message with a simple “Call me“. And damn it felt exciting. I didn’t waste a single second and did that. 

When her cam opened my jaw dropped to the floor, probably with a loud noise. She was absolutely magnificent. She was wearing some incredible shiny pantyhose that were almost hypnotic to me. An elegant dress, perfect makeup, and heels to die for matched those perfectly. 

I a matter of seconds, I lost control of my brain.

Goddess Adriana in pantyhose and sandals

What happened afterward was something that never happened to me before: she kept asking for one tribute after another, like one tribute every 3 minutes or so. All the time crossing and uncrossing her long legs, talking to me with her sexy voice, driving me crazy. 

After 10 minutes I had to quickly leave as I heard someone coming back home… So I closed the video call and apologized to her.

“Send me one last tribute, then go to the bathroom with your mobile”

As a robot, I did as told. Went to the bathroom, locked the door, and waited. After a few seconds, she sent me a short video of her dangling the shoes, adding to that just a short but clear message

“Come for me”

It was so incredibly hot. So unexpected of Her. It didn’t take me more than 5 seconds to come. It was beautiful. When I came back to my desk I checked my balance: she had taken 300$ in less than 10 minutes

Beauty, Elegance, and Power. Once again She showed me how special and unique She is. And gave me another explanation (if there was any need) as to why I have been serving her for ages now. Visiting her cam is an experience that will leave a huge mark on you, one of those things that you will never regret or forget. If you still didn’t, go to her private room and let Her show you how powerful She is…

Goddess Adriana: When elegance meets power

Goddess Adriana: When elegance meets power

It’s no secret that Goddess Adriana is very special to me: if you’ve followed this blog long enough, you’ll know that what I feel for Her is deeper than the usual infatuation for a Goddess, and this brought me to try things with Her that I’ve never tried with anyone else before. 

But why is that?

Of course, it would be wrong for me to reduce my feelings for Her to just a single characteristic, a single aspect of Her. But I’m sure there is one thing, one specific thing that anyone who has seen her at least once, noticed and will agree with me on.

Her impeccable dressing style

Each time you visit her videochat, you’ll know that you will be in front of a Woman dressed in a perfectelegantflawless way. She takes care of everything till the minimum detail: her hairstyle, her makeup, her dress and nylons (of course, always present), her expensive shoes…and even her earrings and necklace will be different depending on the outfit she chooses.

This, alone, is something so unique and rare that will immediately put you at your place: you are inferior, Her power starts getting you as soon as you see Her. With no chance to escape.  

My last session with Her wasn’t an exception

For a few days, I’m all alone at home. This, of course, makes me way more vulnerable to financial domination, since my instincts can’t be stopped by my lack of privacy. So, a couple of days ago, I was sitting at my computer reading the news, when a message on Skype popped up.

“I think you should stop doing what you are doing and serve me. I know You can’t say no to me”

It was Goddess Adriana of course, and reading those words made my body start to react in a very familiar way. I needed to see Her. I needed to be under Her power. 

In a matter of minutes, I was in her chatroom.

As I said above, this wasn’t an exception to her impeccable dressing style. She had straight hair, with some of them falling partially covering her beautiful face. Her perfect makeup was made more intense by the bright red lipstick, while a pair of long earrings matched supremely her face.

As a dress, she had a short black one with lace on her sleeves: what made that dress special was that it left her shoulders in full view. Under that, a pair of Wolford Satin Touch pantyhose and Louboutin’s So Kate Patent black. 

My eyes nearly popped out when I saw her. I couldn’t close my mouth and didn’t even type a word for a quite long time, making her wonder if I was actually there or not. 

She crossed and uncrossed those endless legs, rubbing them together to let me listen to the noise of the nylon. Her constant dangling made the whole situation even worse for my brain. In a matter of minutes, I was totally lost. Deeply falling for Her, ready to do anything she was going to ask me. Ready to spoil her, to serve her, to worship her in any possible way.

On top of that, she kept whispering tempting words and commands the whole time, with such a voice that couldn’t be ignored. I was wearing headphones, and it really felt like I was being hypnotized on purpose by Her. It felt like she used that tone of voice on purpose, to enter into my mind, even more, to make me even weaker and hopeless. 

And she succeeded. I spent more than 600 Euros and, when the session ended, I didn’t regret any of that. Because every moment spent with Goddess Adriana, is a precious one. 

Ready to serve Her?
Serving Goddess Adriana is probably one of the best decisions you’ll ever take. If you are ready to take this step, click here and visit her chatroom. You’ll be one of the many that get trapped by her beauty, elegance, and power. But isn’t that what we all want?

Goddess Adriana is back… and I couldn’t be happier

Goddess Adriana is back… and I couldn’t be happier

Sometimes life is really amazing: the least expected thing can happen, like someone you thought you’ve lost forever showing up again, even after years.

If you follow this blog for a while (thank you for that!) you know that there are some Goddesses that actually “gave” me something really unique, something I experienced with them for the first time or only with them. To make a couple of examples, OneGreatDiva is the one that made me a moneyslave, Goddess Ishtar the one I had the most intense experience ever with. And then…. there is one which made me experience for the first time many things, one I could never forget, one I thought left the findom scene for good… Goddess Adriana.

I had a couple of sessions with Her in 2013, but it was 2014 the year I totally got obsessed with Her. It’s tough to describe why, as there isn’t just a single reason why she hit me so hard, but Her elegance, beauty, style, brain surely had a huge impact on that.
During that year only, she made me experience things I didn’t even think I would have liked so much: She was the first taking control of my computer with TeamViewer, the first making me spend more than 2.000$ in a single session, the first making me feel truly owned and loyal to Her…just to name a few.

Then, around the end of 2014, She basically disappeared, stopped being on cam. At first, I thought maybe it was a long vacation, but days passed by, then weeks, then months…till I got the feeling She left for good. Nothing wrong with that of course, I’m well aware that any of the Goddesses I serve and enjoy could decide to stop being on cam and explore something else in real life, leaving me totally out of it with no explanation or goodbye. It’s normal, I’m just one of the many slaves…why would they need to tell me anything?
I don’t know why she stopped but She made it in a way that let me get used to it in my own time. It’s not like she told me all of sudden “this is the end of my Findom experience” (that would have made me desperate, I’m sure), instead I had to learn it in time, always hoping to see her again…till, after a couple of years passed, I lost hope completely.

Boy, I was wrong.

It was my last day of freedom this summer (remember? I was all alone at home) and I was surfing the Findom web, not even looking for a session. And that’s when I saw Her. She was online, here on her old profile, the same I’ve been visiting many many times before.
I couldn’t believe my eyes: was it really Her? Was she really back for good? Still in findom or, perhaps, selected something else?

I entered into her free chat and was more than pleased to see that She actually remembered me! It was like no time has passed, everything was exactly as before between me and Her. The same feelings, the same desire, the same needs in myself.

A not too long time passed before I entered Her video. And, again, everything was exactly as before. She is as beautiful as before (if not more), Her elegance remained intact, her smart brain, her sensual moves…everything was as if 4 years didn’t pass at all.

The draining of my wallet was pretty hard that night, and more sessions happened afterward. Why did I wait so long before writing about it? Well because I couldn’t believe She was really back, I was scared to see her disappearing once again…but now, after a couple of months, I’m pretty sure She’s here to stay. And I couldn’t be more happy about it.

Goddess Adriana is probably the most elegant Goddess you’ll ever have the luck to serve. Smart, sensual, greedy…once you enter into Her net, there is no way back. You’ve been warned. If you think you have what it takes, click here and see Her for yourself.

Creating the perfect Goddess

Creating the perfect Goddess

There was a movie when I was a kid that always fascinated me (probably because I’m a nerd, and everything about computers gets me going).
It was called Weird Science and, basically, it was about two guys creating the woman of their dreams (Kelly LeBrock, nice choice by the way) with a computer.
Let’s say it was kinda a modern version of  Frankenstein…and boy I loved it!

Now…what if I could create the Goddess of my dreams? What ingredients would I put, if I could take something from each Goddess I had the privilege to serve? Let’s play…and I hope none of these Goddesses will get offended by my’s just a game and believe me…I consider all of You amazing and powerful ?
Let’s go from head to toes, shall we?

I’ve never seen anyone with hair as long and beautiful as Goddess Ishtar. I don’t have a “thing” for long hair, but hers always fascinated me totally.

Click here and be Goddess Ishtar's moneyslave

All of the Goddesses I’ve ever served are smart, don’t get me wrong here…but if I could choose one, then I would surely choose OneGreatDiva. Her achievements in life speak for this, and my experience with her evil side completes the picture. Smart and evil at its best. Oh, and did I mention she can also be fun when she wants? Amazing.

Goddess Kmy has a wonderful face, almost like a doll. She doesn’t show her face to everyone, but if you will be loyal and worthy enough you will be rewarded by the privilege to admire her incredible, beautiful, fantastic blue eyes.

In my opinion, it’s rare to find a woman with bad looking lips (i have a colleague that has almost nonexistent lips: that’s what I call ugly…but it’s rare!)…and it’s also very rare to look at Goddess’s lips and being unable to move away. And if She uses them at her own advantage…you are doomed.
So who has the best and most powerful lips ever? OneGreatDiva. No doubts about it…see them to believe it.

First of all: I didn’t have the luck to listen to every one of the Goddesses I’ve served. But among those I’ve had a chance to listen, I think OneGreatDiva is the one that, when she speaks, always puts you in your place (at her feet, basically). Beautiful and perfect English, clear and sexy voice.

Well… Jessy Princess Bernini surely has been the one impressing me the most on this matter. Beautiful and big…huge I would say. In a word: amazing.

Many of the Goddesses I’ve served have a fantastic ass, but if I could choose the very best one I would go for Mistress Alexya. She has an incredibly perfect body, and her ass just reaches perfection.

Long, perfect, slender legs. Goddess Lana‘s fantastic legs are meant to make anyone weak as soon as she crosses them. That matches her love for short dresses and pantyhose…a killer combination for me.

I’ve always said it and I will never stop doing so: MsClassy has the most beautiful arched feet I’ve ever seen in my whole life. And believe me, being a foot fetishist I’ve seen a lot of them (virtually). Ever since I saw her the first time I was shocked by the arch of her feet, and today I still am each time I see Her.

This kinda hurts me a bit, because she’s not a domme anymore. Goddess Adriana always had a different outfit, and each time it was elegant, sexy, and with awesome pantyhose or stockings. The way she moved was just awesome, like a cat I would say. Each step she took was meant to be admired and worshipped. Her shoes drove me crazy each time I saw a new pair. It was like a dream coming true finding a Goddess with a style identical to what I consider the perfect style any woman should have. And it hurts to think I won’t be able to worship her anymore.

Wow….now that I’ve finished…i’m starting to imagine this creature…and i guess She could easily rule the whole world…don’t you think?

It’s over. I’m done

It’s over. I’m done

It happened quickly, with no warning or any sign that could lead me to think it could have happened. I was just out with my wife and She was dressed in the way i love: short tight dress, black pantyhose. She was stunning. I looked at her…. and suddenly i got “hit” by the thought:

“do i really need anyone else in my life?”

The thing is that, till i met Goddess Adriana, i’ve always been a slave for “fun”, or anyway not a loyal slave…i mean i wasn’t really letting any of those Goddesses enter my everyday life. Well ok, there was one exception, and that was One Great Diva…that didn’t come into my everyday life just because She didn’t want it, She thought i wasn’t ready (…and She was right, as always)….because otherwise i would have been in serious danger with her…

Anyway, generally speaking, i have always lived this situation in a way that, even if still dangerous and difficult to handle, it didn’t really make me feel too guilty with my everyday life. Because, till recently, i always managed to separate the two worlds.

I was a slave in certain moments, and the usual perfect family man the others.

And so when i realized that this was going out of control, that i was letting Goddess Adriana actually interfere my everyday life…it didn’t feel right. And so, today, i am saying it.

It’s over. I’m done being a loyal slave. 


Does it mean i will stop visiting those Goddesses in videochat? No. But i won’t let anyone of them come too close to me. It would be wrong, too much wrong, and would make me feel awful.

And what about Goddess Adriana? Well, she was the first one i spoke with about this, and she understood it all. She said she knew i wasn’t ready, and she was the one suggesting me to stop seeing her (a decision i already took by myself actually).

I don’t know what this blog will become from now on… but if i look at it now…it just looks plain wrong. It’s more like a Sanctuary dedicated to Goddess Adriana. I was totally nuts, totally crazy, totally out of control. But it’s over now. I won’t be the slave of anyone from now on….yes i will keep behaving as a slave because that’s my nature…but this has to be a form of entertainment for me…nothing more than that.

How it feels to be unfaithful

How it feels to be unfaithful

And so it happened: a couple of weeks ago I was unfaithful to Goddess Adriana. It was one of those nights that I’m sure many slaves know very well: you are horny, you are in need of a session with Your Goddess, but she is not around. Add to that the fact that it was my last night before a vacation…so I knew it was the last night before a long period of abstinence.

So I went to visit another Goddess. No, not one of those I spoke about here often…just another one i know but that i didn’t visit for ages. At first, it even felt kinda good… it felt like trying something new…but then, as time passed by, i realized more and more how disappointing she was. She wasn’t “getting” me, she wasn’t “right” for me, she wasn’t doing the right things…in a few words: she was not Goddess Adriana.

And so I left, after about 30 minutes of the session. Disappointed with how it went and feeling bad. Bad because i was unfaithful to the promise I made to Goddess Adriana, that she would have been my only Goddess.

I decided to write a public apology on Twitter, in the hope of feeling a bit better:

But that didn’t help much. I felt like an idiot, to be honest. I knew that Goddess could have never been like Goddess Adriana, I knew that session could have never been as good…and yet I went in and wasted money and time. And, funny perhaps, that night of course ended with me looking at Goddess Adriana’s pictures for a long time…dreaming of Her… and getting turned on by that.

The day after she answered that twit, while I was on vacation:

And, finally, 2 days ago I had a chance to visit Her again. It was wonderful…She is wonderful… and She also confirmed what I thought: I’m just one of Her slaves, so She doesn’t get mad if I am unfaithful…as She knows this will just make me pay more and more as a punishment.

More than 2000$ spent in one day

More than 2000$ spent in one day

The situation is getting out of control… anytime I see Goddess Adriana, all I want is to be there and never leave. Her perfect body, her killer outfits, her taste in nylons, her sexy moves…all of that just keep me there, in Her video, unable to go away and unable to be strong. I’m there, I’m Her slave, and I’m happy to be.

And this is the result…here’s what happened on my last two video chats with Her. I’ve spent more than 2,000$.

And the thing is….that I know this is just the beginning. Because as I’m writing, She’s not online…and I terribly miss Her.