It’s time to slow down

I’ve waited a bit to write this post because I first wanted to see if I was on the right path if I was able to keep my word. So far so good, some would say, so here I am telling you all about my good intentions.
Things were out of control
Ever since I sort of “made peace” with an old friend of mine (hint: I started using the best cam site for a paypig again), my spendings on financial domination sessions have been skyrocketing. You can see it yourself here, just take a look at the last three months of 2020 and January 2021. I have been spending the same in the past, but since 2016 I have never spent so much for so many months in a row.
That site “exposed” me to an endless list of temptations, and I just started to taste all of them, ending up spending way too much.
I don’t regret it
Let me be clear: I am happy about those months. I had so many great sessions (and yes, also wasted some money on some really bad ones) and, on top of that, I was lucky enough to find my new obsession. The one I had my last session with, at the very beginning of February. The one I wrote about here: UltimateGoddess.
So, again, I really have no reason to regret those months: but you know what I’m like, I always want to stay inside my balance. I never want my spendings on financial domination to end up hurting the people I love most, never want my sins to be the cause of some troubles in real life.
What I am planning to do
Here’s the tough part: writing down what my plans are and…try to stick to them. I have never been good at keeping the promises I make here on this blog, I have never managed to keep even one of them. I mean, this blog started with “I am writing here as I hope it will help me to stop“…and that was 11 years ago… so I don’t really look like being good in keeping my promises. But let me try once again.
My plan is to drastically reduce my financial domination spendings (meaning, no spendings at all) for at least two months. I am writing this after one month since my last session, so it seems I’m on the right path to this…but I still have to go a long way. As you all know, this is easier to be said than done, temptations are everywhere and, let’s face it, spending less doesn’t bring any sort of pleasure but… I’ll try my best. I need to slow down a bit, can’t really go on spending that much every month. I have to find a way to resist the temptation. I’ll keep myself busy perhaps, I’m not sure yet.
As you can tell, I am not sure if I will succeed, but rest assured that you will be the first to know on the pages of this blog.
Cover photo by Pixabay