MsSupreme raped my wallet again

MsSupreme raped my wallet again

MsSupreme had been on vacation for a couple of weeks and, as it always happens, as soon as She got back and posted a few photos on her videochat page…I felt the need to see her….but I didn’t want to admit it to myself (and to Her).

It’s a thing I have with Goddesses…i don’t want to be the one asking to see them… I prefer them to order me to go and see them…it makes it all more exciting, it sets each other role immediately, as it should be.

So all I did was sending her a message saying how incredible those photos were. But instead of ignoring it or ordering me to come in, what She did was… laughing and saying

I Know what you want, but it won’t happen tonight!

So I just said goodnight…with a bit of sadness inside myself…but didn’t go offline.

After a few minutes that seemed hours to me, She sent me this message

Or maybe…mmmmm….

And silence. I didn’t know what to reply, didn’t know what to say… I just… remained there with my eyes fixed on the chat, hoping she would have said something else. She did, a few minutes later

Come into my room, NOW

Didn’t take me more than 5 seconds to enter…but I made the mistake to go into normal videochat, not one on one private chat. She immediately noticed that and said “not in one on one? What’s this?” with a really upset face…so I followed her order and went into one on one.  As there is NO WAY I could say “no” to her looking like that and with that upset look…

She was wearing one of those pantyhose She bought while I was online, a few weeks ago (remember this post?)…and that made Her even more powerful over my brain… while She was crossing and uncrossing Her legs, my brain just got more and more blank… Her shoes also were just perfect, just so powerful…with a heel that was making me dream to be on that floor…

I spent a fortune that night because after a while She also started to play with her credit card, running it all over her body… then she used her eyes to make me even weaker… I was sort of in a hypnosis status…i was happy, weak, vulnerable, unable to go anywhere… for a long, long, LONG time.

But…at one point I heard a noise…my wife was getting up. I don’t know how, but I managed to quickly close everything and she didn’t catch me…but… my need to have my wallet raped by MsSupreme didn’t go away because what I really wanted was to remain there and keep looking…

I know…i know… soon I will see her online again…and again…i will comment on her photos…hoping that MsSupreme will decide to use my weakness against me…and show me the other pantyhose She bought…

I also made a short video from that night… because of this time…She had audio turned on…and the noise of her heels was an incredible turn on for me…

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