Money slave of the perfect financial domme

Money slave of the perfect financial domme

One Great Diva brought me back into financial domination… and i can easily say that i feel like i am the money slave of the perfect financial domme.

She’s beyond beautiful, sexy, intelligent, greedy… believe me, i might look like an easy target but i’m not. There are small things that help me escape from a financial domme…but One Great Diva doesn’t have any of these things. She’s just perfect.

I’m afraid she’ll keep raping my wallet over and over… she’s too perfect and i’m just too weak. Yes, i’m totally back into financial domination.

And if this post looks like a giant “TV spot” for her…well i don’t care. I write what i am feeling at this moment…and if i feel like just saying how great she is… i will keep saying that over and over, i don’t care what you all think…in the end…i opened this blog to write about my journey into the sea of financial domination…and i will keep writing what i feel like writing about…

Financial Domination: she brought me back

Financial Domination: she brought me back

Article originally posted on April 18th, 2011


It seems it was silly for me to even think Financial Domination could have been over… She brought me back into it with a…”virtual slap” i could say.

One Great Diva caught me online the other night… at first i was acting strong, well i was actually sure to be strong enough..but her attitude, her beauty, her power…made me fall all over again into Financial Domination.

She got 300$ in half an hour…and more via tributes… it’s like nothing has changed since she first made me a money slave, more than one year ago. I was so sure to be over it, to be able to control it…and then…here i am… made a money slave again by the one that brought me into Financial Domination at first: One Great Diva.

Is Financial Domination finally over?

Is Financial Domination finally over?

No, it’s not. Financial Domination isn’t over for me, not yet. But i surely slowed down recently (just updated the Current Status page)…even if the reason isn’t what i always hoped. I am not less attracted by Financial Domination, i am just busy with personal stuff and working a lot….and that just reduces the chances for me to have free time to be online…that’s all really.

And actually… i have met another Mistress recently…and She already raped my wallet a couple of times…her name? Miss Sandra… i will talk abou her another time… let me just add a couple of pictures…and i’m sure everyone will understand why she raped my wallet twice already…

Is Financial Domination finally over?

Is Financial Domination finally over?

No, it’s not. Financial Domination isn’t over for me, not yet. But i surely slowed down recently (just updated the Curreùnt Status page)…even if the reason isn’t what i always hoped. I am not less attracted by Financial Domination, i am just busy with personal stuff and working a lot….and that just reduces the chances for me to have free time to be online…that’s all really.

And actually… i have met another Mistress recently…and She already raped my wallet a couple of times…her name? Miss Sandra… i will talk abou her another time… let me just add a couple of pictures…and i’m sure everyone will understand why she raped my wallet twice already…

OneGreatDiva was here

OneGreatDiva was here

I never expected this could happen…but it did. One Great Diva decided to come here on my blog, and posted a comment on one of the articles.

This makes me feel honoured…but also, in a way, even more at risk than before. Because if i ever had some doubts, now i am sure that She reads this blog, She knows about this and She probably uses all the info i put here against me.

Is that scary? Yes it is…but also exciting. So… each time i will write here… i will know that She could maybe be reading it later… i’m sure i will.. shake while writing from now on.