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Month: December 2014

I Wish…. a MoneySlave silly poetry

I Wish…. a MoneySlave silly poetry

I wish i was rich enough to serve You all

I wish i was rich enough to buy You all shoes and stockings

I wish i was rich enough to spend hours at Your feet

I wish i was rich enough to come and worship You for real

I wish i was rich enough to give You what You deserve

I wish…but i’m not.

Life sucks.

Merry Christmas and happy New Year everyone… if i don’t post again before 31st December.

These are the arched feet that drove me crazy

These are the arched feet that drove me crazy

So the other night, as I wrote, I got crazy because of a pair of arched feet….and of course because of the Goddess that used them to make me weak…
Well… perhaps some of you would like to see those feet….perhaps not…whatever…let me just post a picture of them.

Just…perfectly arched feet in nylons.

Weakened by arched feet in nylons

Weakened by arched feet in nylons

I know I am a foot fetishist, I know I get crazy by feet in nylons… but the way an arched foot drives me crazy is, I swear, almost unnatural.

Last night I went in a room I’ve never been to before, as I do quite often recently, looking for new troubles, basically…and I found them.

I spent more than an hour in that room, I nearly told her everything for her to be able to find my personal Facebook account, I spent a lot…and the main thing that totally made me THAT weak was… the shape of her feet. Ok, she is gorgeous, has beautiful lips, has that attitude that also drives me quite crazy (making often that “I know you are going to fall for me” )…but for the most part if was that. She had beautifully arched feet as I rarely saw before, I actually think only MsSupreme has arched feet as beautiful as the girl I saw last night!

Just one picture here…but I’m quite sure I’ll be able to post more in the near future…as at the moment…I really can’t wait to see her again, to let those feet bring me in troubles again…in the end…that’s what I’m looking for.