What it is like to be one month alone

Remember when I wrote that I was going to be alone for more than one month? At that time I was looking forward to it, defining it “dangerous and exciting“.
That month ended at the end of July… care to know how was it? If you don’t, stop reading and move on because that’s what this post is about! If not…let’s have a look together at what I learned during this month of “freedom”.
Being alone is EXPENSIVE
This is kinda obvious, and I surely expected that. I’ve spent nearly 2.000$ this month, one of my most expensive months so far. When you are home alone, you have all the chances in the world to go for a session. No one can stop you, no one can limit you, no one can catch you. Least that can happen is…spending a lot. And yes, it happened.
Being alone brings MISTAKES
This is connected to the point above: you have so much freedom, so much chances to go and have sessions that, especially at the beginning, you throw money in the trash. It has been a while since I felt angry after a session…but I sure did after one I had last month. As soon as it finished (kinda expensive too) I started feeling angry with myself, regretting all the money I’ve spent, thinking whom I could have spent them with and have a WAY better time. Because ok chances to have a session were endless but…money was not!
Being alone makes you SLEEPLESS
Damn, I never slept LESS than I did last month! At one point I was almost like a zombie… in front of a computer screen till VERY late at night, every night. Always on Twitter, Camsites… everywhere Findom was, I was. For many hours a day. Was it a good decision? Hell NO! Lacking sleep made me enjoy even less the free time I had. So that was the worst decision ever!
Being alone is FUN
At the end of the day, all those bad things apart, I damn had a nice time (especially online of course). I needed that. Be able to do whatever I wanted, at whenever I wanted, for however long I wanted. Damn, it felt good! Having a session without being scared of someone hearing me or catching me, without having to think about the noise I made. Just logging on, having fun. That’s all!
Being alone is SAD
This came at the end of this long month… like last few days. I started missing my wife A LOT. Of course, we’ve been in touch a lot through WhatsApp, Skype and so on…but holding her in my arms, talking to her during lunch and dinner…well…that’s priceless and I did start missing all that A LOT. That’s also why I didn’t even think of having a session ever since she got back. Of course, I will (very soon lol)…but these days all I wanted was to enjoy her company. Be with her and happy with her. Findom wasn’t part of my life at all (apart from the casual twit now and then).
All in all, it has been a rough month. The longest period I’ve ever been alone since I got married. Don’t know if or when it will happen again but… It surely was fun π