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Category: FinDom sites & software

7 reasons why there is a new site I am spending lots of money on

7 reasons why there is a new site I am spending lots of money on

April 13th, 2022 update: Added the feedbacks at the end
April 23rd, 2022 update: Added more Goddesses to the list of those present on this site
May 10th, 2022 update: Added even more Goddesses to the list of those present on this site

May 9th, 2024 update: Fixed the list of Goddesses present on this site

I have been a moneyslave (or a paypig? No idea what’s the best way to call us these days) since 2009, and one of the things that come with it is the frequent need to adapt to changes.

Many things have changed in 12 years, especially on the internet: to give you an example, 12 years ago Facebook had 300 million users, now they are nearly 3 billion. Our lives changed, our habits changed…and online Financial Domination changed as well.

Changing my mind about cam sites

I wrote an article a while ago where I’ve listed the reasons why I thought a specific cam site was the best out there for a slave: at that time I was 100% convinced of it. 

Well, I have changed my mind this year. And I didn’t just change the cam site I spend my money on, I actually didn’t spend most of my money on a cam site!

The thing is that, as I said above, time changes, everything evolves, people want different things…and slaves too, since we are people, right? 

If you follow me enough, you know how much I love cam sessions, and I still believe a cam session is the maximum expression of online Financial Domination: nothing can be better than the feeling of losing control while the Goddess uses all your weaknesses right in front of you, giving orders you can immediately follow. But why should our Financial Domination experience be limited to just the duration of a cam session?

A site that makes the whole Financial Domination experience possible

I want to be able to send a message to the Goddess whenever I am thinking of Her, at the same time being sure that I am not wasting her time doing so. I want to tribute Her anytime I feel the need to. I want to be more in touch with Her and, if She wants, perhaps spend money to see some special content from Her. A cam site simply isn’t enough anymore. 

That’s why I decided to write here what made me change my mind, what made me spend the most on this one instead of on cam sites this year: here are the 7 reasons why that happened.

1. You never waste your Goddess’s time

This, to me, is the most important one. I have the highest respect for the Goddesses’ time, and the least I want to do is waste even one second of it. If She gives me a tiny bit of attention, she deserves to be compensated if she wants to. That’s the beauty of this site. She can decide to get paid for text messages or set them free. She can post content to be unlocked with a fee or not. She has complete control of what she wants us to pay or not pay, and this makes me feel sure that I will never be wasting her time

2. It is not mandatory to subscribe to the Goddess page

I hate sites like OnlyFans on which, basically, you need to pay a subscription to every model you want to interact with. I want to be able to have a cam session with a Goddess without having to subscribe to a page first, I want the freedom of sending messages or tributes to anyone. And besides, as you know, I am not the loyal type so… it may happen that, sometimes, I just want to have a cam session with a Goddess I’ve never visited before. Being forced to follow her page in order to do so, makes the whole thing less appealing.

3. It helps you find new Goddesses

This is another “plus” to other sites similar to this one. You can easily browse through models present on the site and it gets super easy to look around and get intrigued by Goddesses you didn’t know before. They display models in various ways, including the classic “who is available for cam” one, which makes it super easy to find a Goddess to have a cam session with. 

4. You can easily call your Goddess

This is not just one of the many fan sites out there, which are basically just a way to buy pictures or videos from your Goddess. She can even have a page only to offer cam sessions if she wants to, and calling her is just the click of a button. The quality of the call? No need to worry about it, I have never had a single issue with it. It works flawlessly each and every time. I would actually be interested to hear other people’s feedback on this, just to see if I have just been lucky or…it just works.

5. You get the full experience

As I said above, our Financial Domination experience doesn’t have to be limited to the duration of a cam session: and this is exactly what happens here. Anytime you want to be in touch with your Goddess, you simply open the site and, even if she is not online, you can browse through the content she posted, send tributes, send a text message. More than once I’ve sent a text message to a Goddess that was offline on the site, and she answered right away, while she was either shopping or doing whatever other thing in her life. It’s more or less like having her WhatsApp contact: anytime you want to send a message you can, and most of the time you’ll get an answer at times when she usually isn’t available. This makes my Financial Domination experience way longer than a cam session…it can basically last the whole day if I need it to.

6. It’s super easy to use

This might be a minor thing at first since we more or less adapt to anything, but when using a site feels fast and easy, you end up using it more and more. And that’s what happened to me. Everything comes easy and fast, and the whole look of it is nice (in my opinion at least).

7. Lots of payment options

We get back to the thing I was talking about at the beginning of this article: if 12 years ago it would have been ok to only have Visa or Mastercard as payment options, that’s not the case anymore these days. We need to be able to use credit cards, Paysafe cards, PayPal, direct banking, and so on… and this site offers all these options (some with a bit of a cost though). 

So, is this site perfect?

Not at all, and I don’t pretend to have every one of you get so enthusiastic about it as I did. But this is how I am, I tend to get over-excited about products and sites when I think they bring something new and smart to the table, I guess it’s related to the fact that I’m a technology enthusiast, I don’t know. 

This site has of course many rooms for improvement, one for sure is the lack of ability to search models based on interests, and I’m sure you can easily find other reasons for this site not to be perfect. But the whole meaning of this post was that, for me, the time for a cam-session-only Financial Domination experience is over: it’s time to evolve, it’s time to add something more to it, it’s time for feeling closer to the Goddesses I spoil. 

Goddesses you can already find there

If I said I’m spending the most on this site, it obviously means that many Goddesses already have an account there. To save you some time, I’m listing them all here.

Needless to say…visit them at your own risk. As you well know, they are the best of the best…

Some feedback I received

If you don’t want to trust my words on this… take a look at the feedback I received from a couple of goddesses who tried this site:

8 ways you can STILL have online sessions while stuck at home with your wife (updated, were 5!)

8 ways you can STILL have online sessions while stuck at home with your wife (updated, were 5!)

This post has been updated since its first release, with a few ideas sent by readers of this blog and followers on Twitter

Probably the vast majority of married slaves out there are facing now a huge problem: they are locked up at home with their wives, and serving their Goddess seems impossible.

While surely this won’t be an easy task for anyone, I thought of making a list of the methods I came up with, after ages of experience in online sessions while being married.


1. Lock yourself in the bathroom

This is probably the oldest method to hide from your wife, and it almost never fails. Of course, you are limited to use your mobile phone to have the session with your Goddess, but at least you have some time for yourself. This doesn’t work well if you are used to leaving the bathroom door unlocked all the time (crazy!) or if you are one of those who are always very quick in there (how you do that, I’ll never know)

2. Go to bed early

Yes, this can be an easy solution. When is the only time your wife isn’t around? During the night when she sleeps. So why not wake up in the middle of the night, like 3 am, and have a session with your Goddess? 

Little problem here is that your Goddess also has to be around at that time, so check that up first. But if she’s available to have a late-night session, or if your timezone difference makes this even more possible, by all means, go for it.

3. Lock your wife in another room

A bit extreme but, if played right, it can actually work! Pretend the door lock is suddenly broken, or that you wanted to make a prank to her but it got wrong because the lock got broken. Then, all in panic, pretend you call someone to fix the door, and that it will take them 1 hour or more to get there since everything is locked up because of the Corona Virus. The perfect solution for a longer session, although it can’t be repeated more than once I guess. It works best if you can lock her in the kitchen or in any other room where it won’t be too hard for her to spend one hour (hint: a television should be present), that way she won’t shout at you for too long.

4. Find her an online lover

You need to be careful here since this could backfire big time when the lockdown is finished. A way to have time on your own is to keep her as much busy as possible so…why don’t you find someone who can pretend to hit upon her? It works better if he’s handsome and even better if you can trust him (unless you want to get rid of her for good!). Once she will start flirting with him, she will spend more and more time on her mobile, probably as much away from you as possible, giving you plenty of time to spend with your Goddess. As weird as this sounds, it can actually work in giving you the little bit of privacy that you desperately need.

5. Pretend you need to be isolated from her

Ok, this is maybe not a very serious method…but let’s just pretend we are serious. Works only during a pandemic but hey, that’s where we are now! Just tell her you’ve been in the same room with a person that was discovered having the Corona Virus and, for her safety, you need to be totally isolated from her for 14 days. You need your own room and bathroom for this, but for the next 14 days, she won’t be able to be in touch with you, giving you plenty of time to have as many sessions as you want!

6. Watch a movie she hates

It’s quite common to sit down and watch a movie after dinner, before going to bed. But what if you decide to watch something your wife hates? Like a horror movie? If you stick to it, she will most probably go to bed, leaving you all the time in the world to go and visit your Goddess.

7. Take long bike rides

This can be done only if the situation in your country allows that, but if it does… go out for a bike ride, look for a secluded park bench, get your smartphone and…enjoy some time with your favorite Goddess!

8. Wake up early

Does your wife usually wakes up late, especially now that she’s not working? Perfect! Wake up early and enjoy some long, long, long time for yourself. Well, better said…time for your Goddess!

Of course, this post doesn’t really pretend to have the right solution for your specific situation, but I hope it will give you some ideas. While this pandemic goes on, we must try to live it as best as possible so for us, online slaves, it becomes mandatory to find a way to still go online while the wife is home. What’s your method? why don’t you tell me here in the comments section how you are hiding your sessions from your wife in this quarantine times?

How to easily zoom text in Skype 10

How to easily zoom text in Skype 10

Not one of my usual posts today… but I think this one might come in handy to many people, especially Goddesses. 

I’m sure we all use Skype A LOT for videochat, and I’m also quite sure many Goddesses have the screen not all the time closer to their eyes. Thing is, with the new Skype, there is one little probem: setup a specific font face and size is impossible.

That sucks: wouldn’t it be nice if you would be able to have a way bigger text size in chat, so that you can see it from a distance?

Well… if you don’t know how to do it, simply follow my guide here…and thank me later 🙂

Oh and before you ask… I own a Windows PC and I know NOTHING about MACs…so this will be for Windows only. Guess there must be something similar on iOs…but I really don’t know.

When you are on Skype program window, simply press and release ALT on your keyboard.

A new menu will show up on top and, from that one, simply select the “View” option. 

Under that, you’ll see a nice “Zoom in” thing to click on… that’s it! Repeat that for as many times you want to zoom in (or use the shortcut displayed) and… make Skype text as bigger as you want! 

Yes I know, the picture is about the italian version of Skype…but I’m sure you’ll manage to understand it..right? 🙂

Spot a Fake Goddess in a few easy steps!

Spot a Fake Goddess in a few easy steps!

Fake profiles are everywhere recently: fake Goddesses, fake slaves, fake friends…fake whatever! And what really puzzles me, is that it’s SO EASY to spot them and yet…many people seem to be trusting them! I mean come on… how can you trust a Goddess that’s using pictures from an Instagram Celebrity?

Oh wait…maybe this is the real problem: You don’t know how to spot them!

Let me help you… it’s VERY easy. All you need is laptop and Google Chrome.

Spot a Fake Goddess with Google Chrome

So, as I said, you’ll need to use Google Chrome. If you don’t have it, go and install it from here.
Now go on the profile that you want to verify, and use one of their pics. You don’t need to save it, you’ll just have to right click on it. To make a test, I’ve uploaded a pic on my Facebook Profile that you can use for practice: here it is.

If it’s not already opened in full screen, click on the picture. Now Right click on it.

You’ll see lots of options coming up, one of them being the magical… “search for this image on Google“. That’s the one you’ll want to click!

Chrome will use the Google Image Search option with that picture, loading up all pages that have it. If it’s a celebrity, or anyone already posted online, you’ll easily be able to get it.

Who’s the one in the pic in this case? An Italian celebrity, Maria Teresa Buccino. Of course, you can use this same “trick” on any site: Twitter, Tumblr, Facebook, whatever.

Hope this helps…let’s fight those bastards using fake pictures to get money from slaves!


The best cam site for a slave, 3 reasons why this one wins big time

The best cam site for a slave, 3 reasons why this one wins big time


I’m online since like forever now, and i’ve always visited camsites: it has always been the best way (for me) to live my financial domination fetish. A direct interaction with the Goddess, and other reasons i’ll explain below, made me a more or less… a camsite-fan.

These days there are dozens of different camsites, and sometimes it can be difficult to choose which one to go to. I’ve tried more or less all of them, and I still remain loyal to the very first I’ve visited ages ago: this is the site I’m talking about.

Many times i’ve been asking the reasons behind my choice, so why not sharing them here?

Unless you pay, you can’t see the Goddess

This is crucial in my opinion: i want to show Her my total respect as soon as i decide to see Her. I want to give the right value to Her precious time, even if it’s just the first time we meet online. I find all those free cam sites quite cheap or, at least, not perfectly suited around financial domination. We get excited while spending money for a gorgeous woman teasing us, sowhy should it be free to see her? In the site i’ve chosen, all you can see if you don’t pay are pictures of the goddess (or a short teasing video). Nothing else. And usually if you are not registered to the site, you can’t even see the pictures. This is great in my opinion, as it helps keeping away lots of time wasters or fake slaves.

They take money directly from your credit card

You don’t buy credits upfront, you don’t have any sort of way to save your bank account. Money just flows from your credit card to the site, without you having to going out of the chatroom to recharge your account. This makes it all more dangerous of course…but also way more exciting. Too many sites today have this thing about credits, and i really hate it. I want to feel the risk, i want to feel myself in trouble while i’m in chat. If She slowly starts removing her shoe, and she’s very slow in doing that, i don’t want to risk my credits to end in that moment. I just want the session to go on, as it should and facing the risks i’m ready to face. As soon as i get in, i want to feel in danger.

Best place to find Goddesses

Ok this can look quite personal, as i know we are all different as slaves. But trust me, this site is the one where i’ve always found the best Goddesses, especially when it comes to those into Findom and NOT just into leather clothes, whips and chains. You know i’m always looking for elegant dressed Goddesses, that tease me with their shoe slowly dangling, or their foot coming out of the shoes…i am definitly NOT looking for a Goddess dressed in leather, with a strapon dildo telling me she wants to use her whip on my ass. Actually…i’ve met there ALL the Goddesses i speak about on my blog… so to me…that’s more than enough to say it’s the best place to find them.


I am not saying this is the perfect camsite for everyone, nor I’m stating it’s one of the best camsites out there. Perhaps there are better sites in terms of video quality, design, and everything. But in the end, all I’m looking for is to be in danger while having a chat with a beautiful woman. And this is exactly what this site offers me. So if you want to give it a try, there’s a link to it below. And if you disagree with me, feel free to let me know in the comments of course!

>>> Visit the site <<<