The PayPig Chronicles – Episode 2: “Back after 8 years”

I started this series of posts talking about a session I didn’t enjoy much, this time it will be different. It will be about a session that brought me back in time, making me remember how gorgeous She was, and making appreciate once more the beautiful Woman she is. [click here to read the other episodes]
Episode 2 – Back after 8 years
One of the consequences of these online-only relationships we have with Goddesses is that, of course, they can end from one day to another, without any form of warning. Since we usually know only the “online version” of our Goddesses, ignoring everything connected to their private life, as soon as they decide to stop pursuing this career, they disappear from our lives. Forever. Sad perhaps, but that’s how it is. And there is nothing wrong with it.
That is exactly what I thought happened to one particular Goddess, a gorgeous, elegant, blonde with a quite evident passion for nylons and pantyhose. I used to visit Her quite often for a few years, mesmerized by her elegance, her dangling of those heels, her sweet but evil smile, her small but erotic moves. I always ended up having a great time with Her, dropping my jaw more or less every time I saw her.
She was a rare gem: always dressed in an elegant way, more or less each time dressed in a different way, always in nylons. Perhaps the three most exciting things a Goddess can have in my opinion.
Then, from one day to another, she disappeared. She didn’t log anymore into her account, leaving me with no option other than moving on.
But a few weeks ago, the unexpected happened.
I was browsing the online models, as I often do, looking for a “fix” when…I saw she was online. It has been 8 years since the last time I had a session with her: I couldn’t believe my eyes.
I looked at her photos and recognized her in a matter of seconds. Sure she looked a bit different (we all change in 8 years!), but her beauty, her style, and her elegance, were all still there. Exactly as I remembered.
Little problem: I now had a different nickname on that site. What to do? I wouldn’t dare to be as bold as pretend she remembers me: in the end, I’m pretty sure I was just one of the many slaves she had…and so many years passed by…
So I decided to get in, don’t say who I was, and pretend it was my first session with Her.
The session was amazing. Her beauty and elegance got me in trouble in a matter of minutes, her attitude was as I remember. She was calm, relaxed, even nice at times…but with a quite specific goal in mind: make me submit to Her. Which of course happened. It was a great session, and that night I went to bed quite happy: she was back.
And if that wasn’t enough, an even bigger surprise was coming…
A few days later, I went back to her hoping for a session. I entered her free chat, and asked if she was available. I didn’t get an answer so, after a few minutes, I left. Probably she was busy or something, it happens.
A few minutes passed, and I got a message on Whatsapp:
Hi, do you still have this number? You messaged me a few minutes ago
Boy, I was shocked (in a very positive way)! Not only did she remember who I was, but she also recognized me even under a different nickname! A big smile came up to my face, while I told her how incredible all this was.
She told me she recognized my style during our first session but pretended she didn’t. So we basically played the same “game” during that session…how amazing that is!? She also added that, from time to time, she kept reading my blog during all this time.
Of course, I didn’t ask her why she wasn’t online for so long (and never will ask): that’s none of my business. That night we of course had another session, and more in the next days and weeks… She is back, and I couldn’t be happier.
So, who is this Goddess?
I promised myself to don’t say names or put links in this series of articles, but since I am speaking nothing else but positively of Her, I guess it won’t harm to tell you who is she: click here and see her online. As usual, be know the danger…