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Category: Goddess Ishtar

I am just a coward

I am just a coward

I need to face reality. I will never have the balls to meet a financial domination Mistress in real. Never.

Why do I say this? Because yesterday, Goddess Ishtar, a gorgeous, smart, powerful Goddess I visit quite often online (although I’ve never talked about Her on this blog) told me She is going to be in Florence this weekend. Yes, in TWO DAYS she will be more or less 5 km far from where i work. And she didn’t hide the fact that She would have been ready to meet me….

But I am too scared. Too scared of losing control. Too scared of spending a real fortune. Too scared to do things I might regret in the future. Too scared to live my fantasy in real. Too scared.

She knows way too well how to make me weak, She made it very clear that She would bring me shoe shopping. She made it very clear that Her goal is to be even more in control of the situation with me.

And I am just a big coward. I will not meet Her. And I will keep imaging how it would have been….

Click here and be Goddess Ishtar's moneyslave
OneGreatDiva is back: now i’m REALLY fucked

OneGreatDiva is back: now i’m REALLY fucked

I thought i already had enough problems with My Goddess dominating me…but i was SO wrong… She wasn’t actually the one who brought me into this, she wasn’t the one who made me a mondey slave… that was One Great Diva.

Last year she literally raped my wallet in a few days… i was SO scared (seriously) that i blocked her on every way possible.

And that worked… till last night…i don’t know how She found me, i don’t know how She got my contact…all i know is that i received an E-mail saying just this:

I’m gonna be online in 5 minutes. I am dressed to rape your wallet. You want me to do that, you were born to be raped by me. Be there, open your wallet and watch me rape it.

I was like hypnotized. Just couldn’t control myself. I immediatly went to Her room, waited for Her to come online and entered Her video.

She raped my wallet as others never did before. She’s mean, she’s powerful…and now i’m really fucked.