Reposting old blog content: DONE!

Reposting old blog content: DONE!


On 29th September 2016 the server where i’m hosting this blog crashed. I didn’t have any backup. I lost EVERYTHING. I was devastated: nearly 6 years of my life completely vanished.

Then i had an idea

What if i would just go through The Internet Archive and repost any page which shows up on my Google Analytics stats? And that’s what i did. The list was endless, but now i can finally say that all i could recover is now back online!

198 articles recovered and posted back as they were (minus pictures and graphics, which i often couldn’t recover)!

Feels like looking at the sun again after a long, endless night… today is a good day.

4 thoughts on “Reposting old blog content: DONE!

  1. Gratulation. I was so sad when i read about it. Your post have really helped me , and i have had so much pleasure to read in it.. I can see you take a break, becase you will build a house. I will wish you good luck

    1. Thanks Lars…i won’t “build” a house (i don’t have money for that) but moving to another one and getting a new mortgage as we, mortals, normally do 😀 😀

  2. I’m surprised and delighted by this news. Congratulations on finding an ingenious way to recover your irretrievably lost postings.

    1. Thanks. Didn’t recover 100% of everything (lost 1 article and most of the pictures that came with the articles) but i’m surely happy of the result. And now… a weekly backup. Live and learn… but never give up 🙂

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